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共鸣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
resonance  ·  resonate  ·  vibes  ·  resonated  ·  resonates  ·  resonating

sympathetic response
更多网络例句与共鸣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The user viewpoint inside forum very original or it is very acerb, can cause user resonance.


The important reason of emergence of internal and external resonance were decided that whether or not appreciate contents of literary works were corresponds to appreciator's recognization method, appreciative level and life practice etc.


Every man's geniture in some things agrees with, and in some differs from another's, we should therefore deal with people only in things wherein their Nativities sympathize with ours, but in other things to forbear, and indeed we ought generally to avoid the society of a person the Lord of whose Ascendant is an Infortune and joined with the Dragon's Tail or any malevolent Fixed Star, for unless there be a great agreement between our Nativities they will do us some mischief, though perhaps against their will.


"It is home and family that give resonance ... to life""Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance" James Wolcott


When you and your partner stop resonating physically, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually, you will stop resonating sexually.


This article has combed the public service advertizing main emotion demand way and the initiation emotion responded that and has analyzed the influence public service advertizing emotion sympathetic chord strong and the weak primary factor, thought that grasps the advertisement subject novel the contemporaneity, the utilization agrees with the numerous psychological creativity technique, as well as using the rich attraction's advertisement manifestation, is the stimulation is produced the audiences to the public service advertizing the emotion sympathetic chord's key.


The chelys-lyra had the same kollopes and plektron as the kithara, but the plektron cord was attached to the base of the outer arms more often than to the base of the soundbox.

以下内容引用自Diane Touliatos-Miliotis的文献:Chelys-lyre的其他部件包括:一个donax,这可能是安置在两角之间为之起桥梁和支架作用的芦苇杆;pecheis,里拉琴从外部置入共鸣箱的部分;zugon或者crossbar,被刻上刻痕并架在两角上部的末端,里拉琴像萨基拉琴一样也有kollopes和琴拨,但固定琴拨的绳索常常栓在角外侧的底部而不是共鸣箱的底部。

The "pecheis"were the arms of the lyre that entered the soundbox from the front. The "zugon" or crossbar was notched across the upper ends of the arms to which the seven strings of sheepgut were attached. The chelys-lyra had the same kollopes and plektron as the kithara, but the plektron cord was attached to the base of the outer arms more often than to the base of the soundbox.

以下内容引用自Diane Touliatos-Miliotis的文献:Chelys-lyre的其他部件包括:一个donax,这可能是安置在两角之间为之起桥梁和支架作用的芦苇杆;pecheis,里拉琴从外部置入共鸣箱的部分;zugon或者crossbar,被刻上刻痕并架在两角上部的末端,里拉琴像萨基拉琴一样也有kollopes和琴拨,但固定琴拨的绳索常常栓在角外侧的底部而不是共鸣箱的底部。

Metaconcert. Mental concert of two or more psions increases the total power of the participants.


Well, this is the voice of the available resonance, vocal cord vibration by the sound issued called "pitch", the original pitch is very weak, after the body of the resonance cavity resonance effect, not only can become loud and loud and beautiful sounds, but also can have the penetrating power, so that a broader voice farther.


更多网络解释与共鸣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a demonology [that] seems to resonate among secular and religious voters alike:正是鬼神论似乎在世俗的和宗教的选民中同样引起共鸣

resonate v.(使)共鸣, (使)共振 | "It is a demonology [that] seems to resonate among secular and religious voters alike.正是鬼神论似乎在世俗的和宗教的选民中同样引起共鸣. | replenish v.补充

resonance frequency:共鸣频率

resonance 共鸣 | resonance frequency 共鸣频率 | resonance theory 共鸣

resonance absorption:共鸣吸收

resonance 共鸣 | resonance absorption 共鸣吸收 | resonance screen 共振筛

acoustic resonance:声共鸣

acoustic resonance device 共鸣器 | acoustic resonance 声共鸣 | acoustic resonance 声共振


resonant 共鸣的 | resonantly 共鸣地 | resonate 共鸣

resonantly:共鸣地; 回响地; 反响地 (副)

resonant 共鸣的, 洪亮的, 反响的 (形) | resonantly 共鸣地; 回响地; 反响地 (副) | resonate 共鸣; 共振; 起回声 (动)

acoustic resonator:共鸣器,声共振器

acoustic resonance 音响共鸣=>音響共鳴,音響共振 | acoustic resonator 共鸣器,声共振器 | acoustic saturation 声饱和


Resonate 使共鸣 | Resounding 共鸣的 | Resourceful 资源丰富的

resonating body:共鸣箱

resonate 共鸣 | resonating body 共鸣箱 | resonator 共鸣

Rez SweepHall:类似共鸣的镶边效果其共鸣效果随输入电平而有所变化

Chorus Circles带合唱的混响效果有较长的预延时 | Rez SweepHall类似共鸣的镶边效果其共鸣效果随输入电平而有所变化 | Shadow Reverb共鸣混响效果