英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节疼痛 的英文翻译,例句
关节疼痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arthralgia  ·  arthrodynia

更多网络例句与关节疼痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Facet or zygapophysial joint pain may be one of the causes of chronic low back pain and may be treated by a percutaneous radiofrequency denervation.


Typical symptoms included joint pain, achy or stiff joints, muscle pain, and morning stiffness. The researchers found the average time to symptoms was 1.6 months and ranged from 0 to 10 months.

典型的症状包括关节疼痛、关节僵硬或疼痛、肌肉疼痛和清晨僵硬;研究者发现症状的平均期间是1.6个月,范围从0 到10个月。

In the four placebo-controlled studies evaluating radiofrequency denervation outcomes in patients with "confirmed"l-z joint pain, the only study that screened patients with MBB demonstrated positive outcomes,157versus only one of three that used diagnostic intraarticularin jections.158–160 Ultrasound-guided medial branchand intraarticular blocks have also been demonstrated to provide comparable accuracy to fluoroscopically guided injections, although they may be less likely to detect low-volume intravascular uptake and are less accurate in obese patients.161–164 Because MBB are technically easier to perform than intraarticular injections and involve anesthetization of the nerves to be lesioned, it seems more logical to use these blocks as a prognostic tool before radiofrequency denervation.


Relieves pain to the lumbago , ischialgia , menorrhalgia (belong to the cold certificate without exception) not only the hot pack being able to relieve arthrosis pain, a hot-water bag is set free getting along in part pain, every time 20 minutes, 1 ~ also may relieve pain obviously 2 time every day,; To twisting , dampening the subcutaneous haematoma bringing about, in being wounded using the hot-water bag hot pack 24 hours the day afer tomorrow ,can boost subcutaneous extravasated blood admitting.


Joints Protection: Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfa te can maint ain cartilage elasticity and repair damaged joint tissues. Fish oil relieves pains in the joints and contributes to healthy joints


In order to investigate the effects and assessment of joint mobilization in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis, 32 cases of scapulohumeral periarthritis were treated by joint mobilization.


International contributors review the current understanding of the biology and cellular mechanisms along with relevant research so you can easily apply them to the pathophysiology of the numerous disorders that botulinum toxin is used to treat—such as botulinum toxin applications for the treatment of cranial-cervical dystonias, motor disorders in cerebral palsy, bruxism and temporomandibular disorders, headache, overactive bladder, chronic pelvic pain syndromes, arthritis joint pain, and wound healing.


Protection of Joints: Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate maintain cartilage elasticity and repair damaged joint tissues. Fish oil relieves pains in the joints and contributes to healthy joints


In patients with facet hypertrophy, foraminal narrowing can actually cause radicular symptoms.72–74,135 A second confounding factor is that the best prevalence studies used comparative MBB to estimate l-z joint pain.


The first prosthesis for total replacement of the distal radio-ulnar joint, the joint between the long bones of the forearm in the wrist area, has been implanted in a patient in Hospital MAZ, in a procedure designed to offer strength and mobility to wrist-pain sufferers.

第一种用于远端桡骨-尺关节(这个关节位于前臂长骨腕关节之间)完全置换的假体,已经在西班牙MAZ医院(Zaragosa, Spain)的1例患者手术中进行了移植,该手术设计用于为腕关节疼痛患者提供力量和灵活性。

更多网络解释与关节疼痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


arthragra 关节痛风 | arthralgia 关节疼痛 | arthralgia 关节痛

arthralgia:关节疼痛 关节痛

arthragra /关节痛风/ | arthralgia /关节疼痛/关节痛/ | arthrectasis /关节腔扩张/

articular cavity:关节腔

(3)关节腔(articular cavity)是关节囊所围成的腔,里面含少量滑液,有润滑和营养关节 软骨的作用. 关节滑膜发炎时,腔内大量积液,伴有关节的肿胀和疼痛,影响关节的活动. 腔内为负压,这对于维持关节的稳固有一定的作用.



arthrodynia:关节疼痛 关节痛

Arthrodira节颈鱼目 | arthrodynia关节疼痛 关节痛 | arthrodyniaofextremities肢节痛


B )同一关节上,形式关节翳( Pannus )软骨受破坏,并且严重发炎C )发炎渐渐减退而形成纤维性关节黏连 (fibrous ankylosis )D )最后转变成骨质关节黏连( bony ankylosis )有不少名词形容骨骼组织上的疼痛,

Patellofemoral Pain Patellofemorale Schmerzen:髌股关节疼痛

跟腱炎 Achilles Tendinitis Achillodynie | 髌股关节疼痛 Patellofemoral Pain Patellofemorale Schmerzen | 股后肌劳损 Posterior Femoral Muscle Strain Zerrung der posterioren Oberschenkelmuskeln


自觉、理学检查或其它法定健康检查项目异常,例如:有关节疼痛的情形,在X光片上形成放射线不透性(Radiopacity)阴影. 经专科医师认定可能与职业原因有关者. 自觉、理学检查或法定健康检查项目异常,例如:有关节疼痛的情形,

Pin point PAIN in FINGERS, TOES, TMJ:针点疼痛,手指,脚趾,颞下颌关节

PAIN RELIEF in hard to reach areas疼痛缓解,在难以到达的地区 | Pin point PAIN in FINGERS, TOES, TMJ针点疼痛,手指,脚趾,颞下颌关节 | Self-adhesive自粘

Young woman, joint pain:年轻女人, 关节疼痛

It was weird enough to get house interested.|足以激发House兴趣 | Young woman, joint pain.|年轻女人, 关节疼痛 | Gonorrhea's a possibility.|淋病是种可能性