英语人>词典>汉英 : 再赠送 的英文翻译,例句
再赠送 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
represent  ·  represented  ·  representing  ·  represents

更多网络例句与再赠送相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ziyi again received exuberant critical recognition around the world, including a BAFTA nomination for Best Actress, one of the few times such a honor has been bestowed for an "action role."


I am lonely king, according to the imaginary snow empire's convention, after each Gejiu king abdicates, cannot stay again in edge Syracuse, including empress, the imperial concubine, must live in seclusion in the imaginary snow god mountain.

本页字数:1636 最后更新:1年以前[04-22 21:50] 由天街小雨编辑 17xie大改版意见征集赠送维币!我是个孤独的国王,按照幻雪帝国的惯例,每个旧国王退位后都不能再呆在刃雪城,包括皇后,妃子,都要隐居于幻雪神山。

Many people will feel that vendors are quite generous, but the "ayes" have included housing costs as a gift, and property buyers accepted vendors in the "personal" and also sorry to Kanjie.


That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.


She was very good at telling stories, and always asked the people who wanted to hear her stories to begin the background, and then she went on making stories.The friendship between Dennis and her started from a gold-tipped fountain pen which he gave her as the reward of her first brilliant story for him : In the romantic flicker candlelight, the room surrounded with the incense of burning wood in the fireplace ,Dennis and his friends were sitting in the comfortable sofa chair and listening to her story.


更多网络解释与再赠送相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spried spirit:精神

在提出,再赠送,在上演 represent | 精神 spried spirit | 生长,发育 growth