英语人>词典>汉英 : 共产党宣言 的英文翻译,例句
共产党宣言 的英文翻译、例句


Communist Manifesto
更多网络例句与共产党宣言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Normally, ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks during the summer.


"The Manifesto of the Communist Party "is one of the greatest classics in history.


As he and his now collaborator Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto


His Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital are among the most important writings of the last 200 years.


Of course, the impact of the Communist manifesto down the generations might not have been quite the same if English-language versions had stuck with the quirky translation used in the first edition:" A frightful hobgoblin stalks through Europe."


This is a Master of the Communist Manifesto.


This is a very famous book called the Communist Manifesto.


It is not only the official fight denunciation of the world proletarian and the laborious masses who strive for the freedom and liberation, but also the programmatic document of proletarian who has seized the power to construct the socialism and to realize the communism.

马克思恩格斯在 150多年前合著的《共产党宣言》,不仅是世界无产阶级和劳苦大众争取自由解放的战斗檄文,同时也是取得政权的各国无产阶级建设社会主义和实现共产主义的纲领性文件。

But " the Communist Party is enunciative " did not deny all personal property reach individual system of ownership from this.


COMMUNIST MANIFESTO is a great milestone in the history of mankind, with theories of "two inevitabilities" as its crucial theme. It provides the general principles for all the mature works of Marx and Engels, and the key to understanding Marxism. It also sheds light on how we should treat Marxism. The fact that the "two inevitabilities" have not come true in Western countries does not affect the scientific nature of Marxism. The turmoils in East Europe do not symbolize failure of Marxism....


更多网络解释与共产党宣言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Friedrich Engels:恩格斯

5.共产党宣言 [(德)马克思(Karl Marx),(德)恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)著] 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局译8.家庭、私有制和国家的起源 (德)恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)撰 张仲实译

Communist Manifesto:<共产党宣言>

事实上,>(Communist Manifesto)建议的许多具体措施在所谓资本主义国家已经得到实施--累进所得税、国家下放了许多经济控制权、将几种大产业包括运输业收归国有、所有儿童在公立学校享受免费教育.

Western Marxism:西方马克思主义

主要著作 德意志意识形态 关于费尔巴哈的提纲(1845年) 关于自由贸易的演说(1848年) 共产党宣言(1848年) 政治经济学批判(1857年) 政治经济学批判(1859年) 资本论(1867年) 法兰西内战(1871年) 哥达纲领批判(1875年) 西方马克思主义(Western Marxism) 现代西方国家中一

collective ownership:集体所有制

斯大林把公有制说成是"全民所有制"(Whole peoples ownership)和集体所有制(Collective ownership),这是斯大林的"创造",是对马克思学说的误解. 中国共产党的创始人陈独秀根据陈望道翻译的<<共产党宣言>>,拟名为"中国共产党". 顾名思义,

Communist Manifesto:<共产党宣言>

事实上,<<共产党宣言>>(Communist Manifesto)建议的许多具体措施在所谓资本主义国家已经得到实施--累进所得税、国家下放了许多经济控制权、将几种大产业包括运输业收归国有、所有儿童在公立学校享受免费教育.

The Communist Manifesto:共产党宣言

<<共产党宣言>>(The Communist Manifesto)观察到,阶级斗争首先都采取民族国家的形式,然而在实质内容上,阶级斗争却远远超乎民族国家的形式. 即便如此,民族国家仍是一种号召不同社会阶级--佃农、劳工、学生、知识分子,藉以对抗反独立的殖民者的方法.

The Communist Manifesto:共产党宣言 英文版

福尔摩斯历险记 英文版 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | 共产党宣言 英文版 The Communist Manifesto | 哈克贝里.芬历险记 英文版 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Communist Manifesto, The:共产党宣言

共产主义 communism | 共产党宣言 Communist Manifesto, The | 古巴共产党 Communist Party of Cuba

New Communist Manifesto:新共产党宣言

New Classical School 新古典学派1008 | New Communist Manifesto 新共产党宣言1008 | New Conservatism 新保守主义1004

the publication of the Communist Manifesto:共产党宣言的发表

巩固和完善社会主义制度 consolidate and improve the socialist system | 共产党宣言的发表 the publication of the Communist Manifesto | 共同奋斗 concerted endeavor