英语人>词典>汉英 : 决定的 的英文翻译,例句
决定的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
determinate  ·  determinative  ·  settled  ·  terminative

更多网络例句与决定的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chirality is an abstract concept which does not determine the optical activity.


The paper argues that Marx is not a technological determinist from two perspective: first, Marx maintains that it was the growing market demands, not the technological factor that determined the rise and development of capitalism in the Western Europe. He also argues that technology itself was determined by societal demands.


Biological anthropology, of evolutionism--bionomics and the anthropology on zoology determined by either religion or human nature; another category is the anthropology on indeterminism, including the anthropology on fortuitism and statistics .they all come out with some part of the truth on human issue which they have seen, and at least they reveal some actually existent facts in human's birth, existence and development, so they all hold their own opinion and do not come to terms.


Decide on sth 决定 They have decided on the date for their outing.


The decision, he says, went as high as the Politburo.


When handling appeals by units or individuals who do not agree with the administrative punishment made by their administrative units, the supervisory organizations may recommend changes or cancellation of the original decisions if the original decisions are found to be inappropriate after reinvestigation.


Reading "cask" theories feeling recently, i read a "log links theory," emotionally,"akebia theory" tells us : can be equipped with a number of buckets of water is determined by the shortest piece of dried; the other hand, not only can carry buckets of water from a number of the shortest piece of dried decision, but also by the gap between the board to decide.


This action of charging the capacitor is shown in the following equation: ADC Clock resistor RSW 式决定的:(1 K ) and RIN for the period S1 is closed; this period is controlled by ACQ_PS setting.

时间。然而这个时间远远大于外部的电阻和电容电路所消耗的时间,同时在计算电阻和电容电路时候的时间常数时,要考虑到外在附加的贴片电容和插针电容,对ACQ_PS 是一个非常高的值,而系统需要低采样频率。

A half-second gap exists between the time the human brain prepares you to make a voluntary decision to act and your actual decision, and then another 2 tenths of a second expires before the decision is physically carried out!


A half-second gap exists between the time the human brain prepares you to make a voluntary decision to act and your actual decision, and then another 2 tenths of a second expires before the decision is physiy carried out!


更多网络解释与决定的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

by right of Parliament. Work with the voters' choice:你的统治是议会赋予的权力 并通过投票决定的

You have to understand you reig... | by right of Parliament. Work with the voters' choice.|你的统治是议会赋予的权力 并通过投票决定的 | Lord Melbourne says... - He says what suits his interest.|- 墨尔本...

You are free to decide for yourself:你可以自己决定的

I feel it's necessary for me to visit them.我觉得拜访他们是必要的. | You are free to decide for yourself .你可以自己决定的. | It's your duty to inform her of the decision.你应该把这个决定告诉她的....

Gravitational Attraction due to a Buried Cylinder:大圆柱体决定的引力

3.6 Gravitational Potential due to a Finite Line Sources 有限线源决... | 3.7 Gravitational Attraction due to a Buried Cylinder 大圆柱体决定的引力 | 3.8 Gravitational Field due to a Plane Sheet 平面层决定...

In the balance:不能确定的,尚未决定的

in the air 未决定的,悬而未决的; | in the balance 不能确定的,尚未决定的 | in the distance 在远处


survival /生还者/ | suspensive /未决定的/可疑的/暧昧的/暂停的/悬而不决的/ | suspensively /未决定/可疑地/

What have you decided:你是怎么决定的

469. I want to persuade him to change his mind. 我想说服他改变主意. | 470. What have you decided? 你是怎么决定的? | 471. He is determined to go to Africa on his own. 他决定一个人去非洲.

What have you decided:你是怎幺决定的

469. I want to persuade him to change his mind. 我想说服他改变主意. | 470. What have you decided? 你是怎幺决定的? | 471. He is determined to go to Africa on his own. 他决定一个人去非洲.

What have you decided:你是怎样决定的

Will you accept my advice? 你愿意接受我的劝告吗? | What have you decided? 你是怎样决定的? | I've definitely decided to go to Hainan. 我已决定要去海南.


arbitrational 有关仲裁的由于仲裁的 | arbitrative 有权仲裁的;由仲裁决定的 | arbitrative 有权仲裁的由仲裁决定的

