英语人>词典>汉英 : 出枝 的英文翻译,例句
出枝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
branch  ·  branches

更多网络例句与出枝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chaise longue is flowing like a canopy and the pale branches and leaves are reflected in the texture.


The phytoplasmas diseases were investigated in 30 counties and cities of 10 areas in Yunnan Province. There are 12 phytoplasma diseases, including paulownia witches-broom,chinaberry witches-broom, cactus witches-broom, christmas cactus witches-broom, orange little leaf, petunia flat stem and so on were indentified using PCR with universal primers, which amplified phytoplasma 16SrRNA gene and/or ribosomal protein genes. So the kind of phytoplasma diseases in Yunnnan Province were understood. Identified the characteristic of 16SrRNA and rp gene of phytoplasma and the kind, classification and genitic relativity of these strains using RFLP, clonging and sequence analysis (nearly 20 full-length sequences of phytoplasma 16SrRNA and/or rp gene were submitted in GenBank ); The phytoplasma strains isolated from herbage plants were conserved in storeroom. 9 articles were published in the key journals of China and 1 technique invention patent was applied. The net-page about phytoplasma disease was established. 4 graduate student were bringed up.

对云南省10个地区的30余个县市地区进行了植原体病害的调查采集工作;采用植原体16SrRNA基因通用引物(R16mF2/R16mR1及R16F2/R16R2)和/或植原体核糖体蛋白基因引物(rpF1/R1)对所采集到的病害标样总DNA进行PCR扩增,根据植原体特异扩增条带的出现,共鉴定出泡桐丛枝、苦楝丛枝、仙人掌丛枝、蟹爪兰丛枝、柑桔小叶、矮牵牛扁茎等12种植原体病害,初步明确了云南省植原体病害的种类;通过RFLP技术、克隆及测序技术获得其16SrRNA及部分核糖体蛋白基因的近全长序列(已在GenBank中共登录近20余个相关序列),通过序列比较分析,明确了上述植原体株系中这两个基因的特征并确定了云南省植原体株系的种类、分类地位及遗传相关性;对一些发生在草本植物上的植原体进行了株系保存;在国内核心期刊及一般期刊发表研究论文 9 篇,申请技术发明专利1项;初步建立了有关植原体病害的网页;培养研究生4名。

The species of cladoceran and copepod in Shiquan River are fewer. From the specimens we observed 5 families 8 genus 18 species of cladoceran and the dominant species are A. sp and Chydrorus sp. Copepoda had 2 orders 8 species.


Thirdly, we also examine the effect of these extracts on maize seed germination rate, maize seeding height and fresh weight, and the results show that three extracts are safe to maize at the concentration of 1:20, with a inhibit rate under 4 %.We further identified and purified organic acids, alkaloids hydroxybenzenes and neutral materials from extract and examined their effects on Amaranthus retroflexus L. seeds.


In this study we build a Mycobacterium marinum random mutant libratory with MycoMarT7 transposon phage, found two cell wall virulence genes with colony morphology and cording structure strategy and build up virulence detection system in cell and animal model. We concluded that PDIM is critical for the virulence of Mycobacterium marinum.


Trees evergreen; trunk monopodial, straight; branches nearly whorled; branchlets ridged and grooved, with each leaf borne on a persistent, peglike base; short branchlets absent; winter buds ovoid, conical, or subglobose, resinous or not, scales on terminal buds recurved or not, persistent at base of branchlets.


The variation coefficients of most traits are greater in half-sib families than that in clones except for several branch traits.The average height of clones is nearly two meters higher than that of half-sib families, and the average volume of clones is 1.16 times about that of half-brethren families.


The progresive regressing and regressing were made on the fruit production to the parameter of tree framework of gold delicion / M9 / Shandingzi in 6 years old based on the date of yeild investigations and measurment. By the marginal analysis and fuzzy clasification.These parameter were defined that trunk circumafename= 24.93cm, highth of tree=2.5m,average width ot tree=2.5m,size of tree=5.05~5.6m~3, number of length branch / per tree = 101-161.number of middle branch / pe...


Hypha and arbuscular colonization have same orders in the two breeds, fastigium occurred in summer and low occurred in late spring and early summer, spore peak produced in summer in the Rhizospere of Puerraria lobata. Spore density had positive correlation with abuscular colonization, the minimum value appears in the winter, and the maximum appears in the summer; consist with the growth prosperous of lobata.

菌丝与丛枝定殖率在两品种间变化规律基本一致,高峰期都出现在冬季,低峰期则出现在春末夏初,夏季为葛藤根区AM 真菌的产孢高峰期,孢子密度与丛枝定殖率呈正相关,最低值出现在冬季,最高值出现在夏季,与葛藤的生长旺季相一致。

It was five foot ten inches diameter at the lower part next the stump , and four foot eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty two foot, after which it lessen'd for a while, and then parted into branches.


更多网络解释与出枝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


二叉分的;二叉狀的 dichotomous | 二叉分枝;歧繖花序;二出聚繖花序 dichasium | 二叉茅膏菜 Drosera binata Labill

multiparous branching:多出聚繖分枝式

"多寄生现象","multiparasitism" | "多出聚繖分枝式","multiparous branching" | "多分孢子;多室胞子","multipartite spore; multispore"

outgrowth: n.1:长出物,分枝 2.发展结果,后果,产物,副产品

valid: a.1.有根据的,确凿的,令人信服的 2.有效验的,恰当可取的 | outgrowth: n.1.长出物,分枝 2.发展结果,后果,产物,副产品 | precursor: n.1.先驱 2.前兆 3.产物母体,前身


ratoon 长出截根苗 | ratoon 从截根部再长出的新牙或嫩枝 | ratran 三雷达台接收系统


接着,等到蜂巢(Hive)旁出现嫩枝(Twig),用加热术使嫩枝成为苔藓(Moss),再将此术用于蜂巢,点起篝火(Campfire). 用果壳从篝火中接出火种(Ember)后,继续等到人类公主(Human Princess)出现. 观察一下人类公主带着的笛子(Flute)和金剑(Golden Swords),


接着,等到蜂巢(Hive)旁出现嫩枝(Twig),用加热术使嫩枝成为苔藓(Moss),再将此术用于蜂巢,点起篝火(Campfire). 用果壳从篝火中接出火种(Ember)后,继续等到人类公主(Human Princess)出现. 观察一下人类公主带着的笛子(Flute)和金剑(Golden Swords),

uniparous branching:单出聚伞状分枝式

Uniontown method 尤宁唐法 | uniparous branching 单出聚伞状分枝式 | unipivot support 单点支撑式

helicoid uniparous branching:螺旋单出分枝式

"螺形二岐分枝式","helicoid dichotomous branching" | "螺旋单出分枝式","helicoid uniparous branching" | "水稻黑粒菌核病菌","Helicoma echino- sporium S. Ito et Sasaki;Helicoceras oryzae Linder et Tulli...

Epistylis lacustris:湖累枝虫

由间歇运行改为连续运行方式时,待运行大约二周后出水较稳定,这时反应池中经常观测到的微生物有:湖累枝虫(Epistylis lacustris),彩盖虫(Opercularia phryganeae),薄漫游虫(Litonotuslamella),瓶累枝虫(Epistylis rotans),白钟虫(Vorticella alba),


rare earth element 稀土元素 | rebranch [植]二次分枝,长出副枝 | electron pumping action 电子抽运作用