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兼职教授 的英文翻译、例句


adjunct professor · Part-time Professor
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He is also adjunct professor of advertising in the Graduate Design Management and Cultural Arts Management programs at Pratt Institute.


He has also served as an adjunct professor of e-commerce at Carnegie-Mellon University West Coast campus.


Adjunct Professor of Renmin University of China and Tutor for Doctoral Students.


Chris is an adjunct assistant professor of philosophy at Westmont College.


During his ambassadorship at the United Nations, he was concurrently adjunct professor of International Law at Columbia Law School and Inge Rennert Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at New York University Law School; he is also an associate member of the Institute of International Law (Associ? de l'Institut de Droit International).


Professor XIE Jia-Xing is the Professor and the Director of Music Research Institute of China Conservatory, with a Master Degree in Composing Theory (1988) and a PH.D. of Music Aesthetic (2004). He is also the leading figure in music education discipline in China Conservatory, the associate director of the Education Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association , the president of the Music Education Commission of CMA, the director of the Music Education Academic Committee of CEC, the director of the Music Aesthetic Committee of CMA, the director of the Music Psychology Society, the director of Chinese Association of Music Communication, the member of International Society of Music Education, Committeeman of CPCEMM(COMMISSION ON MUSIC IN CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND MASS MEDIA POLICIES) of ISME, the adviser of APSMER. He is the part-time professor of Xian Conservatory, the part-time professor of Tianjin Conservatory, the specially hired professor of Art Institute of Henan University and the member of Exterior Examination Committee Member of the Education Institute of Hong kong.

谢嘉幸,中国音乐学院音乐研究所所长、教授、学院学术委员会委员, 1988 年毕业於中国音乐学院作曲系,获作曲理论硕士学位; 2004 年在中央音乐学院获音乐美学方向博士学位;中国音乐家协会教育委员会主任助理;中国音乐家协会音乐教育学学会会长;中国教育学会音乐教育专业委员会理事、音乐教育学学术委员会主任;中国音乐家协会音乐美学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐心理学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐传播学会理事;北京音乐家协会理事;国际音乐教育学会会员、文化教育与大众传媒政策委员会委员;亚太音乐教育研究会顾问;亚太艺术教育学报编委;国家教委教育科学"八五""九五"规划重点课题负责人;西安音乐学院兼职教授,天津音乐学院兼职教授,河南大学艺术学院特聘教授,香港教育学院院外考试委员。

Occupation: Panel Conciliator of Conciliation Center of China Chamber of International Commerce; Panel Mediator of the US-China Business Mediation Center; Member of Legal Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress; Guest Professor, Shenzhen University; The Member of Consultative Committee for Decision-making of Shenzhen City


Meanwhile, we have retained about 50 in-and-out renowned specialists 、 scholars to be our honored or pluralized professors.


After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, a former National School of Management lecturer at Peking Railway, was in the early 50 Aurora University, part-time professor of Fudan University, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House the new editor-in-chief, the Director of the Shanghai Committee of literature, by 1955, Hu Feng was implicated to 1981 rehabilitates years later, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee was the first and second subjects评议组成员, Minister of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department.


But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.


更多网络解释与兼职教授相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjunct Professor:兼职教授

可在美国,"兼职教授"(adjunct professor)差不多是谁都可以做的. 最多做"兼职教授"的是那些通常没有博士学位的专业人士,如律师,会计师等. 那可不是个挂名的头衔,是要实干的,报酬也不高. 所以,在美国做过"兼职教授",和做过"博士后"一样,

Financial Econometrics:(金融计量经济学)

主要内容:金融计量经济学 (Financial Econometrics)及其应用. ○南加州大学经济学系教授、厦门大学王亚南经济研究院学术顾问和兼职教授、>主编萧政. 主要内容:面板(或平行)数据模型 (Panel Data Models)及其应用.

Professor Emeritus:榮譽教授

1958年成为终生教授,1978年成为荣誉教授(Professor Emeritus). 1957~1958年间还担任过加州帕洛阿尔托市(Palo Alto)的行为科学高级研究中心的高级研究员. 他在贝尔兼职直到1972年. Shannon于1956年当选为美国科学院院士,时年40岁.

Halford Mackinder:麦金德

美国得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(Dallas)政治经济学院教授高登,克拉克(GordonL.Clark,[email protected])是牛津大学地理系"麦金德"(Halford Mackinder)讲座教授和萨伊德商学院(Said Business School)董事,是位于英国牛津的圣彼德学院的兼职教授.

life member:终身会员

尼波星大学学科规划委员会(Academic Planning Committee of Nipissing University)委员,湖南大学软件学院兼职教授,国际电气电子工程师学会(IEEE) 高级会员(senior member), 国际计算机器学会(ACM)会员(member),中国旅美科技学会(CAST\USA)终身会员(life member).

Part-time Professor:兼职教授

坚持社会主义方向 to keep to the socialist orientation | 兼职教授 Part-time Professor | 建筑工程系 Department of Architectural Engineering

Preceptorial system;tutorial system:奖惩制度

Adjunct professor 兼职教授 | Preceptorial system;tutorial system 奖惩制度 | Teacher merit system 教师奖励制

Suffolk University:萨福克大学

医生杨景端博士与与哈佛大学尼曼研究员陈小平、萨福克大学(Suffolk University)管理学院李强教授、>杂志主编胡平先生、路特格斯大学(Rutgers University)电脑科学系兼职教授周士宇博士一同应邀于5月14日在哈佛大学燕京礼堂演讲,

Visiting Professor:訪問教授

英文直译过来应该是"访问教授"(visiting professor)和"兼职教授"(adjunct professor). 虽然各个学校聘请访问教授、兼职教授的条件、期限、待遇不尽相同,但大同小异. 约翰.霍普金斯大学医学院的病理科主任拉夫尔.鲁班教授说,

Nipissing University:(尼波星大学)

朱海滨,现为加拿大尼波星大学(Nipissing University)计算机与数学系助理教授, 尼波星大学学科规划委员会(Academic Planning Committee of Nipissing University)委员,湖南大学软件学院兼职教授,国际电气电子工程师学会(IEEE) 高级会员(senior member),