英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节窝 的英文翻译,例句
关节窝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与关节窝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Superior border in all 13 subjects treated with fixed inclined bite??plate. MRI??signs of glenoid fossa remodeling at anterior??inferior border of post??glenoid spine were noted in 2 of 13 subjects. Condylar??fossa relationship changes were unconspicuous before and after treatment.

结果: 13例患者MRI结果均可见到髁突后上部发生改建,有新骨形成的表现;2例可见到关节窝改建,位于关节后结节的前缘下方,治疗前后髁突在关节窝中位置无明显变化。

Sometimes can hear clear and crisply play sound when the pulley returns to joint nest.


Objective: To quantify the new bone formation in the glenoid fossa of the temperal bone in response to the mandibular advancement.


Sections were cut through the glenoid fossa at the sagittal plane and stained with PAS under the same condition.


Mandibular advancement\ \ glenoid fossa\ \ new bone formation\ \ quantitative evaluation


Postoperative MRI showed that the joint space filled with mixed-signal material, the condyle and glenoid fossa were completely separated.


There is significant subluxation present where the ball is partly or completely out of a shallow socket.


Most perforated cases were located in the bilaminar and post band of disc and there were synovial hyperplasia, fibrillation, fibrocartilage rupture,and bone exposure.


Based the above research, we chosen 48 cephalometric radiographs of skeletal classⅢocclusion (18-39 years old, ANB4°) and measured with computer assistant Delaire cephalometric analysis. The data were deal with ANOVA analysis through SAS9.0 statistical software. The research divided the cranio-maxillo-facial hard tissue structure feature of skeletal classⅢinto four classifications through Delaire cephalometric analysis including hypo-divergent, hyper-divergent, maxilla normal and glenoid fossa retrocession, nine parameters of four groups have significantly variability through ANOVA analysis(P.05),for example, anterior cranial base angle, sphenoidal angle, percentage of craniospinal area to cranial depth ,percentage of craniofacial area to cranial depth and so on.


METHODS: Oblique sagittal T1 weighted MR imaging at closed mouth was obtained from 88 joints of 44 patients who complained of unilateral TMJ pain. On MRI view, a straight line AE was drawn through the lowest point of articular eminence and the highest point of external auditory meatus, and then the perpendicular lines were dropped from condylar head and the most poterior band of the disc to AE on which the cross points were marked as C′ and D′.


更多网络解释与关节窝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

articular surface:关节面

(1)关节面(articular surface)是相邻两骨的接触面. 多为一凸一凹,凸面称关节头,凹 面称关节窝,其表面覆有一层关节软骨,使两关节面的接触更加适合. 由于软骨的表面光滑并有 弹性,因此有减少摩擦和缓冲两骨撞击的作用. 关节软骨内无血管、神经,


enantiotropic 互变性的 | enarthrosis 球窝关节 | enarthrosis 全冻关节


glen /峡谷/幽谷/狭谷/ | glenoid /浅窝的/关节窝的/ | gleptoferron /庚糖酐铁/


glenoid 浅窝的 | glenoid 关节窝的 | gleptoferron 庚糖酐铁

glenoid fossa:关节窝

包括关节窝(Glenoid fossa)和关节结节(Articular eminence)两部分,是位于颞骨鳞部下面的凹陷形结构,似三角形. 前方为关节结节,外缘为颧弓的后续部分,内缘为鳞鼓裂,内外两缘相交点,为三角形的顶点,该点突起呈锥形,称为关节后结节.

articular labrum:关节唇

关节盘(articular disc)和关节唇(articular labrum):关节盘是指位于两骨关节面之间的纤维软骨,其周缘附于关节囊,将关节分为两部,关节盘使两关节面更为适应,增加了关节的稳固性和运动的多样性.关节唇是附于关节窝周缘的纤维软骨环,

radiocarpal joint:[桡腕关节]

桡腕关节(radiocarpal joint)又称腕关节(wrist joint),由手舟骨、月骨和三角骨近侧的关节面共同组成关节头,与桡骨腕关节面和尺骨头下方关节盘共同构成的关节窝组成.

articular fossae:关节窝

32. occlusal vertical dimension 咬合位垂直距离 | 33. articular fossae 关节窝 | 34. protrusive balance 前伸合平衡

ball-and-socket joint:球窝关节

baldness 脱发 | ball and socket joint 球窝关节 | ball joint 球窝关节

wrist joint:腕关节

桡腕关节(radiocarpal joint)又称腕关节(wrist joint),由手舟骨、月骨和三角骨近侧的关节面共同组成关节头,与桡骨腕关节面和尺骨头下方关节盘共同构成的关节窝组成.