英语人>词典>汉英 : 分叉处 的英文翻译,例句
分叉处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crotch  ·  furcately

更多网络例句与分叉处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One point Of concentration where air tube,or bronchus pides.


The point at which branching of the graph occurs is called a bifurcation point and corresponds to a critical value of the load.


A novel design scheme for digital optical switch with high extinction ratio by employing S curve waveguide at the end of the Y branch ii proposed. Higher extinction ratio then that of the device without S curve waveguide is obtained by applying certain synchronous voltage to tie Y branch and the curve electrode of tie S curve waveguide.


The distances between the confluence of anterior cerebral vein with deep middle cerebral vein and the lateral border of chiasm opticum, the crotch of ICA and MCA were (14.36±1.67) mm,(8.13±0.98) mm and (7.65±0.21) mm, respectively.


Another noted finding is that the furcation of alveolar bone played a major role on the tooth mobility of first molar.


In parietes and artery's parietes in the muscular layer of inguinal groove;in the fap can dedect convolution communicated with the artery

见于股浅动脉20 例(64.5 %),其次股总动脉分叉处8 例(25.8%)。PFPA 超声影像表现为腹股沟肌层的液性包块,瘤壁无钙化及

Generally, it can be divided into three types of floating stress, spindling stress and pressing stress, among which floating stress is the most important.


The most common locations for berry aneurysms are in the region of the anterior communicating and anterior cerebral, at the trifurcation of the middle cerebral, and at the bifurcation of internal carotid with posterior communicating.


The follow-up periods were various from 6m to 21m. The apical MTA barrier technique was used to manage pulpless permanent teeth with incomplete root formation. The postoperative radiographs showed complete repair of periradicular tissue in 5 of 7 teeth and improvement obviously in other 2 teeth. Only one case (1 tooth) had a 3mm periodontal pocket in four perforation repair cases. The lesion at the perforation sites was improved obviously.


Gusseted diamond crotch - For comfort, range of motion and to prevent a blown crotch seam.


更多网络解释与分叉处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它最宽的地方大约有190英里,是在宾夕法尼亚州西部,靠近被称为分岔口的地方,即俄亥俄河分叉流入孟农加希拉(Monongahela)和阿莱干尼(Allegheny)之处. 这里的煤矿足以建造一个工业帝国,但是在18世纪中期,这片靠近分岔口的煤藏丰富的地方,

carotid body:颈动脉体

颈动脉体(carotid body)位于颈总动脉分叉处,传入纤维位于窦神经中. 主动脉体(aortic body)散在分布于主脉和肺动脉之间的组织中,传入纤维位迷走神经内. 上述外周化学感受器受到刺激后,其感觉信号分别由窦神经和迷走神经传入至延髓孤束核,


捕手用的皮制无指手套(MITT)并无重量的限制. 但其周围大小不得超过38吋,从上端至下端不得超过15.5吋,此项限制包括手套、绳结、皮带以及手套外缘在内. 手套拇指与食指之间隔上端不得超过6吋,下端分叉处不得超过4吋,拇指与食指间之网,

xiphoid process:剑突

(3)剑突(xiphoid process) 为胸骨体下端的突出部分,呈三角形,其底部与胸骨体相连. 2.胸骨角(sternal angle) 又称Louis角. 由胸骨柄和胸骨体连接处稍向前方突起而成. 胸骨角的部位标志着气管的分叉处、主动脉弓的上缘及第四胸椎的高度.


crossyard 横桁 | crotaline 响尾蛇的 | crotch 分叉处


crossword 纵横字谜 | crotaline 响尾蛇素 | crotch 分叉处


crotch 分叉处 | crotched 成分叉的 | crotchet 小钩

crotched:成分叉的, 分成两叉的

crotch | 分叉处, 丫叉, 胯部 | crotched | 成分叉的, 分成两叉的 | crotchet rest | 四分休止符

Bifurcation, recurve and ridge endings are identical:指纹的分叉 弯曲和起皱都很相似

Now, both prints are ulnar loops.|你看,两者都是从尺骨处... | Bifurcation, recurve and ridge endings are identical.|指纹的分叉 弯曲和起皱都很相似 | I've aligned the prints along the delta.|把这些点连成三...


吸入烟草燃烧时的气体成份进入血液后,可将氮氨酸氧化成氮氨酸亚砜(sulphoxide),致使α1-抗胰蛋白酶失活,蛋白水解酶活性增强,从而使主动脉壁力量减弱. 另外,主动脉分叉上方处血流迂回,血中的致动脉粥样硬化因子与血管壁接触延长,