英语人>词典>汉英 : 分七部分的 的英文翻译,例句
分七部分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The main objects of study are algebraic varieties in an affine or projective space over an algebraically closed field; these are introduced in Chapter I, to establish a number of basic concepts and examples.


The results were summarized as follows:(1) the 4-week interval retest reliability for the Decidedness, Comfort, and Reasons scales were .69,.80, and .89, respectively, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .85;(2) the alpha coefficients for the three scales were .85,.91,.97, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .93;(3) there was a positive correlation between the Decidedness scale and the Comfort scale, and both scales were negatively correlated with the Reasons scale;(4) career indecision was found to be correlated as expected with state-trait anxiety, career beliefs, and perceived career barriers;(5) there were no significant differences between social science group and natural science group;(6) the only significant gender difference was found on the Career Choice Importance scale of the Reasons scale; and (7) there were significant grade differences on all the CCFI scale scores, with higher school grade level students showing greater decidedness.

本量表共分三部分:定向量表,安适量表及原因量表。其中,原因量表尚包含「环境资讯」、「抉择时机」、「双趋冲突」、「焦虑犹豫」、「科系因素」、「外在阻力」及「自我认识」七个分量表。做答方式采六点计分,从「非常不符合」到「非常符合」。信度方面,间隔四周的再测信度,定向量表为。69,安适量表为。80,原因量表为。89(分量表介於。78至。85间)。Cronbach alpha系数,定向量表为。85,安适量表为。91,原因量表为。97(分量表介於。78至。93间)。在效度方面,定向量表与安适量表呈显著正相关(r=。67);两量表与原因量表呈显著负相关(r=-。77及-。75);原因量表各分量表的内部相关低於各分量表与总分的相关。大学生的生涯定向程度、对生涯定向状态的安适程度及生涯未定向原因的类型三者与特质焦虑、情境焦虑、生涯信念及职业抉择阻力有关。

The first part is the author"s special viewpoint about the thinking ability, such as the meaning, the essence, the classification and the operating process. The second part describes the relations between developing thinking ability and the urgent needs of country, society and individual development from five aspects. The third part is about the connection and differences of thinking ability, intelligence, ability, creativity and the constructivism theory. The forth part analyses the teachers" nine injudicious actions that will influence the students" thinking ability. The fifth part discusses the students" seven bad learning behaviors that will cause the degradation of thinking ability. The sixth part is about the unsuitable policies or actions adopted by school, society or family that will cause the degradation of the students" thinking ability. The seventh part discusses the countermeasures that can maintain and develop the students" thinking ability. The eighth part brings forward twelve countermeasures that can exercise the student"s thinking ability in chemistry teaching. The last part gives a brief account of the task.The author expects that this article can enhance the coteries" attention to the students thinking ability.


This text is divided into seven greatest parts totally, the first part is the analysises of the combined part of technic and construction; The second part is a coordination to combined part project design;The third part is the project reasoning of the assemble tongs, synthesizing the consideration with the economic angle and the technique,choice a reasonable and oecumenical design project of the assemble tongs;The fourth part is design of assemble tongs for combined part, primarily discussing the choice of framework、localizer and clamp;The fifth part is the instruction of assemble tongs in the combined part assemble;The sixth part is the instruction of technique term and actual technique problems handles in the design; The seventh part is the design of the


They are:1 Max-Reger's biography and creation synopsis2 A summary of the structure of Partita and Fuga3 Synopsis of Chromatische Polyphonie4 Creation background of(op 132)5 Linearity writing technique of(op 132)6 Partita inheriting with innovation and Parts analysis7 Fuga melody analysis

本文将分七个部分予以陈述,分别为:一马克思-雷格尔生平及创作简介二简述变奏曲与赋格及其它赋格音乐套曲结构三半音复音音乐简介四《莫扎特主题变奏与赋格》(op 132)的创作背景五《莫扎特主题变奏与赋格》(op 132)线性写作技巧六变奏手法的继承与创新及各变奏乐章分析七赋格曲分析

This paper is mainly divided into three parts:part one includes chapter one and chapter two,three,in which the concept,characteristic,establish,development and the important function of the Intellectual Property Rights are discussed;part two consists of chapter four,five,six,seven,in which the fundamental content of TRIPS Agreement and the distance of Chinese law are talked about in details;chapter eight is the third part,as the peroration.


