英语人>词典>汉英 : 决议草案 的英文翻译,例句
决议草案 的英文翻译、例句


draft resolution
更多网络例句与决议草案相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But Ivanov said Washington's draft resolution did not fulfill the requirements the Russians are calling for.


As early as May he had his aides draft a resolution of Congressional support for the war effort.


Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions.


Recalling that in its resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994 it expressly put on record its expectation of achieving the adoption of a declaration on indigenous rights within the International Decade and that in its resolution 50/157 of 21 December 1995 it decided that the adoption by the General Assembly of a declaration on the rights of indigenous people constituted a major objective of the Decade, and noting the progress made in the recent rounds of negotiations in the open-ended intersessional working group of the Commission on Human Rights charged with elaborating a draft declaration on the rights of indigenous people, established pursuant to Commission resolution 1995/32 of 3 March 1995


Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres says his country has no immediate reaction to the draft UN resolution, because it is not yet been finalized.

以色列副总理Shimon Peres说关于对联合国的决议的草案并没有立即的反应,因为那不是最终的决定。

We made war on the draft resolution put forward by the member states in collusion with the aggressor.


Article 12 The National People's Congress examines the central and local draft budgets and the reports on the implementation of the central and local budgets, approves the central budget and the report on the implementation of the central budget and alters or annuls inappropriate resolutions made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on budget and final accounts.


In this draft, the past fettering the development of real estate trust bottleneck problems, such as the Trust Products and the amount of fund-raising purposes, the Trust issued Product developers, such as the quality and the threshold, there had been significant changes in amend.


China mulls draft on climate change.


China is keen to win greater access to Burma's resources, including its gas, but worries about border conflicts should ceasefires between the army and ethnic militias break down.


更多网络解释与决议草案相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美、日决议草案中只是"决定"(decide)禁止出口导弹配件、技术等,具有约束力. 如果美、日决议草案获得通过,联合国安理会就会立即设置监督决议案遵守情况的制裁委员会.

draft of plan:计划草案

draft decision 决议草案 | draft of plan 计划草案 | draft pipe 尾水管

position paper:立场文件

各国代表团将针对每一个议题各提交一份立场文件(Position Paper)立场文件使各国代表团了解别国政策态度的主要公开资料. 立场文件初稿:9月30日;立场文件终稿:10月15日. 通过各国的谈判和协商,决定提交决议草案的代表队在10月18日之前提交本国起草的决议草案.

roll-call vote:唱名表决

其次是决议草案,决议草案的表决为唱名表决(Roll Call Vote). 分为两轮,第一轮所有代表都需投票,可以投赞成(Yes)、反对(No)、弃权(Abstain)或过(Pass). 在第一轮表决中投"过(Pass)"的代表进入第二轮投票,但在第二轮投票只能投赞成(Yes)或反对(No).

token vote:议会对于支出预算草案的决议

net business formation 每月企业净增数 | token vote 议会对于支出预算草案的决议 | myelocyte [生]髓细胞,中幼粒细胞


对否决权的一般理解是,安理会的决议草案需有九票赞成才能通过,但只要有一个常任理事国投票反对,该草案就不能通过. 然而,在>及联合国大会和安理会的议事规则中均无"否决权"(Veto)的字样. 那么,究竟什么是否决权,其法律依据又是什么


工作文件格式和内容上的加工和完善 需要投票,所以为"草案" 投票通过即成为正式决议 2,决议草案的形成 综合各方和 WP 的观点 起草:起草国(sponsors) 一国或多国 起草国不能起草或附议其他 DR 寻求附议:附议国(signatories) 并不意味着支持或反对,

draft resolutions:决议草案

draft resistance 烟道阻力,通风阻力 | draft resolutions 决议草案 | draft standard 标准草案

joint draft resolution:联合决议草案

joint ditch ==> 共同溝 | joint draft resolution ==> 联合决议草案 | joint drag ==> 扭结带

gibberellic acid:赤霉酸

通报文件的标题:关于赤霉酸(gibberellic acid)决议草案语言:葡萄牙文页数: 2页内容简述: 本技术法规修改2003年8月29日第165号RE决议,将赤霉酸(gibberellic acid)用于莴苣(叶用)、咖啡(叶用)、大麦(叶、种及土壤用)、豆(叶用)、小麦(叶、种及土壤用)及甘蔗(土壤用)种植纳入该决议.