英语人>词典>汉英 : 军心 的英文翻译,例句
军心 的英文翻译、例句


soldier's morale · morale of the troops
更多网络例句与军心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inspired by this good omen, the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis .


The Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis .


Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.


The spirit of his army was disintegrating in the chemical processes of the Chinese Revolution.


Their mission was twofold: one group would dash ahead to the Meuse to seize bridges, while the other fanned out behind American lines to spread rumors, changes signposts, in general accelerate the panic that hits rear-echelon forces when they hear that the front line has broken.


It's easy to lose confidence in your SARGE when you don't talk to her.


Erick Dampier will have to really step his game up to levels we have not seen and that scenario must have Avery Johnson worried.


Sir Trevor Brooking, the FA's Director of Football Development, has expressed his concern at the lack of home-grown players making it through to the top level because of the influx of foreigners, and that fear has been echoed by one of his predecessors, Howard Wilkinson.


"Military-dependent's village" is under the special times background of outcome, Year 38, 39 of the Republic of China after the country total civil war, run away from disaster "from another province" for Taiwan to need to stop for rest, regroup;The nation also wants to regroup, counterattacking the mainland is a sacred mission, and the military-dependent's village become for the logistic section that stabilizes morale of troops and develops a war capability.

摘要 「眷村」是特殊时代背景下的产物,民国38、39年间经过国共内战后,逃难到台湾的「外省人」需要歇息、重整;国家也要重整,反攻大陆是神圣的使命,眷村变成为安定军心、培养战力的后勤部门。

Gerrard, though, is refusing to allow his focus to become distracted from vanquishing Milan in Istanbul on Wednesday and plans discussions about his future after the final.


更多网络解释与军心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's disconcerting:想扰乱我们军心

"The Statue of Liberty is kaputt."|"自由神像完蛋了" | That's disconcerting.|想扰乱我们军心 | Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick!|笨蛋,你爹的包皮已给割掉了

The Statue of Liberty is kaputt:自由神像完蛋了

Our friendly neighbourhood morale officer.|友善的政战官 | "The Statue of Liberty is kaputt."|"自由神像完蛋了" | That's disconcerting.|想扰乱我们军心

Warning Sign:细菌浩劫

科幻电影>(Warning Sign)讲的是一个细菌武器的故事. 美国军方将一个细菌武器实验室伪装成农业科技实验室,秘密研究某种超级病菌. 人类一旦感染这种病菌后并不死亡,而是迷失本性,成为杀人狂. 这种细菌战将导致敌方军心崩溃.

Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick:笨蛋,你爹的包皮已给割掉了

That's disconcerting.|想扰乱我们军心 | Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick!|笨蛋,你爹的包皮已给割掉了 | Cover!|躲好


心理点评:心理战(Psywar)是心理学应用于战争的产物. 心理战的作用在于动摇对方的军心、瓦解对方的斗志. 在中国历史上,心理战运用的典型案例是"四面楚歌":项王军壁垓下,兵少食尽,汉军及诸侯兵围之数重. 夜闻汉军四面皆楚歌,