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公用程序 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

utility program · common program
更多网络例句与公用程序相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus requestsearnestly to dispose the very big molding machine database theplatform, this project, the large-scale machinery system takes on bythe UNIX system, because its system stability and the security are allgood, has the certain support and the safeguard to the serverstability, this number of times according to the project transplant,the language which uses is COBOL, COBOL took public face commerciallanguage, mainly for the data processing, the data collection and theanalysis using of, is suitable for the data processing domain, itslogical rigorousness, the grammar readability, the maintainability,with the COBOL language easy transplant, all is becomes the commercialapplication procedure first choice language the superiority and thecharacteristic, Through the above demand, an item like this startedabout the data transplant project.


Authforce - Authforce is an HTTP authentication brute forcer. Using various methods, it attempts brute force username and password pairs for a site. It has the ability to try common usernames and passwords, username derivations, and common username/password pairs.

Authforce 是一个HTTP身份强制签别程序,使用各种方法,它可以强制站点的用户名和口令配对,它也可使用公用的用户名和口令,用户名派生和通用的用户名/口令对。

"In his prime, Gates combined the monomania of the compulsive software programmer with the competitiveness of Attila the Hun," said Nicholas Carr, author of Does IT Matter and The Big Switch.

"年轻的时候,盖茨有着患强迫症的软件程序员一样的偏执和匈奴大帝阿提垃一般的竞争力,"《IT没有明天?》和《从自备电脑到公用运算的大转换》的作者Nicholas Carr说道。

In this paper, design and implementation of file processor, searcher and common modules is discussed.


That's where utilities come in.


In the design part of the PLC control, the paper has explained the design process of the PLC I/O hookup, provided the choice result of the PLC and the PLC I/O elements, and has explained the design process of the PLC user program in detail, which includes the exposition to the design process of the public program, manual program, autoloading program signal showing and trouble alarm program.

在PLC控制的设计部分中,阐述了PLC I/O接线图的设计过程,给出PLC及其输入/输出元件的选择结果,详细地阐述了PLC用户程序的设计过程,其中包括对公用程序、手动程序、自动程序、信号显示与故障报警程序的设计过程的阐述。

Provided the choice result of the PLC and the PLC I/O elements, and has explained the design process of the PLC user program in detail, which includes the exposition to the design process of the public program, manual program of the stand-alone, autoloading program of the stand-alone, automatic/ autoloading program of whole machine, automatic return the origin program of whole machine, signal showing and trouble alarm program, and provide the trapezium drawing of all programs mentioned above .


What we have here is a pragmatic response to a situation in which regulated companies find their drive toward "marginalism" impeded by regulatory commissions anxious to prevent addition of nonremunerative, but nevertheless rate base-inclusive, services to the utilities' offerings.


Talking from the perspective of "administrative law" about the work of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission (or of the Forest Service, or of a state public utilities commission, or a local building inspector) focuses on its procedures, rather than its particular substantive responsibility for implementing a certain part of federal policy.


The principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility .


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