英语人>词典>汉英 : 兴趣中心 的英文翻译,例句
兴趣中心 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
foci  ·  focuses

center of interest
更多网络例句与兴趣中心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We had a prayer meeting in our house last Sunday for our applicants and those who are interested in SIM ministry. They are all trainees in NECTAR (North East center of Training and Resource) right now.


The research interests in the centre for astrophysics and planetary science include solar system studies, astrobiology, space missions, star formation, astrochemistry, superconducting astronomical detector development, and the cosmic history of galaxy formation.


Finally, I'm hoping after the ten weeks of training they'll be able to make their own radio magazine programmes about their life in and around the Aylesbury Estate. People will be able to listen to these programmes on London Chinese Radio's website or get a free copy on CD from local libraries and Chinese or Vietnamese Communities Centres.


The discovery of the Bainbridge reflex 70 years ago, of a tachycardic response to a rise in central venous pressure, stimulated a lot of interest in this and other cardiovascular reflexes.

Bainbridge reflex发现于70年前,指中心静脉压力的增高导致心动过速,当时引起了人们对此以及其他心脏血管反射的兴趣。

Dewey's This "children's center theory" rejected the traditional education Books centers, centers and teachers in the classroom center, so that the child's personality and psychological have been a very Great respect, they are no longer just little adults, but a lively nature of the independent individual, has its own Interests, needs and psychological characteristics, which lifted the spirit of feudal despotism education cangue Lock, with a self-evident nature of historical progress.


In an early childhood classroom where the children became curious about hermit crabs after reading Eric Carle ' s A House for Hermit Crab , we incorporated the topic of crustaceans in as many centers as possible.


In recent years, many metalloporphyrins were synthesized to catalyze the oxidation reaction.


This theory has such features as follows: The thinking fashion of existence,the essential element of Interest Centre Theory,philosophical tendency of Naturalism and studying way of experimentalism description.


Near mergers may not be quite as objectionable, but they can steal attention from your center of interest.


Speaking for our own shares, Charlie and I have absolutely no complaint about these taxes. We know we work in a market-based economy that rewards our efforts far more bountifully than it does the efforts of others whose output is of equal or greater benefit to society. Taxation should, and does, partially redress this inequity. But we still remain extraordinarily well-treated. Berkshire and its shareholders, in combination, would pay a much smaller tax if Berkshire operated as a partnership or "S" corporation, two structures often used for business activities. For a variety of reasons, that's not 9 www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism feasible for Berkshire to do.

经由我个人最喜爱的漫画短片,Li'l Abner,我有机会可以体会到延迟支付所得税的好处,虽然当时我没有好好地利用那次机会,为了让他的读者觉得自己很优越, Abner 一直快乐地 Li'l 维持单身,直到他为纽约一位女演员 Appassionatta 深深地着迷,但由于她只对百万富翁有兴趣,因此一贫如洗的 Abner 可以说是一点希望都没有,在遭到拒绝之后,Abner 跑去智能老人 Mose 那里请他指点迷津,结果这位圣贤对 Abner 说,很简单你只要能够将身上仅有的一块钱,复制 20 次, Appassionatta 自然就会投入到你的怀抱(1,2,4,8,…。,1,048,576)。

更多网络解释与兴趣中心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



beautiful butterflies:漂亮的蝴蝶

当时我就抓住孩子们的这一兴趣点,结合当时正在进行的活动即时生成了一个让幼儿认识"漂亮的蝴蝶"( Beautiful Butterflies )的教学环节,效果非常好. 主题式综合课程的设计策略,课程专家比因( Beane )认为,课程设计始于一个中心主题,


在这个基础上,萨义德找到了他想处理的问题:中心(centricity)与离心(eccentricity). (见>第一部第七篇>)而所谓中心与离心,也就是权力与反权力. 从这时候起,萨义德逐渐对流亡、放逐和争取人权的斗争这些话题感兴趣.



activity curriculum:活动课程

>把"活动课程"(activity curriculum)定义为"从儿童的兴趣和需要出发,以儿童的活动为中心,为改造儿童的经验而设计的课程. "而>对"活动课程"作了如下界定:"活动课程,又称经验课程、儿童中心课程.

focal plane:焦点平面

焦点平面(focal plane) 聚焦的光线落在这个表面或传感器上,图像是最清晰的. 焦点(focal point) 摄影者将相机焦点对准的场景区域. 也是构图中的兴趣中心. 透视缩短(foreshorten) 简化或扭曲三维对象以在二维平面上呈现它.



product moment correlation:积差相关

机体觉 organic sensation | 积差相关 product moment correlation | 兴趣中心 center of interest

Rockefeller Center:洛克菲勒中心

的"克莱斯勒大厦"(Chrysler Building)和"洛克菲勒中心" (Rockefeller Center)的"维克多大厦"(RCA Building)相比,是使人不太感兴趣的摩天楼. 至于"五角大楼",它在建造上优点不多,主要是它的巨大规模给人留下深刻的印象--当然,还有它的形象.


杆状细胞(rods) 视觉感受器,对光线的敏感度比锥细胞要敏感数百倍. 它们产生无色视觉,使人可以在昏暗的光线下看清对象的一般轮廓. 三分法(rule of thirds) 该规则表示将图像中的兴趣中心放在网格的一个交叉点上.