英语人>词典>汉英 : 典型性 的英文翻译,例句
典型性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
representativeness  ·  typicality  ·  typicalness

更多网络例句与典型性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An Americanism is a word, phase, sound or expression, which is characteristic of and typical of American English.


The verb is to be the high typical verb, most of them are boundedness and high dynamic.


Nanjing brocade is the most representative machine in all traditional implements of china.


Xifeng liquor is famous for it's shorter fermentation period in liquor-making field.But because of this typical craft,Xifeng liquor has lower content of total ester and total acid,which has disadvantage to aroma producing.Especially ,the amount of ethyl caproate is lower evidently than that of the main products in the market.

摘 要:西凤酒以发酵期短而在酿酒界闻名,西凤酒工艺的典型性决定了西凤酒总酯含量和总酸含量低,不利于多种呈香物质的放香,特别是己酸乙酯含量远低于目前市场上俏销的主流产品。

It can often be seen in the chart just what type of achievement is desired, and it may not always be "typical".


It is very important to promote the development on the field of coal chemistry by studing deeply on the mechanism of phenolic compounds produced during coal prolysis at lower temperature.


Not only the marking and quoting function behave differently among different preposions, in each adposition itself these two parts have different behaviors.


Typicality may be seen as functioning as the locus for the local stability of lexical meanings. In this sense it represents the habitual or regularity aspect of meaning.


Assuming that sentence preferences for unbranded sentences reveals the product-level typicality, note that there is a sort of ceiling effect when brand and product-level typicality is the same (e.g., for Levi's, Gillette, and Xerox).

假定不具品牌语句的语句倾向性可以揭示产品水平的典型性,注意到有一种最高限度的影响,在品牌和产品水平典型性相同的时候。(例如李维斯,吉列和施乐) 5。

We present the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of 55 atypical polypoid adenomyofibromas, a definitional expansion of an entity previously reported as "atypical polypoid adenomyoma" of the uterus.


更多网络解释与典型性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atypical pneumonia:非典型性肺炎

在此前尚未有定论时,我国将该病定称为"非典型性肺炎(Atypical Pneumonia)",简称"非典". 实际上,非典型性肺炎是在医学上有特指,且其传染性小,可自愈,病人无须隔离,与SARS完全不同. 但我国各种场合均广泛混用"非典"与"SARS". 本文为明确界定,

atypical pneumonia:非典型性费炎

artillery barrage 炮火网 | atypical pneumonia 非典型性费炎 | botulin toxin 肉毒杆菌毒素

trigeminal neuralgia:非典型性面部痛

苔癣样药物反应 Trifascicular block | 非典型性面部痛 Trigeminal neuralgia | 扳机状指 Trigger finger


这种策略就是卖出过去市场表现好的股票,而买入过去表现差的股票. 有的研究表明,如果时间较长,反转投资策略具有较好的效果. 反转投资策略的理论基础是羊群行为和事件的典型性(representativeness)所导致的反应过度.



Sars SARS:病,非典型性肺炎

salad 色拉,生菜,凉拌菜 | Sars SARS病,非典型性肺炎 | sauce 沙司,酱,佐料

typical of:有...典型性的

true of对...符合,适用 | typical of有...典型性的 | take a chance碰运气,冒险


CDH主要分成畸胎性(teratologic)及典型性(typical)两大类,而以后者较常发生. 典型性CDH发生在出生后,可分为不稳定型、半脱臼型及完全脱臼型. 通常女多于男,其发生率女性为男性的6-8倍,左边为右边的1.5倍,而白人又多于黑人.

typicality effect:典型性效应

typicality 典型性 | typicality effect 典型性效应 | typicality of character 性格的典型性

typicality of character:性格的典型性

typicality effect 典型性效应 | typicality of character 性格的典型性 | typically proportional sampling 类型比例抽样