英语人>词典>汉英 : 函数 的英文翻译,例句
函数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
function  ·  functions  ·  functionate

delta function · epsilon function · l function · sigma function · theta function
更多网络例句与函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though comparing Canny operator and center B spline dyadic wavelet, the following conclusion is proven in this dissertation: a Center B spline function has tight support and Canny operator hasn't. b Center B spline function asymptotic convergence to Gaussian function and the derivative of Center B spline function asymptotic convergence to Canny operator. c The derivative of fourth order center spline B function is more suitable as a optimal edge detector than Canny operator. d Center B spline function can balance the smoothing and approximation of original data, and the fourth center B spline function is the only optimal solution of two order smoothing problem. e The error between the valve of time-frequency uncertainty of the fourth center B spline function and the lower bound of time-frequency uncertainty does not exceed 0.143% of the lower bound. f The derivative of center spline B function can construct a stability dyadic wavelet and can give a fast algorithm for multiscale edge detection, but Canny operator can do neither.


Bring forward a kind of learning algorithm fitting on the base of spline function, because the spline function has good flexibility and quadratic smoothing property, the search problem of network weight functions training can be converted into the resoluting extreme value problem of the plurality function through using spline function to represent network input and link weight functions, thus the PNN can be trained with the help of the existing neural network learning algorithms;④build a kind of learning algorithm base on the alternate of Walsh function, the complexity of network computing can be decreased through using the complete orthogonality of Walsh function corollary.


The main contributions of the second part of this dissertation are focused on the cryptographic properties of logical functions over finite field, with the help of the properties of trace functions, and that of p-polynomials, as well as the permutation theory over finite field: The new definition of Chrestenson linear spectrum is given and the relation between the new Chrestenson linear spectrum and the Chrestenson cyclic spectrum is presented, followed by the inverse formula of logical function over finite field; The distribution for linear structures of the logical functions over finite field is discussed and the complete construction of logical functions taking on all vectors as linear structures is suggested, which leads to the conception of the extended affine functions over finite field, whose cryptographic properties is similar to that of the affine functions over field GF (2) and prime field F〓; The relationship between the degeneration of logical functions and the linear structures, the degeneration of logical functions and the support of Chrestenson spectrum, as well as the relation between the nonlinearity and the linear structures are discussed; Using the relation of the logical functions over finite field and the vector logical functions over its prime field, we reveal the relationship between the perfect nonlinear functions over finite field and the vector generalized Bent functions over its prime field; The existence or not of the perfect nonlinear functions with any variables over any finite fields is offered, and some methods are proposed to construct the perfect nonlinear functions by using the balanced p-polynomials over finite field.


This paper discusses such problems which are easily solved incorrectly in limitedteaching as, segment function is uncertain not to be elementary function, elementary function is un-certain to be continuous in its field of definition, unlimited variable is uncertain to be infinity, theinfinitely many infinitesimal is uncertain to be infinitesimal, the multiplication of two non- infinitesi-mal is uncertain not to be infinitesimal.

1分段函数不一定不是初等函数我们知道初等函数的定义是:常数和基本初等函数经过有限次的四则运算或复合,用一个解析式表示的函数叫初等函数。教材中的定义强调的"有限次"和"一个解析式",使很多同学产生"非有限次"和"非一个解析式"的函数就不是初等函数的误解。例1f=ceox,s xx!0为分段函数,但也可以表示为f=e12(x-x2")+cos12(x+x2#"$)-1,故为初等函数

Using the concept of Boolean functions and combinatorics theory comprehensively, we investigate the construction on annihilators of Boolean functions and the algebraic immunity of symmetric Boolean functions in cryptography:Firstly, we introduce two methods of constructing the annihilators of Boolean functions, Construction I makes annihilators based on the minor term expression of Boolean function, meanwhile we get a way to judge whether a Boolean function has low degree annihilators by feature matrix. In Construction II, we use the subfunctions to construct annihilators, we also apply Construction II to LILI-128 and Toyocrypt, and the attacking complexity is reduced greatly. We study the algebraic immunitiy of (5,1,3,12) rotation symmetric staturated best functions and a type of constructed functions, then we prove that a new class of functions are invariants of algebraic attacks, and this property is generalized in the end.Secondly, we present a construction on symmetric annihilators of symmetric Boolean functions.


The problem of multi-objective usually meet many conflict each other and can not use the objective of the same standard unit, then to employ membership function of fuzzy theory,at first each objective function to change fuzzy set and express with membership function, membership function include the maximum constraint, minimum constraint, the decrease function of monotonic property, to become optimal of the multi-objective function, but still to scanty of weighting value with regard to adjustment of objective function, thus this thesis proposes the method of combine orthogonal arrays and particle swarm optimization to solve the problem of multi-objective optimal power flow, each objective function separately add weighting value, to setting each weighting value of objective function in order to the result of anticipating.


