英语人>词典>汉英 : 冲击器 的英文翻译,例句
冲击器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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According to the operating characteristic of the fluidics and the theory of hydromechanics, a dynamic model of the impactor is established, in order to bring the percussive rotary drilling technology into full play. Also a simulation program is developed to calculate the working properties of the impactor. By using the simulation program, the variation laws of the basic parameters of the hydraulic impactor under different structural parameters and hydraulics are obtained.


Based on the analysis of piston rebounding with the theory of wave mechanics,this paper introduces the fuzzy controller of nitrogen inflating hydraulic impactor .


Based on the analysis of piston rebound ing with the theory of wave mechanics,this paper introduces the fuzzy controller of nitrogen inflating hydraulic impactor.


The dynamic model can not only help to improve the design of the impactor, but also help to determine its working properties and design the percussion drilling bottom hole assembly.


The major structures, critical components and performance parameters of steel ball percussion device and hydraulic percussion device were designed and calculated on the basis of study on rock broken mechanism of rotary percussion drilling, which make it is more scientific and reasonable of design of the two percussion devices.


The main returns are as follows: 1. A set of water-saving, quick and safe rotary percussion self-contained drilling tools and drilling technique used in drought water scarce areas were developed under the new idea combine water-saving drilling with rotary percussion drilling, which includes pneumatic steel ball percussion device used see before formation water and water-saving hydraulic percussion device used see after formation water.

主要研究成果: 1、从&节水钻探&和&回转冲击钻进&相结合的新思路出发,研制了一套适用于干旱缺水地区的节水型回转冲击配套钻具及其钻进工艺方法,包括见到地层水之前使用的球体冲击器及见到地层水之后使用的节水型液动冲击器系统。

Taking a general view of the paper, major innovative ideas and returns are as follows: The main innovative ideas are as follows: 1. The paper put forward the new idea that combine water-saving drilling with rotary percussion drilling creatively according to the present situation of water resource lack seriously and the background of implementation of state geological survey strategy. 2. The working principle of new designed system of water-saving hydraulic percussion device completely different from traditional hydraulic percussion device, the system can carry out rotary percussion drilling on the condition that no surface water be consumed, and achieve the purposes that saving surface water, cutting cost and improving drilling efficiency. 3. The design conception of steel ball percussion device is very novel, the percussion device is durable, with a simple structure, at the same time drilling efficiency would be improved highly and drilling cost would be reduced greatly when drill with the steel ball percussion device.

综观全文,论文的主要创新点及研究成果如下:主要创新点: 1、结合我国许多地区水资源严重短缺的现状以及国家实施地质大调查战略的背景,创造性地提出了&节水钻探&和&回转冲击钻进&结合起来的新思维; 2、设计出的节水型液动冲击器系统,其工作原理跳出了传统液动冲击器要消耗大量地表水的原理模式,在基本不消耗地表水的情况下便能实现回转冲击钻进,达到节约地表水、降低成本、提高钻探效率的目的; 3、设计的球体冲击器构思新颖,克服了同类产品冲击功传递效率低的弊端、且结构简单、经久耐用,可大幅度提高钻探效率、降低钻探成本。

By analysising the datum in different prestressing force of piston spring shows that raising the prestressing force of piston spring only have a small influence on stroke time to keep the other paramters in costant, but the back stroke time will be decreased and the frequency, the percussive energy and the hydraulic efficiency will be increased rapidly.


When the speed of piton changes from several positive meters per second to negative during short time , a huge transient impacting force acts on the piston. The force spreads in the piston with stress wave. Converging force will become at some sections, which can destroy the piston.


Adjust the pressure of the impact system steplessly, the strike energy of the hammer will also shift steplessly. When the pressure is higher, the strike energy is higher. When the pressure is lower, the strike energy is lower. Adjust the oil flow of supply pump steplessly, the strike frequency will also shift steplessly. When the flow is more, the strike frequency is higher. When the flow is less, the strike frequency is lower.


更多网络解释与冲击器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

impingement separator:冲击式分离器

impingement collector 冲击式收集器 | impingement separator 冲击式分离器 | impinger 大气中悬浮微粒的取样器;

impingement separator:冲击分离器,撞击式气液分离器

impingement rate 碰撞率,冲击率 | impingement separator 冲击分离器,撞击式气液分离器 | impingement washing scrubber 冲击水浴除尘器

impingement collector:冲击式收集器

impervious layer 不透水层 | impingement collector 冲击式收集器 | impingement separator 冲击式分离器

ballistic prover:冲击式流量校验器

ballistic galvanometer 冲击式电流计 | ballistic prover 冲击式流量校验器 | ballistic test 冲击试验

ballistocardiograph:心冲击图机 心冲击图记录仪 心脏射出容量描记器

ballistocardiogram 心冲击描记图 | ballistocardiograph 心冲击图机 心冲击图记录仪 心脏射出容量描记器 | ballistocaridograph 心冲击描记器


imponderable substance 不可秤物 | impinger 冲击集尘测定器 | impingement process 冲击法

wet impinger:湿式冲击器; 湿式撞击集尘器

wet FGD system湿式烟道气脱硫系统 | wet impinger湿式冲击器;湿式撞击集尘器 | wet lime熟石灰;消石灰

impulse face:冲击面,冲面

impulse exciter ==> 脉冲激励器,冲击激励器 | impulse face ==> 冲击面,冲面 | impulse firing ==> 脉冲烧成,脉冲煅烧

striker plate:[车钩的]冲击座

striker 冲击器 | striker plate [车钩的]冲击座 | stringer 纵梁,连接杆

acoustic shock absorber:声冲击吸收器,冲击声吸收器

acoustic shock ==> 声震 | acoustic shock absorber ==> 声冲击吸收器,冲击声吸收器 | acoustic signal ==> 音响信号=>音響信号