英语人>词典>汉英 : 兴趣等 的英文翻译,例句
兴趣等 的英文翻译、例句


change of pace
更多网络例句与兴趣等相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondary school students from the Guangyuan City of soft interest in the status of volleyball, site equipment and school factors such as the importance attached to start and found that the impact of secondary school in Guangyuan City of soft interest in volleyball is the main reason for the lack of theoretical knowledge, traditional teaching style, teaching methods arid, dry contact methods, adult-oriented games, the emotional exchanges between teachers and students and so on.


Blow hot and cold to be interested in something at one moment and not interested in it at another moment.


Our results show that the factors arousing students' learning interest are delightfulness,practicality,sense of superiority,enjoyableness and congenialness.The factors resulting in loss of learning interest,on the other hand,are dullness,boredom and helplessness.

结果表明:使高中生产生学习兴趣的因素为愉悦感与功用性、优越感、消遣性、相投性等 4个因素:使高中生失去学习兴趣的因素为无味性、厌倦感、无助感等 3个因素。

In order to strengthen the interest of the texts, arouse the students' motivation and make the students produce spontaneous learning power, this paper introduces some methods to teach English texts interestedly, such as visual teaching, picture teaching, self-learning and teaching, helping and teaching, using local materials and so on, which have strong teaching effect.


NRR publishes original contributions written by experts and leaders in the fields of neuroanatomy, pathology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, and auxanology approaches to examine neural regeneration research; it publishes experimental studies dealing with the structure and function of the nervous system, such as cerebral cortex, Hippocampus, pineal, glial cell, spinal cord neurons, peripheral neurons and sensory nerve injury and regeneration research.


In today's world, educational fields pay more attention to the importance of teaching students how to study. Nonintellectual factors, such as academic motivation and learning interest, have a great effect on the study, which is generally concerned by the academic world day by day.


SEGA重新注册"噗卟噗卟火箭"等多款经典DC游戏商标~[size=2]On one hand Sega has been moving forward with new franchises like Valkyria Chronicles and Sands of Destruction.


Their wider interest and hobby,stronger thirst for knowledge and consciousness of personality and variety require that their extracurricular .Eponts should not be limited in physical needs ,but also in gradrally developing their personal and social demands . Extracurricular sports tracining can build up body,promote psychology health,and train them to form fine living habit .


I think this society is being force-fed with trivial fare, and I fear that the effects on our habits of mind, our language, our tolerance for effort, and our appetite for complexity are only dimly perceived.


The aptitude and career interest were considered as the two dimension of the entrance guide system, and was proof-tested by the structural equation model, which results supported this two-dimension hypothesis. Accordingly, there were two parts in the guide system. One part was about the aptitude test, consisted of seven subtests: verbal reasoning, spatial imagining, mathematic reasoning, computer capacity, abstract reasoning, physical knowledge, and sentence recomposing. The other part was about the career interest test, including eight aspects: career longing, curriculum desire, entertainment after school, activity preference, job preference, work environment preference, self-estimate of one\'s abilities, and discuss future with someone else. After three times modification and testing, the psychometric indices of the guide system were become well and stable. Furthermore, the guide system was primarily launched into applying, with four typical case studies, the practicability and serviceability of the guide system was showed swiftly.The entrance guide system for junior high school students that was developed in this research was one-upping in the entrance guide field in China.


更多网络解释与兴趣等相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The play was amusingly written,but its subjuct was a serious one:(文学、音乐等)严肃的

Getting married is a serious matter.重要的;须认真对待的 | The play was amusingly written,but its subjuct was a serious one.(文学、音乐等)严肃的 | He is not serious about literature.感兴趣的(+about)

anticlimactic:突降法的, 突减的(兴趣等), 虎头蛇尾的

anticlerical | 反圣职者的, 反对教权的 | anticlimactic | 突降法的, 突减的(兴趣等), 虎头蛇尾的 | anticlimax | 突降法, 突减, 虎头蛇尾

entertain vt.1:使感兴趣,使娱乐;2.招待,款待;3.持有(意见、见解等),怀有(疑虑等)

enterprise n.1.企(事)业单位;2.事业心,进取心,冒险精神 | entertain vt.1.使感兴趣,使娱乐;2.招待,款待;3.持有(意见、见解等),怀有(疑虑等) | enthusiasm n.热心,热情,积极性

grow on:使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对...的影响

grow into 成长为,发展为 | grow on 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对...的影响 | grow out of 由...产生;长高大了(衣服等)穿不上;抛弃;戒除(恶习)

grow out of:由...产生;长高大了(衣服等)穿不上;抛弃;戒除(恶习)

grow on 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对...的影响 | grow out of 由...产生;长高大了(衣服等)穿不上;抛弃;戒除(恶习) | grow up 长大成人;成长;发展

have an interest in:对...有兴趣[关心] 在...中有股份、权益等

give back to sb. with interest 连利息一起偿还某人; 加重回敬某人; 加倍还击某人 | have an interest in 对...有兴趣[关心] 在...中有股份、权益等 | have no interest for 对...没有兴趣


在之前长达一年的宣传造势中,一汽大众迈腾准确把握了营销过程四阶段:AIDA,即"注意"(Attention)、"兴趣"(Interest)、"欲望"(Desire)和"行动"(Action). 分别从"以客户需求为导向"、"以技术为导向"、" 以竞争对手分析为导向"等方面完美地把握了有效营销

show an interest in:对......表现出兴趣

light up 照亮 | show an interest in 对......表现出兴趣 | reach out (手、脚等)伸出

warm to:爱好 , 对...感兴趣

take on 具有 ( 特性等 ), 呈现 ( 新面貌等 ), 承担 | warm to 爱好 , 对...感兴趣 | have it/something out with someone 通过争论或斗争同某人解决纠纷 , 与某人就某事讲个明白

Collectibles Organizer Deluxe:管理兴趣、爱好、收藏和俱乐部等相关信息

Coin Organizer Deluxe :管理所收藏的钱币信息 | Collectibles Organizer Deluxe :管理兴趣、爱好、收藏和俱乐部等相关信息 | Contact Organizer Deluxe :收集和整理商务联系信息