英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节松弛的 的英文翻译,例句
关节松弛的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与关节松弛的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is possible that my joint laxity arises from connective tissue damage to the ligaments.


The experimental results are analyzed using the virtual linear viscous theory and the constitutive equation is established for the fibrocartilage.


If the Norberg angle is smaller than 105, we will start to see the signs of joint laxity.

如果Norberg angle 小於 105,会开始看到关节松弛的徵兆。

The skeletal system involvement is characterized by bone overgrowth and joint laxity.


This is why fine lines occur, skin slackens, and even joint and muscle pain occur


It has been suggested that the hormone relaxin, a hormone of pregnancy, causes this joint laxity in pregnant women.


Howeer, recent studies hae found that increased peripheral joint laxity in pregnant women was not associated with increased serum relaxin leels or estradiol leels.


Although the etiology and pathophysiology of LBP during pregnancy are poorly understood, one plausible hypothesis is that causes of LBP in pregnancy are multifactorial (i.e., biomechanical stress on ligaments and joints, muscle fatigue, and the effect of the hormone relaxin on joint laxity), with ≥1 factors dominating in an indiidual case.


This series included 35 male and 22 female, and the mean age was 34.6 years (range, 13– 66 years). The pathology included atlantoaxial instability in 52 patients (os odontoideum in 26 patients, transerse ligament relaxation or disruption in 20, odontoid fracture nonunion in 6), and irreducible atlantoaxial dislocation in 5 (os odontoideum in 1 patient, transerse ligament relaxation in 1, malunion of odontoid process fracture in 3). Twenty-four patients presented signs and symptoms of spinal cord and/or brain-stem dysfunction.

这个系列包括35个男性病人和22个女性病人,平均年龄是34.6岁(范围,13~66岁)。52个病人是寰枢椎不稳(26例os odontoideum、20个横韧带松弛或破裂、6例齿状突骨折不连),5例不可复位的寰枢椎关节脱位(1例os odontoideum,1例横韧带松弛,3例齿状突骨折连接不正)。24例有脊索和脑干功能不良的症状和体征。

The purpose of annular ligament laxity in children can cause radioulnar joint dislocation on the illusion.


更多网络解释与关节松弛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


亦即韧带的释放术本身无法完全解决内侧副韧带劲度上升之影响. 因此,想达到足够的活动度,除了韧带释放术外,更多的骨切除是必要的. 这个步骤虽然可能造成关节松弛(laxity),但根据文献显示只要laxity<20°,手术结果将可以和对照组相当或甚至更好.


loose-bodied 宽大的 | loose-box 放饲厩 | loose-jointed 关节松弛的

loose-leaf book:活页簿

loose-jointed 关节松弛的 | loose-leaf book 活页簿 | loose-leaf notebook 活页笔记本

osteogenesis imperfecta:成骨不全

成骨不全(osteogenesis imperfecta)是一种少见的先天性骨骼发育障碍性疾病又称脆骨病或脆骨-蓝巩膜-耳聋综合征其特征为骨质脆弱、蓝巩膜、耳聋关节松弛,是一种由于间充质组织发育不全,胶原形成障碍而造成的先天性遗传性疼痛其病变不仅限于骨骼,

cricothyroid joint:环甲关节

1.环甲关节 环甲关节(cricothyroid joint)由甲状软骨下角与环状软骨两侧的关节面构成. 甲状软骨通过此关节可在冠状轴上作前倾和复位运动,借以调节声带的紧张程度. 前倾时,使声带紧张;复位时,使声带松弛.


loose-box 放饲厩 | loose-jointed 关节松弛的 | loose-leaf book 活页簿


loose-fittingfatfertile 肥 | loose-jointed 自由行动的 | loose-jointed 关节松弛的


也可能是双侧荐髂区疼痛,疼痛可以扩展到大腿上半部,且无法因躺下而获得完全的缓解. 一般来说,荐髂关节只能少量活动,在怀孕过程中因为黄体会分泌弛缓素(relaxin)造成关节松弛,进而导致荐髂关节发炎、疼痛与不舒服感.