英语人>词典>汉英 : 其剧本 的英文翻译,例句
其剧本 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与其剧本相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The play is amusingly written,but its subject is a serious one.


"The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one."


The play is amusingly write, but its subject is a serious one


The play be amusingly write , but Its subject be a serious one


Life 生活 Aristophanes' play The Clouds portrays Socrates as a clown who teaches his students how to bamboozle their way out of debt.


This is the difficulty with the current scripts that give all the chi to the Anu descendents; and then the Anu who do not require all the chi barter it away to the nonphysical.


In his novels, motives and variations are like the contraposition above.


The film would guarantee him a huge audience for the first time, but it wouldn't be his own piece of work either – Cuarón inherited an established cast, the sets built by Columbus and his team, a screenplay by Steve Kloves, who wrote the relatively unadventurous scripts for the first two episodes, and JK Rowling's story itself .

这部电影一定会一放映便赢得大批观众,但那并不是他独创的作品——阿方索手头的演员都是已经挑好的,片场是哥伦布和其工作室布置好的,剧本作家Steve Kloves也为前两部电影写过剧本,再说这个故事本来就是JKR的。

In such a way a series of vivid characters were produced during this period of timeIn the later half of 1940,movie literature scripts complied with the historical process of the Chinese modem literature,and echoed the turbulent tide of the times.Either emphasized on the consciousness of social criticism,or inclined to the consciousness of humanism,its ideological nature and the direction for creation was very explicit.But this "directional" expression and the demand were not conceptual,or stiffly inbreathed. It is the "concrete image",the "metaphor" of the text,revealed naturally in accordance with the development of the plot and the molding of characters.It can be said as "the wind rippled the surface of the water naturally" and presented excellent artistic technique and high standard.The film scripts writers of the society group undertook the Chinese movie tradition of moving with the history,on an unusual level achieved a new altitude of ideology,and obtained a new artistic achievements.


At severalpoints in his career James wrote plays, beginning with one-act plays written for periodicals in 1869 and 1871[4]and a dramatization of his popular novella Daisy Miller in 1882.[5] From 1890to 1892, he made a concerted effort to succeed commercially on the Londonstage, writing a half-dozen plays of which only one, a dramatization of hisnovel The American, was produced.


更多网络解释与其剧本相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Blind Side:攻其不備

小成本制作的>则获得最佳影片暮光之城2剧情介绍最佳导演奖最佳男主角与最佳原著剧本等奖项提名.最佳女主角奖部无极外挂怎么不能用分人气极旺的珊卓布拉克(Sandra Bullock)以"攻其不备"(The Blind Side)获提名角逐最佳女主





Moby Dick:白鲸记*莫比迪克

罪犯必须是故事开始时出现过的人,但不得是读者可以追随其思想的人(例,侦探 ...20世纪福克斯将重拍>中摩西的故事,目前他们已经聘请编剧亚当.库柏(Adam Cooper)和比尔.柯列芝(Bill Collage)创作剧本,这两人最近刚完成新版>(Moby Dick)的剧本.

Terms of Endearment:亲密关系

1983年初导演处女作>(Terms of Endearment)获得第五十六届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演及最佳改编剧本奖(同时该片也获得了当年金球奖最佳编剧),由此奠定了其在电影界特别是编导领域的地位.

Linda Woolverton:编剧:琳达.沃尔夫顿

该片编剧琳达.沃尔夫顿(Linda Woolverton)也持同样的观点. 她说在开始创作剧本时,她"对维多利亚时期的风俗道德做过一番考究,看看那个时期的女孩行为标准,然后写剧本时就反其道而行之. "她还说,"我比较希望把这部电影写成一部惊险动作片,

Vagrant Story:《放浪冒险谭>

不同於FFX那样类似於现代的幻想世界,而松野泰己的作品向来有很深的欧洲味道,而且剧本都获得了业界的高度评价,其SFC版"皇家骑士团2荣光的颂歌"是94年的作品,现在还在日本的排行榜上,其PS的大作"放浪冒险谭"(VAGRANT STORY)更是被FAMI通评

Moby Dick:白鲸记*莫比迪克

罪犯必须是故事开始时出现过的人,但不得是读者可以追随其思想的人(例,侦探 ...20世纪福克斯将重拍<<圣经>>中摩西的故事,目前他们已经聘请编剧亚当.库柏(Adam Cooper)和比尔.柯列芝(Bill Collage)创作剧本,这两人最近刚完成新版<<白鲸记/莫比.迪克>>(Moby Dick)的剧本.

No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur:没人知道谁写了那个剧本,但经常有人把其归于Cyril Tourneur所写

81. I'm feeling better tha... | 82. No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur.(没人知道谁写了那个剧本,但经常有人把其归于Cyril Tourneur所写. | 83. We believe that a...

没人知道谁写了那个剧本,但经常有人把其归于Cyril Tourneur所写:No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur

81. I'm feeling better tha... | 82. No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur.(没人知道谁写了那个剧本,但经常有人把其归于Cyril Tourneur所写. | 83. We believe that a...