英语人>词典>汉英 : 再宣称 的英文翻译,例句
再宣称 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reassert  ·  reasserted  ·  reasserting

更多网络例句与再宣称相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet for now, at least, Gabriel's Revelation must take its place among a slew of recently discovered or rediscovered objects from around the time of Jesus that are claimed to either support or undermine Scripture but are themselves sufficiently, logically or archaeologically compromised to prevent their being definitive. In 2002, a bone-storage box with the legend "James Son of Joseph Brother of Jesus" bobbed up that seemed to buttress Jesus' historicity while at the same time suggest that the Catholic teaching that he had no true brothers was false — but the Israeli Antiquities Authority declared the inscription as a forgery (although various experts continue to disagree).

暂时, 至少, Gabriel 的揭示必须采取它的地方在被要求对或支持或破坏圣经的沼泽最近被发现的或被再发现的对象之中从在耶稣附近的时期但他们自己充足地,逻辑上或考古学上妥协防止他们是明确的。2002 年,骨头存贮箱子以传奇"耶稣兄弟"浮动那的詹姆斯儿子约瑟夫似乎支持耶稣的historicity 当同时建议宽容教学他没有真实的兄弟是假的—但以色列上古当局宣称题字作为伪造(虽然各种各样的专家继续不同意)。

He figured there would be no early-morning phone calls, no awkward declarations of death.


Easily the most elemental of Carey's releases, her vocal eurythmics in natural sync with the songs",[42] but TIME magazine lamented Carey's attempt at a mellower work," seems perfunctory and almost passionless Carey could be a pop-soul great; instead she has once again settled for Salieri-like mediocrity.

公告牌杂志宣称这些歌"刺痛人心……可能是凯莉发行过的最能体现其本性魅力的歌曲,她声音的律动与那些歌自然而协调地互动在一起",但《时代》杂志却为凯莉这次更加成熟老练的工作尝试表示惋惜,"《音乐盒子》似乎很机械化,并且几乎没什么激情……凯莉ben 可以成为一个灵魂乐流行巨星;但她却再一次像萨利艾里一样平庸地安分了下来。"

Laodamia when the greek ships reached the trojan land at the outbreak of the war,a prophet declared that the first greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .protesilaus ,a greek chief ,seeing that there was a gooddeal of hesitation among his comrades ,leapt overboard and fellinstantly ,pierced through by hector''s spear .when his wife laodamia heard of this she was simply inconsolable .she offered rich sacrifice to the gods and begged zeus to restore herslaughtered lord to her.moved by her fidelity ,zeus sent hermes to escort the shade of protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.laodamia''s joy knew nobounds when she held her slain lord once more in her arms.protesilaus told her the story of his selfsacrifice ,and laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.however ,shegave a sharp cry when she saw hermes coming at the fixed hourto take protesilaus back to the lower world.so sad was she at the second parting that she died of grief not long after.the pairwere reunited in hades.


When the greek ships reached the trojan land at the outbreak of the war,a prophet declared that the first greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .protesilaus,a greek chief,seeing that there was a gooddeal of hesitation among his comrades,leapt overboard and fellinstantly,pierced through by hector''s spear .when his wife laodamia heard of this she was simply inconsolable .she offered rich sacrifice to the gods and begged zeus to restore herslaughtered lord to her.moved by her fidelity ,zeus sent hermes to escort the shade of protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.laodamia''s joy knew nobounds when she held her slain lord once more in her arms.protesilaus told her the story of his selfsacrifice,and laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.however,shegave a sharp cry when she saw hermes coming at the fixed hourto take protesilaus back to the lower world.so sad was she at the second parting that she died of grief not long after.the pairwere reunited in hades.


Laodamia 拉俄达弥亚 when the greek ships reached the trojan land at the outbreak of the war,a prophet declared that the first greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .protesilaus,a greek chief,seeing that there was a gooddeal of hesitation among his comrades,leapt overboard and fellinstantly,pierced through by hector''s spear .when his wife laodamia heard of this she was simply inconsolable .she offered rich sacrifice to the gods and begged zeus to restore herslaughtered lord to her.moved by her fidelity ,zeus sent hermes to escort the shade of protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.laodamia''s joy knew nobounds when she held her slain lord once more in her arms.protesilaus told her the story of his selfsacrifice , and laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.however,shegave a sharp cry when she saw hermes coming at the fixed hourto take protesilaus back to the lower world.


When the greek ships reached the trojan land at the outbreak of the war,a prophet declared that the first greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .protesilaus,a greek chief,seeing that there was a gooddeal of hesitation among his comrades,leapt overboard and fellinstantly,pierced through by hector\''\''s spear .when his wife laodamia heard of this she was simply inconsolable .she offered rich sacrifice to the gods and begged zeus to restore herslaughtered lord to her.moved by her fidelity ,zeus sent hermes to escort the shade of protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.laodamia\''\''s joy knew nobounds when she held her slain lord once more in her arms.protesilaus told her the story of his selfsacrifice,and laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.however,shegave a sharp cry when she saw hermes coming at the fixed hourto take protesilaus back to the lower world.so sad was she at the second parting that she died of grief not long after.the pairwere reunited in hades.


This finding is emphasized in a press release from Novartis, which states that there were 30% fewer distant recurrences with letrozole than with tamoxifen (87 vs 125 patients) and then explains that distant recurrences increase the likelihood of death from the disease."Avoiding distant metastases in early breast cancer is very important, because we know that this type of recurrence significantly worsens the prognosis for these women," Dr Mauriac is quoted as saying. Letrozole "may be beneficial in reducing early relapse," he adds.


Militant Islam became the solution for overcoming a modern, Western power such as Israel, thereby reasserting its religious and cultural pre-eminence.


Liberal ironists"" believe there is no final vocabulary to settle all questions, they think anything doesn't have real essence, and they think that anything can be made to look good or bad by redescribed.


更多网络解释与再宣称相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


>中的用词"弟兄"(brethren)指近亲;从这里提到的段落的上下文来看﹐以色列人的兄弟正是同一父﹙亚伯拉罕﹚所生的同血缘的以实玛利族人. 因此﹐在这些段落中﹐上帝说将从以色列人的兄弟中降生一位伟大的先知﹐祂指的只能是先知穆罕默德﹐因为除他之外再没有什么以实玛利族人宣称自己是先知了.


比如 , 投标人在投标降价函中笼统宣称将投标总价降低某一百分比 , 在标前谈判过程中 , 业主就可能要求投标人接受这样的降价结果 : 即先以投标总价乘以降价百分比得到降价的绝对金额, 然后再除以合同净价( 即总标价减去税金、不可预见费(Contingency), 暂定金额 (P


即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.


即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.

Jesper Parnevik:杰斯佩-帕纳维克

新浪体育讯 作为首位赢得北欧名人赛的瑞典本土球手,杰斯佩-帕纳维克(Jesper Parnevik)冒险地进入了本周北欧名人赛的赛事组织工作. 当他亲身体验到承办赛事的艰辛之后,这位瑞典人宣称自己以后绝不会再抱怨赛事的组织者.