英语人>词典>汉英 : 准确描述 的英文翻译,例句
准确描述 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pinpoint  ·  pinpointed  ·  pinpointing  ·  pinpoints

更多网络例句与准确描述相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's Tao's appellation.'Tao' will not be the sempiternal basic principle if we can describe it in anthropic language and letter.


Antivenin must be specific to the type of venom, so the snake should be identified or accurately described.


Naturally, the accuracy of buffeting analysis lies on the buffeting force spectrum and the model of the structure.


By Tom Clancy, who has a reputation for accuracy in regard to defence matters.


By introducing the generating method and the expanding method,a complementary abstract state space can be constructed using the generating method on goal state once and the expanding method several times in turn.They are useful tools for designers to construct the complementary abstract state space in an easy way,where the complementarity of abstract states means that each ground state can only be represented by one abstract state and all the ground states can be represented by all the abstract states.


A calculation model of stress field of the composite plate with circular holes was built according to the theory of complex variable function.


In the mid-late development stages for oilfields,the key for tapping potential residual oil is the accurate description of the distribution of narrow-thin-scattered sandbodies and the heterogeneity of reservoirs,as well as the accurate identification and interpretation of low-level faults.


Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature.


Aiming at disjunction of microcosmic researches and macroscopical researches and status quo of theory basis researches of Aeolian sand movement near the sand bed, based on plenty of experiment data in wind tunnel, this thesis studies some microcosmic researches including the number of lift-off sand grains percent time percent sand bed area and relative movement parameters of saltating sand grains by combined methods of mechanical and statistical mechanical theories. Then, this thesis develops in advance a relation between the microcosmic researches and macroscopical researches in order to describe truly the theory model of some macroscopical physical variable of Aeolian sand movement.


This technique is more flexible than Mie theory because it can model a cell with arbitrary structure. The scattering properties of cells were found to be highly dependent on cell morphology, particularly small organelles within the nucleus.


更多网络解释与准确描述相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accurately describes:准确的描述

integrity完整性 | accurately describes 准确的描述 | decide 决定

bow wave:头波

研究刮膜分子蒸馏器内液体的传质和传热过程,准确描述温度和浓度分布的规律,对预测分子蒸馏速率和分离效率是非常重要的.刮膜器的刮抹,使流体在蒸馏器壁面上形成厚度均匀液膜的同时,在刮膜器前缘形成了头波(bow wave).针对流体的这一流动特点,


20781 伯瑞犬(Briard) 伯瑞犬是法国工作犬中一个非常古老的品种. 在8世纪的挂毯里曾有描绘. 在12世纪的文献里也被提到过. 该品种的准确的描述是在14~16世纪期间. 在早期,伯瑞犬用20775 伯瑞犬(Briard) 伯瑞犬是法国工作犬中一个非常古老的品种.

hands on:亲自实践的,参与实践活动的

9.tiered adj. 分层的,成排的 | 10.hands-on亲自实践的,参与实践活动的 | 11.pinpoint vt.准确描述,确认,确定






特性"野性呼唤"(Call of the Wild)、"备战"(At the Ready)、"忍耐"(Patience)和"重盾掌握"(Heavy Shield Use)的说明更新以准确描述技能效果. 在"热忱"(Fervour)时,这些特性将不再带有降低伤害的效果. 残忍打击(Ferocious Strikes)重击伤害的计算系数变大,


为了准确描述和表达地表形状,采用断线二元五次(Quintic)内插法. 以数字化的地形图等高线和高程点图层作为Masspoints,以水系(线和多边形)图层、道路(线)图层作为硬断线(Breaklines). 由于TIN把弧的结点和中间点作为已知高程的点,

Nyssa yunnanensis:云南蓝果树

极度濒危植物云南蓝果树(Nyssa yunnanensis)是雄性两性异株植物,其发表时仅根据雄花模式和果模式.作者通过野外观察和标本研究,发现目前对其雄花描述不全或不准确且缺乏两性花的描述,故本文修订了其雄花形态的原始描述,

wind chill:风冷

但是到了20世纪中后期,在美国和加拿大等国,一些人试图对寒冷做出更科学、精确的描述,引入了"风冷"(Wind Chill)这个因素. 这个概念的提出使事情变得复杂起来. 随着人类进入21世纪,有越来越多的研究机构、政府机构以及私人公司试图用更复杂的方式准确描述究竟多热或多冷.