英语人>词典>汉英 : 公民生活 的英文翻译,例句
公民生活 的英文翻译、例句


civil life
更多网络例句与公民生活相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What the traditional personal right system emphasizes is how safeguards the spiritual interests.whit the development of the society and the establishment of Chinese market economy,the civil subjective personality with more direct property interests should be confirmed at law and the obliges using and maintaining their personal rights based on the above two meanings.


In order to foster the civism, we must adjust the system of our education and bring officers' model into play. Also, in order to make the civism known and fostered in practice, we should extend the public room.


Meanwhile, the fast development of economic integration and regional economization is becoming more and more important to China, whose market economy is being gradually completed.


In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the State which gave to the country Lincoln and Grant, men who preeminently and distinctly embody all that is most American in the American character, I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life. the life of toil and effort. of labor and strife.


Gentlemen,1. In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the State which gave to the countryLincoln and Grant, men who preeminently and distinctly embody all that is most American in the American character,I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life; the life of toil and effort;of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes not to the man who desires mere easy


As our ancestors didn't leave over any heritage about citizen consciousness, the "citizen" that we talked about now is imported from Europe and America, certainly, the importing process is companied by throe from the very begriming which we can hardly adapt to, But with over one hundred years' communication and integration with the world, all the advanced Chinese people know that if we want to create glory in china , we must learn the world advanced civilization that we ourselves lacks in, one important principle of which is that citizen consciousness must replace subject consciousness, citizen consciousness is a very important factor that strict Chinese modernization process, In order to catch up with advanced countries and realize modernization, we must cultivate citizen consciousness and make Chinese people who have sticked to old practices for thousands of years become citizens with modern consciousness as well as consciousness of human beings.


As our ancestors didn't leave over any heritage about citizen consciousness, the "citizen" that we talked about now is imported from Europe and America, certainly, the importing process is companied by throe from the very begriming which we can hardly adapt to, But with over one hundred years' communication and integration with the world, all the advanced Chinese people know that if we want to create glory in china , we must learn the world advanced civilization that we ourselves lacks in, one important principle of which is that citizen consciousness must replace subject consciousness, citizen consciousness is a very important factor that strict Chinese modernization process, In order to catch up with advanced countries and realize modernization, we must cultivate citizen consciousness and make Chinese people who have sticked to old practices for thousands of years become citizens with modern consciousness as well as consciousness of human beings.


Moral commitment is vital to the flouring of public life.


Dieulafoy, shows that even in pre-Mosaic times legal enactments were committed to, and preserved in, writing; for the Code antedates Moses some five centuries, and contains about 282 regulations concerning various contingencies in the civic life.


But their calls for import tariffs are antagonising developing countries anxious to provide improved living conditions for their citizens.


更多网络解释与公民生活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


质(humor)上的两种差异,亦即平民与贵族在政治生活各自展现所出现的斗争、不合控诉(accusation)的探讨. 对负有捍卫城邦自由者而言,其最有用且必须(useful and necessary)的权威莫过于当公民有灭. 其次,当人民不满某位公民时,


按照法国政论家约瑟夫.塞亚斯(1748年一1836年)主张的"所谓nation(国民),便是生活在同一宪法下作为立法代议机构主权代表的人们共同体";而"公民"( burgher)多指具有一个国家的国籍,根据该国的法律规范享有权利和承担义务的人.


在对福利国家的社会政策进行改革与反思的过程中,"公民身份"(citizenship)进入了理论家和社会政策制定者的视野,并引起广泛关注. 当前资本主义国家面临的公民身份危机已经在社会经济和政治生活中凸显出消极的后果,

civic virtue:公民德性

公民文化和公民道德是指:参与民主的政治过程所需要的文明性(civility)与公民德性(civic virtue),包括尊重别人的意见,勇於表达自己经过考虑过的意见,以及个人在群体生活中所应有的自我肯定,与完成这些肯定所需要的知识和技能等.


从词源上来讲,"文明"(civilisation)一词的词根就来自拉丁语的"公民"(civil). 的确,公民是现代文明社会的体现. 公民既是文明社会发展的强大推动力,也是文明社会发展的结果. 拥有大量并不断培养出合格的公民,公民积极而有效地参与社会生活,


这些零零碎碎的口述具有 "拼贴艺术"(collage)那样聚零为整的叙述效果,"把它们放在一起,便可以从中看到一幅前所未有的景象,那就是普通苏联公民生活在斯大林专制下的内心世界.

good governance:善治

所以,为避免治理失效,"善治"(good governance)就成为标志性意图. "善治"是"健全、有效',"好"的治理. "概括地说,善治就是使公共利益最大化的社会管理过程. 善治的本质特征就在于它是政府与公民对公共生活的合作管理,使政治国家与公民社会的一种新颖关系,

modus vivendi:生活方式

如果这些论说仅仅把民主政府作为一种权宜政治生活方式(modus vivendi)来接受的话,这是不足以获得二者之间的相容性的. 对于那些坚信宗教论说作为公民信仰的公民,我们仍存这样的问题:那些笃信宗教的公民怎样可能全心全意成为民主社会的成员,

social welfare:社会福利

加拿大"社会福利"(social welfare)的范围有了显著的扩大,其意义也不再仅仅是维护社会稳定和经济增长的手段,而是为了提升公民的生活质量而进行的事业,是公民普遍享有的一项基本权利.

