英语人>词典>汉英 : 刁难 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与刁难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apraxia of phona...


Since I have not been a citizen of the People's Republic of China, but in fact I have to exist in the territory of the People's Republic of China, I see myself as a drifting black household refugee here,any artificial work and life inconvenience with house-renting、 employment、business operation and so on caused by that, I think it comes from its natural habit of making things difficult, and to accept such an objective fact, any baffling charges arising from this declaration, personally I see it as the country's consistent act of political persecution, and so on, I individually no longer make any averment.


Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn' t give us a tea break.


Why must you be so bloody-minded?


I shouldn't have come down on you so hard about the smoking.


The court judgment finally, China's ShenPanTuan suffered a setback, facing the challenges and all the judges of the prejudice and bewilders, judges and prosecutors in China with their shoes, overcome to the laws of the United States does not understand the various factors, the court debate in the upper hand.


Soldiers in this country often use their power to embarrass and deprecate the scholars.


Soldiers in this country often use their power to embarrass deprecate the scholars.

士兵们常常 www.ssbbww.com 用武力来刁难或迫害学者。

But my first intuition, the aim of his despitefulness to the girl is very clear.


Over the years, Eddie figured he'd seen every sort of do-nothing, snarl-at-you teenager there was.


更多网络解释与刁难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


despiteful 故意为难的 | despitefully 刁难地 | desponddespondencedespondency 失去勇气


despiteful /故意为难的/有恶意的/ | despitefully /刁难地/恶意地/ | despoil /夺取/掠夺/


ornamentsfurnishings 摆设儿 | ornery 故意刁难的 | ornithine 鸟氨酸


ornate /装饰的/ | ornery /下等的/低劣的/故意刁难的/ | ornithine /鸟氨酸/

get snagged by government censors:遭政府审查刁难

接受结肠癌检查 get screened for colon cancer | 遭政府审查刁难 get snagged by government censors | 通常得到三日药 get typically three days' medicine

to be nasty about:对某事故意刁难

1187to be inclined to think倾向于这样看 | 1188to be nasty about对某事故意刁难 | 1189to be obliged to do sth.不得已而做某事

I don't mean to be snippy:我不是有意刁难

Someone's lying.|有人在撒谎 | I don't mean to be snippy|我不是有意刁难 | but we're already late for my rehearsal dinner.|我们就要错过了 我的婚宴彩排了

No, she always chastises you:没有 她刁难你后

She's tossed mea million times before.|她以前就让我丢过无数个案例 | No, she always chastises you.|没有 她刁难你后 | And you'd always come runningto mto complain.|你都会找我发牢骚


heir-继承人 | heckling--刁难 | screen-拍摄

No heckling the bowler:不要刁难打保龄球的人

I took him to the most non-sexual place I could think of.|我带他到最不会引起 性欲的地方 | No heckling the bowler.|不要刁难打保龄球的人 | Did you see that?|-你有看到吗?