英语人>词典>汉英 : 全部清除 的英文翻译,例句
全部清除 的英文翻译、例句


clear all · full-scale clearance · clear-all
更多网络例句与全部清除相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Initially the condo board agreed to get rid of the mould. They hired an environmental cleaning firm to remove it, but when the work got underway, the firm found far more mould than expected. Removing it all will cost a good deal of money, and the condo board is refusing to foot the full bill.


These apartments or condos can be fully fitted with furniture and all the trappings of a luxury apartment.


Fifty three cases of condyloma acuminatum on male urinary meatus were treated with 4 different methods.


In cases where the neurofibroma might cause paralysis or other life-threatening problems, a surgeon may try to remove part or all of it.


The Harbour Superintendency Administration may, as it thinks fit, notify the owners thereof to carry out salvage and clear the fairway within a specified time, or to arrange an immediate salvage to refloat or demolish the sunken vessel or object and to clear the fairway, with all responsibilities and expenses incurred borne by the owners concerned.


Treatment of spinal tuberculosis1methods between february 1998 and august 2000 , 12 patients with spinal tuberculosis were operated with anterior vertebrectomy , bone grafting and plating1 evaluation including bone fusionrate , correction of deformity and status of spinal lesion was carried out1results in an average of ten months ,spinal tuberculosis was completely cured and solid bone fusion had taken place in all 12 patients1 the time for bone fusion averaged 518 months and the average angle of correction of kyphosis was 16°1conclusions anterior plating following vertebrectomy and bone grafting offers a complete removal of lesion and decompression of the spinal canal as well as reconstruction of spinal stability1 early rehabilitation and an increased curative rate can be expected through this procedure1

目的 探讨经脊柱前路结核病灶清除的同时植骨内固定的可行性和必要性,以及对脊柱结核的治疗效果。方法1998 年2月~2000 年8 月采用脊柱前路病椎切除加植骨,并采用orion或z-plate 钢板进行椎体固定。共治疗12 例脊柱结核,观察植骨融合及矫正畸形情况和结核病灶愈合情况。结果经平均10 个月的随访,12 例患者脊柱结核均治愈,植骨与受骨区全部骨性融合,融合时间平均为518 个月,后凸矫正角度平均16°。全组病例切口均一期愈合。无手术并发症。结论本方法可经脊柱前路作较彻底的病灶清除,并较好地进行脊柱矫形和椎管减压,完成脊柱稳定性重建,有利于患者早期离床活动和脊柱结核治愈率的提高。

Every evening it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.


To succeed, you must clear all 10 galaxies.

为了成功,你必须全部清除 10 银河。

Asindicated by the formation of HOTA,the"OH"generated by the Fenton-type reactioncatalyzed by copper ion is different from that generated radiolytic,the former is ratherlocalized and therefore difficult to be scavenged by TA.


There is a divine right in Louis XVI., there is because a Bourbon in Louis Philippe; both represent in a certain measure the confiscation of right, and, in order to clear away universal insurrection, they must be combated; it must be done, France being always the one to begin.


更多网络解释与全部清除相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clear All:清除全部;清除所有的捕捉设置

Clear清除 | Clear All清除全部;清除所有的捕捉设置 | Clear All Smoothing Groups清除全部光滑组

Clear All:全部清除

clear 清洁 | clear all 全部清除 | clear area 清晰区

Clear All Bookmarks:清除全部书签

全部清除 clear all | 清除全部书签 clear all bookmarks | 全清命令 clear all command

Clear all fields:清除全部已定义

Mouse down right 鼠标右下方移动 | Clear all fields 清除全部已定义 | Import image 导入图片(用于自定义背景)

Delete All:全部删除

请用户按照以下步骤来观察BugDetective是如何查找并报告SQL注入(SQL injections)的:l 在Jtest面板中,单击红色全部删除(Delete All)图标以清除Jtest面板.

Ring of Permanency:永恒戒指 全部本方部队附着的妖术不被清除

Medal of Honor 荣誉勋章 本方全部部队士气 2 | Ring of Permanency 永恒戒指 全部本方部队附着的妖术不被清除 | Ring of Speed 速率戒指 全部本方部队战斗速率 2

Remove all:移除全部

要清除活动收集器中的参照,可在收集器中右键单击,然后在出现的快捷菜单中单击"移除"(Remove) 或"移除全部"(Remove All). 或者,在图形窗口中右键单击,然后在出现的快捷菜单中单击"清除"(Clear). 为便于在"链"(Chain) 对话框中确定参照的位置,

Remove all:(全部清除)

"Remove ","(消除) " | "Remove All ","(全部清 除) " | "Remove All ","(全部删除 )"


Underline 切换当前选中区的下划线显示与否. | Unlink 从当前选中区中删除全部超级链接. | Unselect 清除当前选中区的选中状态.

Medal of Honor:荣誉勋章 本方全部部队士气

Druid's Chain 德鲁伊锁链 英豪召唤技术增加一级,要是英豪不会召唤技术,则给于英豪基础召唤技术 | Medal of Honor 荣誉勋章 本方全部部队士气 2 | Ring of Permanency 永恒戒指 全部本方部队附着的妖术不被清除