英语人>词典>汉英 : 凭信用 的英文翻译,例句
凭信用 的英文翻译、例句


on trust · on one's word of honour
更多网络例句与凭信用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consuming loan is personal fiduciary loan, the loan amount for the short-medium term revolving fund is approximately between one hundred thousand to one millions dollars. Therefore, credit auditors must depend on scoring charts for efficiency and reduce the credit risks, especially emphasis on personal credit risk assessment. The key to this study is effective identifying the risk by instantly grasp customer's risk attribute and give it a proper quantifiable indicator.

消费性贷款为个人信用贷款,贷放额约在10 万元至100 万元间,为短中期周转用途,所以徵授信审核员为效及低授信风险,就必须凭靠好的评分表,特别强调个人的信用风险评估,有效辨风险之所在就在於即时掌握客户的风险属性,给予适当的化指标,此即本研究之重心。

Although the liquidation of nearly three billion dollars of brokers' loans contracted credit , and the Reserve Banks lowered the rediscount rate, and the way in which the larger banks and corporations of the country had survived the emergency without a single failure of large proportions offered real encouragement , nevertheless the poisons were there : over production of capital ; over ambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade .


Buffett is able to do this because of his credit rating, and if there are no claims, he puts the 5% in his pocket,' said Andrew Barile, a reinsurance consultant in Rancho Sante Fe, Calif.


Do you ever loan money on character?


FOR decades America's General Electric has worn its AAA credit rating as a badge of pride. The company has also used it to mint money in its financial-services business, GE Capital.


更多网络解释与凭信用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commercial Bill of Exchange:商业汇票

(2)商业汇票(commercial bill of exchange):商业汇票是商场上通常使用的汇票,国际贸易上使用的汇票大都是这种汇票. 出口商输出货物后,即签发商业汇票,凭以让售银行或委托银行代收. 前一种情形是有信用状担保的场合;后一种情形则为以托收的D/P、D/A付款方式交易的场合.

clean bill:光票

因付款人须凭汇票承兑,并承担到期付款的责任.而持票人必要时可 凭承兑的汇票贴现或经背书转让.二,汇票的种类 1,按有无附有货运单据,可分为光票和跟单汇票 光票(CLEAN BILL) 光票是不附带货运单据的汇票.光票的流通完全依靠当事人的信用,

insurance certificate:保险证明书

下列何者非应收帐款管理商(Factor)所提供之服务(A)47.下列何者系凭主信用状(Master Credit)所申请转开信用状(D)48.下列何者系指船公司对货运承揽业者(Freight Forwarder)所发行的提单(D)52.若海运提单的受货人(Consignee)栏位记载为"To order of shipper″,则对此提单下列之叙述何者较适当(A)保险证明书 (Insurance Ce



on the faith of:在......的保障下,凭......的信用

put one"s faith in sth 对......有信心 | on the faith of 在......的保障下,凭......的信用 | belief: 可信赖,可接受

on the faith of:在...保证下,凭什么的信用

Put one's faith in sth.对...有信心 | On the faith of 在...保证下,凭什么的信用. | Faith:深信不疑;信仰

on trust:凭信用

have nothing in cupboards:食品柜里什么东西都没有 | on trust:凭信用 | cannot help staring at him:忍不住盯着他看

documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight:商业短期押汇票

documentary bill with letter of credit 凭信押汇汇票 | documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight 商业短期押汇票 | documentary credit 押汇信用


信用债券和附属信用债券 信用债券(debentures)仅凭发行公司的一般信用作为保证,没有特定的资产或抵押物作为担保. 只有当担保债券(比如抵押债券)的持有者获得支付之后,信用债券的持有者才能获得事先承诺的支付.