英语人>词典>汉英 : 分层堆积 的英文翻译,例句
分层堆积 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
layer  ·  layers

更多网络例句与分层堆积相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A subsequent water-based clean is very effective in removing yield-reducing defects on the barrier layer due to the conversion of the surface of the barrier layer.


Cognition disturbance and allolalia were the chief clinical manifestations. The imageology showed that the impairment involved occipital lobe and temporal lobe most. 17 cases presented red-ragged-fibres and parking lot-like ultrastructure in 3 cases. Brain biopsy showed layerage structure. There were 15 of them carried mtDNA A3243G mutation. Conclusions MELAS Syndrome usually involved central nerve system and skeletal muscle.

主要临床表现为认知功能障碍及言语障碍,头颅影像学检查示枕叶、颞叶脑回受累为主。18例行肌肉病理检查显示17例存在破碎样红纤维,3例行肌肉电镜检查发现线粒体堆积呈停车场样排列,3例脑活检示病变皮层组织呈分层样改变,15例发现mtDNA A3243G点突变。

It will fulfill four scientific objectives, including a three-dimensional survey of the Moon's surface, analysis of the abundance and distribution of elements on lunar surface, an investigation of the characteristics of lunar regolith and the powdery soil layer on the surface, and an exploration of the circumstance between the earth and the moon.


The subsumption architecture is a way of organizing an intelligent system by means of layering task-achieving behaviors without recourse to world models or sensor fusion.


In Pattern less casting manufacturing technology by using the disperse/cumuli prototyping principle of rapid manufacturing and resin sand moulding material, the three dimensional CAD model is stratified, sliced, the information of different high section are obtained, then these section are scaned, jet solidify, the resin sand prototyping or casting model is direct obtained.


For resolving the compromising issue of traditional uniform slicing, adaptive slicing method in Pro/E environment was researched, an adaptive direct slicing algorithm was present that bases on the area change and normal vector of slicing sections.


Layer lime and garden clippings to make ''.


The layered structures, however, are not unique to water deposition, and the scenario encounters difficulties in accounting for highly soluble salts admixed with less soluble salts, the lack of clay minerals from acid–rock reactions, high sphericity and near-uniform sizes of the spherules and the absence of a basin boundary.


It's a slice/deposit technology. It slice 3D solid along a direction, abtained 2D outline data, after made all sliced plane deposit planes to deoxidize 3D sloid.
