英语人>词典>汉英 : 内陆地区 的英文翻译,例句
内陆地区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
backland  ·  upland  ·  hinterlands

更多网络例句与内陆地区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are reportedly only 28 countries in the world that have scientific research station in Antarctica, but many of them are located along the periphery, only the United States, Russia, Japan, France, Italy and Germany have stations on the Antarctic inland icecap.


Looked from the institutional transition process, the regional advance gradually of institutional transition leads to the regional difference of institutional structure, and because of the slow of inner-regional attenuation of traditional planning economic system, its new market economic system forms stagnantly, whereas sea-side region is contrary,.


"With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendant s of the Spanish conquistadors."


"With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highland s voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors."


With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors.


Economic activity migrates from the coasts to inland regions, such as Inner Mongolia.


But the increase in China's overall Gini Index from 35 in 1990 to 45 in 2003 not only reflects the impacts of an ever-widening income disparity between coastal China and the rest of the nation, but it is also a function of the increased divergence in the distribution of urban incomes.


For understanding the workability and precision of these prediction equations, at first this study not only simulates the MHs of Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshung cities and Kao-ping area but also compares these results with meteorological models of CLAMET and TPAQM. And the comparisons show the high correlation (up to 0.8) between them. When the results of MH prediction equations model are compared with TPAQM, they get higher or lower values than TPAQM. The reasons are that Holzworth method can not concern about the warm and cold advections effect and the upper air data used do not get enough finer space-spread. About the results spread on the domain of my model, they show more different MH fields between the land and the sea around and get more sharply change of the land MHs on daytime than TPAQM.

为了解此预测式之可行性及准确度,本研究针对台北、台中、高雄及高屏地区作混合层高度值的模拟,并将模拟结果与实际观测值、CALMET气象模组及光化学轨迹模式输出结果作比对,结果显示均有0.80以上之高相关性;但与TPAQM计算结果间有明显的高估或低估现象,此为Holzworth method无法考量温度平流效应对混合层发展之影响及探空资料空间解析度不足所致;而在空间分布上,本模式所计算的混合层高度场相较於TPAQM在海陆分布上有较明显的分野,且更能够显示出内陆地区混合层高度的日变化。

17 545 suhjects aged 45 and above were selected from the data of"2002 China National Nutrition Survey"according to their dietary habit and regional distribution character,who were from southeast seaside,southwest inland and mid inland,including 23 provinces.We analyzed the difference of dietary pattern between the group of hypercholesterolaemia and the group of normal TC level.We also analyzed the dietary effect factors by logistic regress model.

利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查的资料,根据区域分布特点和饮食习惯,抽取东南沿海地区、西南内陆地区和中部内陆地区共23个省的45岁及以上人群17 545名,分析高TC血症和TC正常组的膳食模式差异,并采用logistic回归分析模型分析高TC血症的膳食影响因素。

The South Pacific east afar; the western inland region and the Northern Territory, to 138 degrees east longitude line, and the east coast of the Great Dividing Range along the coast are separated; a small number of low mountains and hilly areas.


更多网络解释与内陆地区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


boo-ay 内陆地区 | boo-boo 错误 | boob 笨蛋


其他的像雅克玛(Yakama),科尔维(Colville)和斯波坎(Spokane)等部落则生活在华盛顿东部的平原和河谷流域. 许多村庄聚集在沿海地区或河流两岸,村民们会协作捕捞鲑鱼;而生活在内陆地区的部族则通过狩猎麋鹿、熊、驯鹿和其他一些捕猎活动而增进彼此间的交流,




现代商船(中国)有限公司宁波分公司简介 现代商船(中国)有限公司是韩国现代商船株式会社(HMM)在中国设立的外商独资企业. 公司作为中国境内主要国际班轮运输经营商,服务网络覆盖中国沿海及内陆地区,截至2008年,




而没有居住在(更不用说没有到过)南北达科他(South Dakota, North Dakota)、内布拉什加(Nebraska)、堪萨斯(Kansas)、俄克拉何马(Oklahoma)、德克萨斯(Texas) 等内陆地区(心脏地区"Heart Land")的话,

Papua NewGuineaReefs:巴布亚新几内亚的珊瑚礁

16.Outback 澳大利亚内陆地区 | 17.Papua NewGuineaReefs 巴布亚新几内亚的珊瑚礁 | 18.Sahara 非洲撒哈拉沙漠


其主要组成人口,是因所使用的[[斯瓦希里语]](Swahili)而被称为斯瓦希里人的亚非混血族群. 虽然实际上的起源不明,但早在九世纪时,摩加迪休附近的地区就已经是索马利亚内陆地区与外界联络的要道.


正蚓亚目(Lumbricina)正蚓科(Lumbricidae):北半球温带地区、温哥华岛、加拿大、日本、欧亚大陆. 寒蚓科(Ocnerodrilidae):中美洲、南美洲、非洲. 棘蚓科(Acanthodrilidae):非洲、北美洲东南部和内陆地区、中美洲、南美洲、大洋洲.

la paella:(海鲜饭)

巴伦西亚地区的美食在国际上以海鲜饭(La Paella)富有盛名,但我们不能只提及这一道菜,因为单是以大米作为原材料的菜肴就有一百多种. 在内陆地区最具特色的要数用锅炖制而成的猪肉,羊肉和肉菜汤,而在沿海地区则以鱼和海产品为食品的主要原料.