This work, concentrated on the asymmetric allylation of aldehydes controlled by different chiral auxiliaries prepared from rotational pure tartaric acid, can be divided into three parts.The first part aims to review the developments of chiral drugs and asymmetric synthesis, from which derived the present research topic backgrounds and works.Synthesis and applications of allylation from aldehydes are the second part of the thesis. By optimizing the reaction conditions, such as solvents, temperature, time and chiral auxiliaries like N,N\'-dibenzyl tartamide, N,N\'-p-dimethylphenyl tartamide, N,N\'-o-dimethylphenyl tartamide, N,N\'-o-dichlorophenyl tartamide, N,N\'-a-dinaphyl tartamide, N,N\'-dicyclohexyl tartamide and N,N\'-diphenyl tartamide, ideal experimenttal conditions are obtained according to HPLC monitoring, as well as the auxiliaries\' recoveries experiments. Starting from benzaldehyde and 3-bromopropaldehyde, N,N\'-dibenzyl tartamide is considered the best auxiliary in this reaction.


The thesis is composed of seven parts. The first part, introduction, introduces Wuhan city and its dialect resumptively, generalizes the actuality of the research in negation and manifests the point of the thesis.


The research method is combining historic happening with scientific research.This paper is composed of seven chapters. The preface explains briefly the reason of choosing this topic and its significance, as well as the existent research situation in the academic circle.The first chapter presents the subjective and objective historical condition of the formation and development of his view about population quality in four aspects.The second chapter gives a full play to its evolution: it gestates and germinates before the failure of the revolution in 1911, takes shape and develops in the period of Base Area. The following period after the founding of People's Republic of China is its mature time. This view also experiences twisty developments in China's exploring period of socialism.The third part focuses on its major connotations, including Mao's narration on the connotation of Population quality, his analysis of contradiction between population quality and Chinese revolution and construction and of their significance, and the way to enhance Chinese population quality.The fourth chapter makes analyses of philosophical support of Mao's view from three "adherences": adherence to basic principle of seeking truth from facts;adherence to the common acknowledged fact that the people is the main part of history;adherence to the dialectical relation between being and consciousness.


The main theme of this thesis is to seek strategies and waysfor the survival of Yantai Port in the competition and for its sustainabledevelopment, The thesis is composed of seven parts:Part One: IntroductionPart Two: Port development strategies and the significance ofresearchingPart Three: Analysis of Yantai Port" external environment Part Four: Analysis of Yantai Port"s internal environment Part Five: Analysis of transportation demands in Yantai Port Part Six: Development strategies for Yantai Port Part Seven: Major problems and policies related to thedevelopment of Yantai PortThrough analysis and prognosticating of equipments, stuff, organization and the external and internal environments of Yantai Port, we forecast the demands of transportation of Yantai Port.


更多网络解释与分七部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


heptamerous 分七部分的 | heptameter 七步格 | heptane 庚烷


septangle 七角形 | septennial 每七年的 | septempartite 分七部分的


分光仪( Spectroscope)是将成分复杂的光分解为光谱线的科学仪器,由棱镜或衍射光栅等构成,利用分光仪可测量物体表面反射的光线,. 阳光中的七色光是肉眼能分的部分(可见光),但若通过分光仪将阳光分解,按波长排列,可见光只占光谱中很小的范围,


光谱仪(Spectroscope)是将成分复杂的光分解为光谱线的科学仪器,由棱镜或衍射光栅等构成,利用光谱仪可测量物体表面反射的光线,. 阳光中的七色光是肉眼能分的部分(可见光),但若通过光谱仪将阳光分解,按波长排列,可见光只占光谱中很小的范围,


2.此外,尚含游离的蜂花醇(Melissylalcohol)即卅烷醇1%,树脂1-1.5%,廿七烷(Heptacosane)2-3%.尚含廿七醇(Ibotacerylalcohol)、蜡醇(Cerylalcohol)等. 因虫白蜡为雄白蜡虫幼虫所分泌,故此幼虫的成分也提供参考. 全虫可分虫体及蜡外壳两个部分,


heptahydrate 七水混合物 | heptahydrated 七水混合物的 | heptamerous 分七部分的


heptahydrated 七水混合物的 | heptamerous 分七部分的 | heptameter 七步格

melissyl alcohol:蜂花醇

此外,尚含游离的蜂花醇(Melissyl alcohol)即卅烷醇1%,树脂1~1.5%,廿七烷(Heptacosane)2~3%. 尚含廿七醇(Ibotaceryl alcohol)、蜡醇(Ceryl alcohol)等. 因虫白蜡为雄白蜡虫幼虫所分泌,故此幼虫的成分也提供参考. 全虫可分虫体及蜡外壳两个部分,


septennial 每七年的 | septempartite 分七部分的 | sex- == 六(亦作sexi-)


septempartite 分七部分的 | septilateral 七边的 | septfoil 七叶形