英语人>词典>汉英 : 分享者 的英文翻译,例句
分享者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与分享者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, as a substance, knowledge shared need to keep balance between the economical interest of knowledge owner and accepter when intellectual property institution is established.


May it answer for and acquit me, and may it make me a partaker of Thy eternal glory.


Penetration by adding new distributors in what had been protected territories; and of unethical behaviors, such as spreading false rumors, selling coercively, failing to uphold industry and professional standards, or selling products they know to be substandard.


We should become the common definer of the "new concept of responsibility", the distributor and bearer of the responsibility to maintain world order, the sharer of the i...


And that these,instead of being, as they delusively appear, indefinite, are of a strictly defined and limited description, namely, to facilitate the distribution of the produce of industry according to the convenience of those among whom it is shared.


Multilevel marketing plans, also known as "network" or "matrix" marketing, are a way of selling goods or services through distributors.


Be thou of them that have partaken of its treasures.


As a company shareholder, you are entitled to a portion of the earnings made by the company.


In such rising route of China, the PLA has been tools and policy-making participant more than being sharer of political power.


Firstly, there are less secure and efficient threshold schemes; secondly, the research on multi-secret sharing is rather weak; thirdly, usual verifiable secret sharing don't consider the partners' anonymity, while it is just people's expectation. Last but not least, the problem of variety on shares is becoming a more obvious restrict of efficiency, especially in the facets of the lost and being districted of shares. On the application of verifiable secret sharing, there are also two inadequates : on the one hand , verifiable secret sharing has been used in much threshold cryptography but in less verifiable signatures.


更多网络解释与分享者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这首歌还是我那年过40已在国泰航空(Cathay Pacific Airlines)服务超过10年的老哥凯文分享给我的,男生 ~ 被笑很 gay 佬 / 女生 ~ 吸引一堆苍蝇般的仰慕者(admirer)来看你扭腰摆臀(wiggle your hips)哪!


1985年 雅丝.兰黛推出漂亮(Beautiful), 并提出香水的选择是很有个性的, 涂香水的作用是与周围的人分享自己的个人感受和魅力. 3年后, 雅丝.兰黛又再次推出知己(Knowing),馥郁的香气更是让人无法忽略涂抹者的存在. 香料普通是油溶性的,

Boston Terrier:波士顿爹利

诚意邀请对波士顿爹利(Boston Terrier)饲养者爱好者来本部屋作交留,分享,活动等... 欢迎分享照片,心得,趣事...无任欢迎

conscientious objector:拒服兵役者

--Wally Nelson,良心拒服兵役者(conscientious objector),民权活动家及抗税者(tax resister)培训的目的是使参加者对非暴力的使用形成共识. 它提供了一个分享对非暴力、压迫、恐惧和感受的想法的讨论会. 它让人们见面,彼此建立团结,




HOJO在香港没有认识太多的人.于是他亲自访问不同的手袋工厂以寻求制造商.在这期间,他遇见了当时正在帮他亲戚经营手袋工厂的TY. HOJO和TY分享了共同的视野和哲学理念,不久TY就成为了拥抱者(HUGGER)其中之一的合作伙伴.


比如,朱光潜在>中采用德国美学家弗莱因斐尔斯(Mueller Freienfels)的说法,将审美者分成两类,一类为"分享者"(participant),一类为"旁观者"(contemplator).

participate in profits:分享利润

participate in a discussion参加讨论 | participate in profits分享利润 | participant n.参与者, 共享者adj.参与的

Ghost Whisperer:鬼语者

最佳女主角的奖项归属了 > (Ghost Whisperer)的主演珍妮弗-洛芙-休伊特(Jennifer Love Hewitt),这也是她继去年之后连续第二次获得该奖. >(Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)的演员 萨摩-格拉 ( Summer Glau )则与伊丽莎白-米切尔并列分享了最佳女配角的


swearer 宣誓者,咒骂者 | sugarer 工作偷懒的人 | sharer分配者,分派者,分享者