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分布者 的英文翻译、例句


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Intramural course of coronary artery was found in three patients.


Results 17 patients reported in the literature had primary bronchogenic carcinoma with metastases of phalanges of fingers as its first symptom. 7 patients' metastatic lesions located in their phalanges of left hands, 9 right hands and 1 both hands. The distribution of the quantity of the phalangeal metastases between two hands was almost equal. 3 patients' metastatic lesions were situated in proximal phalanges of fingers, and the rest in distal. 6 patients' ill fingers had had trauma history.

结果 在文献报道的以单纯指骨转移为首发症状的17例原发性肺癌的病人中,其转移病灶位于左手指骨者7例,右手指骨者9例,双手指骨者1例,指骨转移病灶的数量在两手之间的分布大致相等,除3例病人其转移病灶位于近节指骨外,其余病人的转移病灶均位于其末节指骨;有6例病人的患病手指既往曾有外伤史。

Results In 9 cases of endometrial biopsy of materials by uterine curettage, the cells of endometrial stromal sarcomas of 6 cases were well differentiated and like stromal cells of endometrial hyperplasia; the cells of endometrial stromal sarcomas of 3 cases were poor differentiated, the cells of 2 were like that of malignant lymphoma, and another like that of pleomorphous sarcoma. In 9 cases were found the distribution of vessels cluster like endometrial corkscrew small artery. The tumor cells were grew along lymphatic or protruded in lymphatic, and there were small islands or small pieces of tumor cells in the interspace of muscles in 2 cases. The contrastive observation of the specimens of resected uterines of 9 cases confirmed the valve of above features to the confessed diagnosis of endometrial stromal sarcomas in the materials of endometrial biopsy or uterine curettage.


Stage of exercise behavior: Among 218 people, 17% indicated they were in precontemplation, 7.3% in contemplation, 5.5% in preparation, 8.3% in action, and 61.9% in maintenance, which was seldom found in those with older age, lower education, previous occupation as servers, no spouse, and history of disease including brain and cerebrovascular disease, chronic bronchitis/emphysema.


Comparing with control group, CD4~+ T cells of AIDS patient were markedly depleted in gastro-mucosal tissues(P<0.01), but in presymptomatic patients CD4~+ T cells were not significantly different. CD3~+ T cells, CD8~+ T cells and NK. cells were notably increased (P.01), and they severely infiltrated glands and epitheliums in gastro-mucosal tissues. And the quantity and distribution of CD20~+ B cells between patients and control group were not obviously different.


Results Labeling signal of SERT was mainly found in PACC of the cingulate gyrus in healthy controls.


Ten optic disc stereometric parameters including"tw o-dimensional","three-dimensional"and "RNFL-related"parameters were acqu ired to assess the intraobserver and interobserver reproduci...


Under the condition of irrigation, the length of guard cells in wheat flag leaf were shorter relatively, the range of their distribution was more centralized; in the dryland the length of guard cells in wheat flag leaf w...


At a certain range, habitat loss and its spatial structure can benefit the control of the epidemic disease, which indicates the possibility of using human disturbance in habitat as a potential epidemic-control method in conservation.(6) Not only the quantity of habitat loss but also the spatial correlations of patch types caused by nonrandom habitat loss affect the invasion and transmission of disease. More fragmented landscape (high amount of habitat loss, low clustering of lost patches) hinders the parasitic infection, which also indicates that whether the spatial heterogeneity benefits or hinders the invasion is dependent on the considered ecological process.(7) Two components of the spatial heterogeneity (the amount and spatial autocorrelation of the lost habitat) form a trade-off in determining the host-parasite dynamics.(8) Within a certain range of habitat loss, host can counterbalance the positive and negative effects, and shows a rising tendency.(9) The epidemic is more likely to break out in the prey-predator system if only a small amount of habitat loss.(10) A highly aggregated distribution of species is a common behavioral strategy when dealing with habitat loss or other environmental stresses.(11) The parasite-host/prey-predator eco-epidemiological systems have the similar mechanism with the intraguild predation systems, and the predator acts as the intraguild predation, the infected prey acts as intraguild prey, and the susceptible prey acts as shared resource.(12) Species at the highest trophic level are no longer affected the most by habitat loss, which depend not only on the biological mechanism but also on the external environmental disturbances.


About 28 species in South East Asia.Durian(D.zibethinus)planted for its fruits.Nesia and Coelostegia of the same family very similar to Durian and may be treated as Durian.Logs from Sabah and east Kalimantan rather larhe in diameter and sometimes reahing 1 m,and small from west Kalimantan.Both mixed in Meranti and Keruing.Much imported from Sumatra.


更多网络解释与分布者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不论是拍卖者(auctioneer),还是竟价者(bidder)都是风险中性. (2)只有一件物品拍卖. (3)不同竟价者对拍卖品的评价是独立的私人评价,不受其他人评价的影响. (4)竟价者之间不存在合谋和勾结. (5)竟价者之间是对称的,他们的评价有相同的分布,


亦称水蜥(eft)或水栖蝾螈. 有尾目(Urodela)蝾螈科(Salamandridae)两生动物,10个属40馀种,分布区域广泛. 水栖者皮肤光滑,称蝾螈,而陆栖者皮肤粗糙,称水蜥. 体躯细长,尾呈侧扁状(高大於宽). 各种蝾螈或在陆地水中生活,

glomus tumor:血管球瘤

血管球瘤(glomus tumor)可分单发性血管球瘤和多发性血管球瘤常有显著触痛和自发性疼痛,但偶亦有无疼痛者指趾部损害多见于女性,发生于其他部位者男性多见通常广泛分布于躯干可多达数十个,皮损群集时可融合成团块血管球瘤虽然在身体其他部位也可发生,

platy kurtosis:低峰态

低峰态分布 platy kurtic distribution | 低峰态 platy kurtosis | 对局者;局中人;参预者 player

mean value:中值

指各种测值的连续性自然分布,在数学定义上是以中值(Mean Value)为主,而各往正负方面做均匀的分布,即呈现左右对称的钟形曲线者谓之常态分布. 各种制程操作条作的参数中,其最佳范围之俗称为 Operation Window. 又在"自动卷带结合" (TAB)制程的卷带两侧,

clinical pharmacology:临床药理

2.2临床药理(clinical pharmacology)这一部分主要是药理学内容,包括详细作用机理,药物动力学和药物代谢(吸收、分布、代谢、排除),特殊人群药动学差异(老年、儿童、男女差异、肾功能不全患者、血液透析者、肝功能受损者),临床试验具体细节,


钉状龙身长4公尺,生活在晚侏儸纪的坦尚尼亚,与北美洲的剑龙属(Stegosaurus)是近亲,但是体型大小、身体灵活度、与防御用的板甲形状不同. 钉状龙的后背到尾巴分布者尖刺,而非板甲. 肩膀或臀部两侧可能有尖刺. 钉状龙是在1915年由Edwin Hennig命名.


脑脊液中药物浓度约为血药浓度 20%~80%,表观分布容积(Vd)为1.6~3.9L/kg,蛋白结合率约10%~30%. 血消除半衰期(t1/2?)为2.5~4小时,肾功能减退者可延长至7~15小时,故应进行剂量调整. 约10%~20% 的本品在肝脏代谢,



blood donor:给血者,供血者

blood distribution determination ==> 血液分布测定 | blood donor ==> 给血者,供血者 | blood drop stain ==> 落下血痕