英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节出血 的英文翻译,例句
关节出血 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与关节出血相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The treatment of knee meniscal injury in drill with arthroscopy has the advantages of minimal invasion,less blood loss and good curative effect.


One study of middle-aged women found a ariety of musculoskeletal diseases associated with seeral reproductie factors: young maternal age at first birth; high maternal age at last birth; haing ≥2 children; higher spacing time between childbirths; metrorrhagia; and sterilization (undefined arthritis, pelic joint syndrome, and fibromyalgia).


Methods We randomly assigned young boys with severe hemophilia A to regular infusions of recombinant factor VIII or to an enhanced episodic infusion schedule of at least three doses totaling a minimum of 80 IU of factor VIII per kilogram of body weight at the time of a joint hemorrhage.


In the present paper, rats of experimental rheumatoid arthritis induced by Freund' S complete adjuvant received moxibustion with small moxa-cone about the size of a wheat grain and the region of arthroncus was tapped for bleeding with a skin needle.


However, its complications such as infection, bleeding, adhesion, pain, contracture of articular capsula increase incidence rate of bone nounion.


Using acupotomology incise and separate the hip joint articular capsule and ligament and the periosteum on the collum ossis femoris and the soft tissue nearby the joint can cause slight hurt and haemorrhage. The hurt factor is release from the local tissue. Human self-rebuilding system is activated, Building bone function of osteoblast is accelerated, new bone is built quickly. New blood vessel and nerve ending is rebirth. Local tissue's blood supply and nerve nourishment is improved. The developing of bone necrosis is prevented. The necrotic part is re-blood vessel. The conditions of the necrotic's absorbing tissue and the new bone's replacing are established.


HSP is the most common blood vessel inflammation disease in childhood, its main clinical manifestations are nonthrombocyte reducing purpura, arthritis or arthralgia, bellyache, gastroenterostomy haemorrhage and nephritis, and its main pathological characteristics are general small blood vessel inflammation surrounded by neutrophils and eosinophils.


ConclusionTo begin with, the blood supply is adequate in the intertransverse area, and the distribution of blood vessels follows some regularities, so to be familiar with the anatomy and to operate carefully can reduce bleeding.


ConclusionTo begin with, the blood supply is adequate in the intertransverse area, and the distribution of blood vessels follows some regularities, so to be familiar with the anatomy and to operate carefully can reduce bleeding.


There were all different kinds of complication occurring during TEE examination concluding vomiting, minor mucus bleeding, laryngospasm, mandibular dislocation, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, even ventricular fibrillation and death.

结果提示: TEE检查可引起多种并发症,其中包括恶心、呕吐、粘膜损伤出血、喉痉挛、下颌关节脱位、心绞痛、心律失常,甚至出现心室纤颤和死亡。

更多网络解释与关节出血相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如肝区不适、疼痛、腹胀、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热、乏力、全身关节痛、鼻衄、牙龈出血、皮下瘀斑和越来越明显的消瘦等. 健康体检时常规检测"乙肝表面抗原"(澳抗)、"丙型肝炎病毒"(HCV)和"甲胎蛋白"(AFP),对早期发现肝炎病史和无症状的肝癌,有重要意义.

allergic purpura:过敏性紫癜

过敏性紫癜(Allergic Purpura)是常见的毛细血管变态反应性疾病主要病理基础为广泛的毛细血管炎,以皮肤紫癜,消化道粘膜出血关节肿胀疼痛和肾炎等症状为主要临床表现,少数患者还伴有血管神经性水肿.部分病人再次接触过敏原可反复发作肾脏受累的程度及转归是决定预后的重要因素.过敏性紫癜可发生于任何年龄,


登革热(Dengue)又名骨痛热,是由伊蚊传播登革热病毒引起的一种急性传染病. 临床主要特征为起病急骤,高热,全身肌肉、骨髓及关节痛,极度疲乏,部分患可有皮疹、出血倾向和淋巴结肿大.

Dengue feer:登革热

登革热(dengue feer)是登革热病毒引起、伊蚊传播的一种急性传染病. 临床特征为起病急骤 ,高热,全身肌肉、骨髓及关节痛,极度疲乏,部分患可有皮疹、出血倾向和淋巴结肿大. 登革热病毒属B组虫媒病毒,现在归入披盖病毒科(togairidae)黄热病毒属(flaiirus).


) 增加皮肤的光滑(smoothness) 防治牛皮癣(psariasis) 保护阳光照射伤害 过敏反应 防治登革热(hay fever)特别有效 炎症 消炎 增加关节的灵活性 减缓关节肿胀的疼痛 糖尿病 减轻糖尿病性视网膜症 眼疾 减少视网膜症 防治毛细管出血及发出浮动物 肠胃系统 防治胃溃疡及胃炎 [葡萄籽] 葡萄籽是一种富含生物类黄酮 opc 的浓缩精

capsulorrhaphy:囊缝合术 关节囊缝术

capsuloganglionichemorrhage 内囊出血 | capsulorrhaphy 囊缝合术 关节囊缝术 | capsulothalamicsyndrome 内囊病变综合征 内囊丘脑综合征

hemarthrosis:关节出血症 关节积血 关节腔出血症

hemapodium 血足 | hemarthrosis 关节出血症 关节积血 关节腔出血症 | hemartineextract 苏木浸膏

hemophilic arthritis:血友病性关节炎

血友病性关节炎(hemophilic arthritis)是由于关节内多次出血所致,机理不明. 可以分成早期与后期两个阶段. 早期为关节内出血所致滑膜反应,后期为关节软骨变性与关节损毁.

Pasteurella multocida:多杀性巴氏杆菌

家禽,野生动物和人的一种传染病的总称.急性病例主要特征是败血症和炎性出血过程慢性病例常表现皮下结缔组织,关节及各脏器的化脓性病灶.本病曾称为"出血性败血症",简称"出败".病原 多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida)


bleeder valve ==> 抽气阀,出料阀 | bleeders' joint ==> 出血性关节 | bleeding after tonsillectomy ==> 扁桃体摘除后出血