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减法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
subtraction  ·  substraction  ·  subtracting

sign of subtraction
更多网络例句与减法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The way to find an unknown addend from one addend and the sum is called subtraction. This is the essence of subtraction.


We can use software to do most calculation but not use hardware. The most basic circuit doing calculation in the computer is binary adder. For example, we can use of addition to do subtracting, continuous adding to do multiplication, and continuous subtracting to do division.


The relationship between elastic strain energy and the reduction coefficient can be used as criteria in slope stability analysis using strength reduction method.


The purpose is to inspect the grade differences on time of mental addition and mental subtraction of pupils from three grades as well as grades differences of arithmetic time and integration time. The results show that mental arithmetic time of pupils from Grade 2, 4 and 6 decreases with the increase of grades.In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number, menta...

研究结果表明,2、4、6 年级小学生口算时间随年级的增高而减少;在一位数加多位数不进位加法口算中,口算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;在一位数加多位数进位加法口算中,口算时间差异源于运算时间差异;在多位数减一位数不借位减法口算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;在多位数减一位数借位减法口算中,口算时间的年级差异主要表现为运算时间的差异,而整合时间差异不显著。

We've learned the way to do subtraction problems.


A new method of clustering based on mountain clustering and subtractive clustering is proposed.


On the other hand, the known number in addition becomes the unknown number in subtraction.


Our within-subject analysis also showed activation of brain areas associated with negative emotions, including right insula and putamen (11, 38), during the high-stress relative to the low-stress task. The observed activation in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex ACC and precuneus parietal cortex may ref lect mental arithmetical performance (39) and assessment of the mental state (40) during the serial-subtraction task, whereas the CBF reduction in pre- and postcentral gyri and temporal cortex may ref lect more frequent verbal movement and greater auditory stimulation during counting backward versus serial subtraction.

我们的在之内主题分析也显示了脑子区域的活化作用与消极情感相关,包括正确的脑岛并且putamen (11, 38),在期间高注重相对低注重任务在连续减法任务期间,被观察的活化作用在dorsomedial前头叶外皮ACC和precuneus头顶骨外皮可以ref lect精神算术对精神状态(40)的表现(39)和评估,而CBF减少前和中央后回和世俗外皮可以ref lect更加频繁的口头运动和更加伟大的听觉刺激在计数期间落后对连续减法

There was no significant gender difference.4. The correlations of latencies and errors were significant between addition and subtraction.


The correlations of latencies and errors were significant between addition and subtraction.


更多网络解释与减法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


04.Memcache::connect - 创建一个Memcache对象 | 06.Memcache::decrement - 对保存的某个key中的值进行减法操作 | 07.Memcache::delete - 删除一个key值


Memcache::getServerStatus - 获取运行办事器的参数 | Memcache::decrement - 对保留的某个key中的值举行减法操纵 | Memcache::addServer - 添加一个可供利用的办事器地点

Memcache::decrement:对保存的某个key中的值实行 减法操作

04.Memcache::connect - 建立 一个Memcache对象 | 06.Memcache::decrement - 对保存的某个key中的值实行 减法操作 | 07.Memcache::delete - 删除一个key值

systematic desensitization:敏感递减法

生理回馈--biofeedback | 敏感递减法-systematic desensitization | 普里迈克原则-Premack''''s principle

subtractive primaries:减法三原色

减修正量 subtractive correction | 减法三原色 subtractive primaries | 减色过程 subtractive process

sign of subtraction:减法

sign of permutation 置换的符号 | sign of subtraction 减法 | sign of summation 连加号


这个文件作为完成进一步优化的代码生成器(Code generator)的输入,最终生成汇编文件(.asm). 当选择编译选项时,-o2和-o3将尽可能地优化软件. ①装载指令(LDW)必须使用.D单元. ③加法指令(ADD)使用.L单元. ④减法指令(SUB)使用.S单元.


1、 和好(ADD),做差(SUB)的演算处理表示. ●加在一起算(ADD),减法(SUB)的价值到表示范围演算 AS-5 0~±99.99 AS-5S ±99.999●复位A频道B频道同时在动作(单独的复位不可能)

subtract output:减法输出

divertimento 嬉游地,娱乐 | subtract output 减法输出 | flow value 流值

subtracting circuit:减法电路

subtracter 减法器 | subtracting circuit 减法电路 | subtraction 减法