英语人>词典>汉英 : 冲积物 的英文翻译,例句
冲积物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wash  ·  washes

bottom land
更多网络例句与冲积物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where I found the glass aerolite was a sink hole long ago and it was fulfilled with outside materials through long long term.


The concentration of alluvial pollen can be taken as an indicator to distinguish different geomorphological units.


Lower the existing soil and emerging into the soil parent material (such as volcanic ash and alluvium, as well as eroded soil) on, are actively engaged in the process of soil formation.


It is proved that the Bottom Aquifer was composed of diluvial alluvial deposition and beds bearing gravel were mainly formed by rapid mud rock flow in fault basin...


Ingredient analysis, grain size analysis and scanning electron microscope observation show that the sands of Huangyangtan sandy land come from the diluvium on Huangyangtan platform and the alluvium of Yanghe river.


Glacial sediment deposits called moraine material, accumulation of terrain that moraine topography, such as end moraines, lateral moraines, drumlin, etc.; outwash refers to the ice-melt water as the main camp force, after re-moving that occur after the deposition, the sediment that deposits of ice water, chilled water, both Moraine sediment characteristics, there are certain characteristics of alluvial material.


From nature factor, there is arid and strong wind and plenty of sand material that derives from alleviation of rivers in Shiquanhe basin. The vegetation ecology system is very vulnerable. From human being action, the actions of secular excessive firewood and herd and disorder exploitation sandrock make origin vegetation completely destroy and alleviation including plenty of sand material whose structure is loose expose under the effect of wind force.


Water, dust, bones, filth: or again, marble rocks, the callosities of the earth; and gold and silver, the sediments; and garments, only bits of hair; and purple dye, blood; and everything else is of the same kind.


The main type of soils on the Yellow River Flood Plain in North China is called Chaotu by Chinese.


Zn adsorption and desorption characteristics on parent material of the alluvial deposit in the marine-face and sediment soils from Yangtze River Delta were investigated.


更多网络解释与冲积物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alluvial deposit:冲积土层;冲积物

alluvial clay 冲积黏土 | alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物 | alluvial sand 冲积沙

alluvial deposit:冲积物

alloy steel 合金钢 | alluvial deposit 冲积物 | alteration 更迭

alluvial soil:冲积土;淤积土

alluvial silt 冲积粉土 | alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土 | alluvium 冲积物;冲积层


alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土 | alluvium 冲积物;冲积层 | alteration 改动;改建

river alluvium:河流冲积物

rivalry 竞争 | river alluvium 河流冲积物 | river bar 河成沙坝

undifferentiated alluvium:均匀冲积物

underwater television 水下电视 | undifferentiated alluvium 均匀冲积物 | undisturbed sample 原状试样

alluviation:冲积; 冲积作用

alluvial deposit 冲积物; 冲积层 | alluviation 冲积; 冲积作用 | allyl chlorocarbonate 氯甲酸烯丙酯

riverwash:河床冲积物 河道冲积物 河流冲积物

riverwash 河流荒地 | riverwash 河床冲积物 河道冲积物 河流冲积物 | riverwater 河水

Bottom land:冲积物

bottom ice 底冰 | bottom land 冲积物 | bottom material 底质

alluvium, alluvial deposit:冲积物

fluvial landform 流水地貌 | alluvium, alluvial deposit 冲积物 | alluvium 冲积层