英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节僵硬 的英文翻译,例句
关节僵硬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A saint who dwells in a paroxysm of abnegation is a dangerous neighbor; he might communicate to you, by contagion, an incurable poverty, an anchylosis of the joints, which are useful in advancement, and in short, more renunciation than you desire; and this infectious virtue is avoided.


Artificial joint for wrist is gradually applied in clinic, and provides an alternation for patients with severe wound of wrist joint, anchylosis and severe traumatic arthritis.


Results All the patients have been followed up from 9~36 months, there is no coxa vara, anchylosis and limb shortening in all the union of fractures.

结果 所有患者获9~36个月随访骨折均愈合,没有出现髋内翻,关节僵硬,肢体短缩。

BACKGROUND: Early rehabilitation following total knee replacement has arisen more attention. The aim of continuous passive joint motion is to recover knee function, prevent anchylosis, accelerate blood and synovia circulation, therefore, enhance tissue repair.


Before operation, all the patients had anchylosis at the different degrees and the total activity range of the hip joint was 30-110% Among the 15 patients, 4 had the limb-length discrepancy of 2-6 cm (average, 3.8 cm) and 2 had a severe scar after the sinus was closed.

所有患者术前均有不同程度的关节僵硬,髋关节各方向活动度总和为30~110 。4例患者下肢有2~6cm的短缩,平均3.8cm.2例患者窦道闭合后形成贴骨瘢痕。

Bone abnormalities such as large hands with stubby fingers, stiff joints, joint pain, a hunched spine, prominent breastbone, and pain in the hipbone all tend to appear after the first three to four years.


Do you have pain in your joints or are you suffering from joint stiffness, swelling and redness?


Problems like slow and limited motion of joints and long term joint stiffness are common in this condition.


Typical symptoms included joint pain, achy or stiff joints, muscle pain, and morning stiffness. The researchers found the average time to symptoms was 1.6 months and ranged from 0 to 10 months.

典型的症状包括关节疼痛、关节僵硬或疼痛、肌肉疼痛和清晨僵硬;研究者发现症状的平均期间是1.6个月,范围从0 到10个月。

Fascia lata grafts and periarticular soft tissues were used extensiely in the United States and Europe. Sir Robert Jones used gold foil as an interpositional layer in 1912. Results remained unpredictable, with residual pain and stiffness being the primary causes of failure. In 1923, Smith-Petersen introduced the concept of "mould arthroplasty" as an alternatie to the interpositional membrane.

当时在美国和欧洲,阔筋膜瓣移植物和关节周围软组织被广泛使用。1912年Robert Jones 爵士曾采用金箔作为间置物,其结果很不稳定,遗留疼痛和关节僵硬是其失败的主要原因。1923年,Smith-Petersen引入&铸模关节成形术&的概念,替代了在关节面间放置衬膜的方法。

更多网络解释与关节僵硬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anchorman 末棒运动员 | anchylose 使强硬 | anchylosis 关节僵硬


anchoring points 参照点 | anchylosis 关节僵硬 | ancient civilization 古代文明


anchyloseankylose 胶住 | anchylosis 骨胶着 | anchylosis 关节僵硬

anchylosis:[骨] 胶着/关节僵硬

anchylose /胶着[骨间]/胶住/僵直/ | anchylosis /[骨] 胶着/关节僵硬/ | anciently /以往/古代/

ancien regime:社会及政治制度

anchylosis 关节僵硬 | ancien regime 社会及政治制度 | ancienne noblesse 贵族

ancien regime:社会及政

anchylose 使强硬 | anchylosis 关节僵硬 | ancien regime 社会及政

Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint:关节僵硬恐惧症

Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.愤怒恐惧症 | Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint.关节僵硬恐惧症 | Anthrophobia or Anthophobia- Fear of flowers.恐花症


Bedsore 褥疮 | Arthroclisis 关节僵硬 | Ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死


anthropometric study 人体分析学 | arthrogryposis 关节僵硬症 | asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 窒息性胸腔失养


\\"节足动物携带性病毒症\\",\\"arthropod borne viral disease\\" | \\"关节僵硬\\",\\"arthrosclerosis\\" | \\"关节病\\",\\"arthrosis\\"