英语人>词典>汉英 : 公开放弃 的英文翻译,例句
公开放弃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abjure  ·  abjured  ·  abjures  ·  abjuring

更多网络例句与公开放弃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you abjure something such as a belief or way of life, you state publicly that you will give it up or that you reject it.


Abjure To promise or swear to give up.


With regard to the Brabanters, Aragonese, Navarrese, Basques, Coterelli and Triaverdini {17 }, who practise such cruelty upon Christians that they respect neither churches nor monasteries, and spare neither widows, orphans, old or young nor any age or sex, but like pagans destroy and lay everything waste, we likewise decree that those who hire, keep or support them, in the districts where they rage around, should be denounced publicly on Sundays and other solemn days in the churches, that they should be subject in every way to the same sentence and penalty as the above-mentioned heretics and that they should not be received into the communion of the church, unless they abjure their pernicious society and heresy.

关於 Brabanters ,阿拉贡, Navarrese ,巴斯克人, Coterelli和Triaverdini ( 17 ),谁实行这种残酷基督徒后,他们既不尊重也不教堂寺庙,和备件既不寡妇,孤儿,老人或年轻人,也没有任何年龄和性别,但像异教徒奠定一切破坏和浪费,我们同样令那些谁出租,保持或支持他们,在他们愤怒的地区周围,应公开谴责,在星期日及其他庄严的教堂内,他们应该在每一个主题以相同的判决和刑罚作为上述异端,他们不应该得到的共融的教会,除非他们放弃自己的有害社会和异端。

In return, Armenia would recognise its existing border with Turkey and publicly disavow any territorial claims, including the claim to Mount Ararat, its national symbol.


However, the cardinals who elected him by simoniacal means are to be dealt with without further declaration as deprived of their orders as well as of their titles and honour as cardinals and of any patriarchal, archiepiscopal, episcopal or other prelacies, dignities and benefices which at that time they held by title or in commendam, or in which or to which they now have some claim, unless they totally and effectively abandon him and unite themselves without pretence or trickery to the other cardinals who did not consent to this simony, within eight days after they receive the request from the other cardinals, in person if this shall be possible or otherwise by a public announcement.

然而,红雀谁当选他simoniacal手段加以处理,不再宣言剥夺他们的订单,以及他们的职称和荣誉为红雀和任何重男轻女, archiepiscopal ,主教或其他prelacies ,尊严和benefices其中那个时候,他们举行的所有权或在commendam ,或在其中或它们现在有一些说法,除非他们完全和有效地放弃他和团结起来没有藉口或弄虚作假的其他红雀谁不同意这种西摩尼,八几天后,他们收到的请求,其他枢机主教,在人,如果这将是可能的或以其他方式的公开声明。

Although Henry Fan repeatedly clarified CITIC Pacific owned cable TV network had not been cleared, CITIC national security also openly declared that the "will not give up on the cable network investment", but because of the strict management of the departments concerned, CITIC national security information that the original company then accused P Plus, attacking acquisitions cable network speed is to be curtailed.


Dirty float A technique for managing the exchange rate in which a government publicly renounces direct intervention in the foreign exchange markets while continuing to engage in intervention surreptitiously.


I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, t hat abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life", and making the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.


I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life", and making the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social statu


I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life", and making the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far GRE ater rewards than financial success and social status.


更多网络解释与公开放弃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"我们选择的单词,如果你知道如何正确运用,那么你将在语言方面没有问题" - 主编Steven Kleinedler | abjure 发誓放弃,避免,公开放弃 | abrogate 废除, 取消

abjure the realm:誓不回国

abjuration | 放弃, 发誓断绝 | abjure the realm | 誓不回国 | abjure | 发誓放弃, 避免, 公开放弃


Abliener放弃,抛弃,遗弃 | Abjurer公开放弃 | Abolir废除,取消

adjure vt.1:起誓, 恳请 2.(以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令,责令

abjure vt.发誓弃绝(信仰等); 公开放弃(国籍、权利等) | adjure vt.1.起誓, 恳请 2.(以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令,责令 | adjust vt.1.校正,校准,调整 2.调节,改变...以适应 vi.(to)适应



Kofi Annan:科菲.安南

2005年11月,时任联合国秘书长的科菲 安南(Kofi Annan)公开表示支持这一理念,他展示了一个由手摇柄驱动的早期机型,这个功能后来被放弃了. 以尼日利亚为例,该国迄今仍未兑现其前总统的诺言:购买100万台笔记本电脑.

mundane: a.1:尘世的,世俗的 2.单调的,平凡的

recant: v.(正式并公开地)撤销,放弃,认错 | mundane: a.1.尘世的,世俗的 2.单调的,平凡的 | be subject to: v.受...支配,倾向于,易于接受


recantation 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错 | recant 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错 | remand (法)还押,押候


rebuke 训斥 | recantation 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错 | recant 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错

forge the ballot box:放弃参选

拒绝出席公开论坛refusing to attend open forums | 放弃参选forge the ballot box | 争取选举委员会的支持canvass support from the Election Committee