The Production Function 生产函数 The production function shows the relationship between quantity of inputs used to make a good and the quantity of output of that good.


It introduces partial fractions of meromorphic functions, product developments of entire functions, Hadamard's theorem, Riemann Zeta functions, Poisson-Jensen's formula; elliptic functions, including simply periodic functions and doubly periodic functions; algebraic functions and algebroid functions, Riemann surface, Nevanlinna theory, including characteristic functions, the first and second fundamental theorems, growth orders, etc; complex differential equations and complex functional equations, etc.

具体为:亚纯函数的部分分式、整函数的无穷乘积展开、Hadamard定理、Riemann Zeta函数、Poisson-Jensen公式;椭圆函数,包括单周期函数、双周期函数;代数函数和代数体函数、Riemann曲面简介;Nevanlinna理论简介,包括特征函数、第一和第二基本定理、增长级等;复微分方程和复函数方程,等等。在教学内容上充分体现基础性、新颖性。

From idautils import * funclist=[0x004011F2, 0x00401200, 0x00401206] /*add all the other addresses here*//*在这里加上所有函数的起始地址*/ ea=ScreenEA for i in funclist: ea=i add_bpt(ea, 1, 4) bp=bpt_t get_bpt bp.flags ^=BPT_BRK bp.flags|=BPT_TRACE 下面给出我的一个实现: from idaapi import * from idautils import * funclist = [0x004011F2, 0x00401200, 0x00401206] ea=ScreenEA for line in funclist: ea = line add_bpt(ea,1,4) SetBptAttr For those cases where it's necessary to mark absolutely every function as a tracepoint, the IDA plug-in can be automated to find every function reference instead of doing it manually.

有了上面这个脚本之后,我们实际上就已经可以在每个函数的起始位置上都下一个 tracepoint 了。不过手工把每个函数的起始地址都写入上面那张表里还是比较枯燥的一个活,好在 IDA 插件里本身就提供一个能遍历所有函数的功能。我们完全可以编写一个能自动在每个函数的起始位置上都下上一个 tracepoint 的脚本出来,比如下面给出的这个脚本。

The purpose of this dissertation is to study a principle or method to describe and analyze the complex problems with high gradients arising from practical engineering. The main contents cover:1. The Bezier function was introduced to approximate high gradient functions, and a suitable coupled function was derived. Some detail numerical results show that the Bezier-based function is dominant over other combination function such as polynominal and trigonometric series, when to describe a high gradient function.


更多网络解释与函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


必须用一个公有函数来进行.同时这个函数应该 在且仅在定义对象时自动执行一次.称为: 在且仅在定义对象时自动执行一次.称为: 构造函数( 构造函数(constructor) ) 构造函数的定义与使用 1 2 析构函数的定义 26 构造函数的定义与使

default constructor:默认构造函数

它是通过定义一个特殊的构造函数即默认构造函数(default constructor)来实现的. 这个构造函数之所以被称作默认构造函数,是因为它是"默认"运行的. 如果没有提供初始化式,那么就会使用默认构造函数. 不管变量在哪里定义,默认构造函数都会被使用.

function of function:函数的函数,复合函数,叠函数

function 函数 | function of function 函数函数,复合函数,叠函数 | functional notation 函数记号

function of several variables:多元函数;多变量函数

位置函数;点函数 function of position | 多元函数;多变量函数 function of several variables | 函数描图器 function plotter


函数编程支持函数作为第一类对象,有时称为 闭包或 仿函数(functor)对象. 实质上,闭包是起函数的作用并能够像对象相同操作的对象. 和此类似,FP 语言支持 高阶函数. 高阶函数能够用另一个函数(间接地,用一个表达式) 作为其输入参数,

increasing function:增函数,单调非减函数,递增函数,上升函数

increasing forward wave 增大前进波 | increasing function 增函数,单调非减函数,递增函数,上升函数 | increasing gear 增速装置

overloaded function:重载函数

重载函数(overloaded function)是C++支持的一种特殊函数,C++编译器对函数重载的判断更是C++语言中最复杂的内容之一 首先我们先明确一下重载函数的定义:在相同的声明域中的函数名相同的,而参数表不同的,即通过函数的参数表而唯一标识并且来区分函数的一种特殊的函

function of position:位置函数;点函数

复合函数 function of functions | 位置函数;点函数 function of position | 多元函数;多变量函数 function of several variables


隐藏神经元使用"双曲正切"函数 (tanh) 作为其激活函数,而输出神经元使用"sigmoid"函数作为其激活函数. 这两个函数都是非线性连续函数,允许神经网络在输入神经元和输出神经元之间建立非线性关系模型.


HYPGEOM.DIST 函数、HYPGEOMDIST 函数统计函数、兼容性函数 | IMPOWER 函数工程函数 | IPMT 函数财务函数