英语人>词典>汉英 : 分层取样 的英文翻译,例句
分层取样 的英文翻译、例句


stratified sample · laminated sampling
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This study is focused on the vertical distribution, production and turnover of the fine roots in a broad-leaved and Korean pine climax forest of the Changbai Mountain Reserve.


The sampling of complicated materials were investigated. The relationship between the composite sampling variance and the number of increments was studied. The quantitative equation for estimating the composite sampling errors directly from the physical and chemical parameters of the population with multinomial distribution theory was presented. Monte Carlo simulation technique was employed to verify the above theories.

对于复杂物质的取样,研究了分层性物质的组合取样误差与份样数目之间的关系;采用多项分布理论,提出了组合取样误差公式,建立了组合取样误差与被研究总体的理化参数(如组分含量、质量分数等)之间的定量关系,通过Monte Carlo模拟技术对此进行了验证。

A data collection at the 3rd week of the postpartum period included 512 postpartum women. They were recruited in the study using proportional stratified quota sampling by birth rate from clinics and hospitals in Kaohsiung City in the southern part of Taiwan.


Then, researcher selected adequate number of classes from every region in Taipei through convenience sampling in order to maintained apposite sampling ratio of population.


The cross-sectional approach used a stratified sample, based on an initial list of electric power connections, resulting in the selection of 707 individuals over 18 years of age.


The sampling population of this study is girls at five-year, two-year, four-year and two-year technology of a selected college of commerce in Taipei City in stratified random sampling selection with class as sampling unit. A total of 424 girls are included in the formal survey and 405 valid questionnaires collected.


By the introduction of the theory of sampling constant presented by Ingamells and Switzer, the stratified sampling for segregated bulk materials were studied.


Getting the spatial information of status, function and change, we have to develop and analysis spatial data with empirical models and process models. Spatial interpolation methods were used to estimate the characteristics of population from samples. Generally, the information are belong to bioecological information of EM. Huei-Sun Forest Experimental Station of NCHU is the study area in the study.

导出多层级间的相容性推估模式,并应用由上层族群分层取样,以得下层样本的技术且由下层之样本性态值分布,往上层推估族群之性态值分布,并以预测技术及Kriging 等空间推估方法,配合假设情境解生物生态、社会经济况改变或人为干扰时,对森生态系的况与产出所造成的影响,以提供森生态系经营管所需的生物、生态资讯。

We developed the spatial information, which included DTM, topography, slope, aspect, altitude, temperature, precipitation, light soil types, soil texture, administrative zoning, forestry zoing, stream transportation network. The colored aerophotos were scanned and corrected to be orthogonal images. Then, land cover were interpretated and land-use mapping. Ecological site quality of Chamaecyparis formosensis were evaluated for productivity. Habitat suitability index of warbers and guid were evaluated for biodiversity of landscape. The restoration strategies of collapsed area after Chi-Chi earthquake were developed by land evaluation.

本研究以中兴大学实验惠荪场为,进空间资讯之建构,其内容包括DTM、地形、坡、坡向、海拔高、气温、雨、湿、光、土壤种、土壤质地、政区划、业区划、溪、交通线等分布,并用彩色航空摄影照片扫描化且校正成正射投影之影像、地覆判释、郁闭、分高分布图与土地用型图制作;由空间资库进分层取样设计,以供有效之地面调查,而进生产的生态地位评估、地景多样性的野生动物栖息地适宜评估、以及集集921 地震后崩塌地分析、评估与回策之拟定应用,结果显示空间资讯在生态系经营的政策性与策性规划应用上,相当有效。

Taking particulate material as an example, the effect of micro-homogeneity of the material on the sampling error was investigated. The variation of the analyte contents with the grain sizes, and the possibility of stratifying the population by the grain sizes were studied.


更多网络解释与分层取样相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

probability sampling:概率取样

概率取样(probability sampling)n 这种方法系指从一个研究母体中科学地筛选出一部分样本,将这部分样本视为整个研究母体的缩影. 概率取样可以分为三种形式:随机取样(random sampling)、分层取样(stratified sampling)和主观取样(judgement sampling).

Simple random sampling:简单随机取样

依抽样的方法可分: 简单随机取样(Simple random sampling)、分层随机取样(Stratified random sampling)、集群取样(Cluster sampling)等三种. 通常样本的大小决定族群目标的代表性,取样方式的正确,使样本的代表性尽量提升远比样本的大小还要重要.

Stratified random sampling:分层逢机取样

迭生筛管部 stratified phloem | 分层逢机取样 stratified random sampling | 分层次生细胞壁 stratified secondary wall

Stratified random sampling:分层随机取样法

Strangler 绞杀植物 | Stratified Random Sampling 分层随机取样法 | Stratified sampling 分层取样

rough estimate;raw estimate:概估;粗略估计

分层取样;分层取出之样本 stratified sample | 概估;粗略估计 rough estimate;raw estimate | 断面积调整;断面积规整 basal area regulation

Stratified sampling:分层取样

概率取样可以分为三种形式:随机取样(random sampling)、分层取样(stratified sampling)和主观取样(judgement sampling). 随机取样n 是指从整个研究母体中抽取一群有意义数量的人做为研究对象,母体中所有成员被选中的机会均相等,

stratified sample:分层取样;分层取出之样本

集团取样法 cluster sampling | 分层取样;分层取出之样本 stratified sample | 概估;粗略估计 rough estimate;raw estimate

stratified sample:分层采样样品,分层取样样品

"分层[现象]","stratification" | "分层采样样品,分层取样样品","stratified sample" | "分层采样,分层取样","stratified sampling"