英语人>词典>汉英 : 凝聚性的 的英文翻译,例句
凝聚性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The existence of periodic solutions to the second order ordinary differential equation in Banach space is discussed.


The key factor to influence barm cell concentration was yeast coherency.


By measuring the equilibrium and cyclic π~A isotherms and dynamic elasticities of octadecylamine monolayers on the subphases of water and CdCl 2 solution, it is showed that Cd 2+ added into the subphase can enhance the condensability of liquid-like monolayer but decrease that of the solid-like monolayer.

通过测定在纯水和CdCl2 溶液亚相上十八胺单分子膜的平衡、循环π~A等温线及其动态弹性,发现在亚相中加入Cd2 +可以使膜的液态相凝聚性增强,固态相凝聚性减弱。

As for the existence of positive solutions, the cone theory and the fixed point index of condensing mapping are employed, and the results of the existence of positive solutions are obtained in the case of superlinear and sublinear. The conclusions extend and improve the existence theorem which Lou Ben-dong extablished in 1996 about the question of Sturm-Liouville of Banach spaces.

三、对于正解存在性问题,我们应用凝聚映射的不动点指数理论,分别在超线性与次线性情形下进行讨论,获得了一些正解存在的结果,主要结果推广和改进了1996年Lou Ben-dong对Banach空间Sturm-Liouville问题所建立的存在性定理。

Quality traits could be divided into three types according to its variation coefficients, chewiness were sensitive to climate, and springiness gumminess and cohesiveness were less sensitive, the other quality traits were stable.


Based on the texture profile analysis, the hardness of bread added different perentages of Toona Sinensis increased with storage time, whereas the adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness decreased.

而添加不同比例香椿之土司在质地剖析(texture profile analysis, TPA)方面,随著储藏天数的增加,硬度有增加的趋势,附著性、弹性、凝聚性、胶性度及咀嚼度则随著储藏天数的增加而降低。

All the parameters decreased over frozen storage time; Hardness, springiness, chewiness, gumminess, cohensiveness and resilience of cultured Pseudosciaena crocea under-50℃ were higher than that under-18℃, while adhensiveness under-50℃ was lower than that under-18℃.


After statistic analyses,one slice texture analysis method was regarded better with 15 sample content per method due to data analyses of hardness(Std Dev,372.2765;C.V,17.8283 ),cohesiveness(Std Dev,0.0114;C.V,1.6505),springiness(Std Dev,0.2190;C.V,11.2598 ),gumminess(Std Dev,250.2788;C.V,17.3929 ) and chewines...

样本容量为15时,单片TPA测试的几种指标分别是硬度(Std Dev,372.2765;C.V,17.8283)、凝聚性(Std Dev,0.0114;C.V,1.6505)、弹性(Std Dev,0.2190;C.V,11.2598)、胶粘性(Std Dev,250.2788;C.V,17.3929)、咀嚼性(Std Dev,477.4376;C.V,17.1620)。这种方法可以应用到其它类似质构的食品质构分析,并结合样品特点和测试结果决定合适的样本容量。

Such low-frequency, high-arousal rituals are the lifeblood of "imagistic" religions - cults and other religions based on iconography, analogy and intense cohesion.


The key factor of creating new thought is much , wide and deep thinking, high agglomerating thinking ability.


更多网络解释与凝聚性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


随后其发现免疫血清能凝聚细菌,又成为凝集素(agglutinin). 之后其发现抗毒素和凝集素为同一物质,统一称之为抗体(antibody,Ab). 抗体作为疾病预防、诊断和治疗的制剂已有上百年发展历史. 1986年,一个治疗性单抗(OrthocloneOKT3?


coastal "a. 海岸的,沿海的,沿岸的" | cogent "使人信服的,切实的" | coherent "a. 互相密合着的,凝聚性的,连贯的"


4.campaign 戰役;競選活動;宣傳活動 | 5.cohesive 有粘著力的;有結合力的;凝聚性的 | 6.confidential 秘密的;機密的


如果存在一种"本体论的"(ontological)假定,那就是:宇宙是一个"气"(psychophysicalenergy)的不断凝聚和扩展的场域,气经历着自身不断的转化过程. 在这样一种世界中,"事物"根本上是境域性的. 并且,境域优先于行为. 有时称为"气",


coagulability 凝聚性 | coagulable 可凝聚的 | coagulant 凝聚剂

coherently:条理清楚地; 前后一致地 (副)

coherent 互相密合着的, 连贯的, 凝聚性的 (形) | coherently 条理清楚地; 前后一致地 (副) | cohesion 结合, 内聚, 凝聚 (名)

propositional cohesiveness:命題的凝聚性

propositional greeting 命題的招呼 | propositional cohesiveness 命題的凝聚性 | propositional indicator 命題指示成分

non condensable:不凝聚的

non-condensable gas 不凝性气体 | non-condensable 不凝聚的 | non-condensing engine 非凝汽式蒸汽机

dysbaric osteonecrosis:减压性骨坏死

骨骼营养血管内也有气栓与血栓,容易造成局部梗塞,最终缓慢地引起无菌性的缺血性骨坏死. 又称减压性骨坏死(dysbaric osteonecrosis)或无菌性骨坏死,其形成除了骨骼内气泡的特殊作用外,还有脂肪栓塞、血小板凝聚、气体引起渗透压改变、自体...


2.凝聚(condensation)与聚合(polymerisation)形成单体粒子. 奈米材料-氮化矽(Si3N4)(图3.9)和碳化矽(SiC)制作高强性的弹簧、滚珠轴承和起重机的阀. 镍(Ni-MH)电池利用奈米微晶的镍和氧化金属,可以减少充电的频率并有较长的使用时间.