英语人>词典>汉英 : 减刑 的英文翻译,例句
减刑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

reduce a penalty · abatement from penalty
更多网络例句与减刑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With GTOs, a positive gate pulse will cause turn-on and a negative gate plus will cause commutation or turn-off.


In addition, this advanced MOSFET is designed to withstand high energy in avalanche and commutation time.


Commutation and parole system is a very important criminal law system and execution system.


This article makes a discussion about the justifiability grounds for the commutation system of China,and proposes that the reason why the punishment can be commuted lies in the purpose of special prevention for punishment ution.


By analyzing the general theory on commutation system and concentrating on the perfection of it, this paper tries to put forward some idea for enhancing the efficiency of the judicial operation to achieve the goal of penalty.


Deadline" captures governer Ryan's action to change all death penality inmates to life-in-prison, based on the "immorality of death penality, just days before completion for his term. Such act covers 167 death inmates, including one that would be excuted in 48 hours.


The purpose of general prevention for the punishment ution requires that the punishment be ute rigidly,and the punishment can't be commutated without limitation,and the commutation can't influence the solemnity of the trial.


Or parole as provided by the law, the prisoner shall not be commuted orparoled on any ground.


Article 34 If a prisoner does not satisfy the conditions for commutation or parole as provided by the law, the prisoner shall not be commuted or paroled on any ground.


All prisoners who qualify, accept reform, and show true repentance or outstanding behaviour during their prison terms may be granted a reduction in their sentence or release on parole in accordance with the law.


更多网络解释与减刑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alleged:声称的, 所谓的

withdraw 收回 撤消 | alleged 声称的 所谓的 | with time served 减刑


布什这次援引宪法赋予的行政赦免权(the executive clemency)为前副总统幕僚长利比"减刑"(commutation),与"赦免"(或"特赦"pardon)有别. 利比并未被免除全部刑责,包括消除前科纪录,而仅免除入狱服监,如有罚款仍须缴纳.

habeas corpus:人身保护权

即使是在州法律系统内被判死刑,死刑犯在州内上诉失败后,还可以依据美国宪法中的"人身保护权"(Habeas Corpus)上诉到联邦法院. 死刑上诉往往会一路打到美国最高法院. 另外,死刑犯还可以呼吁总统或州长行政干预,宣布暂停执行、减刑或大赦等等.

of the extenuation:以及减刑

elect of progress 进步的选举 | of the extenuation 以及减刑 | of vanity 虚荣

commute travel, go back and forth, exchange:减刑

commonplace ordinary, usual, routine, dull n.平凡的事, 平常话... | commute travel, go back and forth, exchange 减刑 | compliment praise, commendation, greetings, flatter n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺 v...

had his prison term cut by a third:获减刑三分一

恳求宽大begging for leniency | 获减刑三分一had his prison term cut by a third | 大讲粗口shouting o cenities

time served:已服刑期 已服刑期

time off for good behavior 因表现良好而减刑 因表现良好而减刑 | time served 已服刑期 已服刑期 | tobacco product warning 烟草产品警告 烟草产品警告

with time served:减刑

alleged 声称的 所谓的 | with time served 减刑 | grant 允许 授与 承认

time off for good behavior:因表现良好而减刑 因表现良好而减刑

threatening elected officials 威胁公选官员 威胁公选官员 | time off for good behavior 因表现良好而减刑 因表现良好而减刑 | time served 已服刑期 已服刑期

time off for good behavior:因表现良好而减刑

threatening elected officials 威胁公选官员 | time off for good behavior 因表现良好而减刑 | time served 已服刑期