英语人>词典>汉英 : 全部时间的 的英文翻译,例句
全部时间的 的英文翻译、例句


all-time · full-time
更多网络例句与全部时间的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, he has the tangible skills to be considered one of the all-time greats.


We like to think that we speak logically all the time, but we are aware that we sometimes use illogical means to persuade others of our point of view. In the heat of an impassioned argument, or when we are afraid our disputant has a stronger case, or when we don't quite have all the facts we'd like to have, we are prone to engage in faulty processes of reasoning, using arguments we hope will appear sound.


Constantly contemplate the whole of time and the whole of substance, and consider that all individual things as to substance are a grain of a fig, and as to time, the turning of a gimlet.


Results Some of the cases were followedup and the result shows that all the women with normal gland secretion cann't be pregnant,other women without normal gland secretion cannt't be pregnant,these slices of51cases who had been done with diagnostic uterine apoxesis in2~3days before menstruation had little degeneration,necrosis,hemorrhage.

目的 探讨不孕症妇女子宫内膜的临床病理诊断标准及最佳诊刮时间与次方法对347例常规妇科检查及配偶精液检查正常的不孕症妇女进行诊断性刮宫,将全部子宫内膜制成病理切片,HE染色后于显微镜下观察,比较不同诊刮时间的病理结果。

Observe all the patients ingested dosage, treatment time after poisoning, cholinesterase activity on admission and the mortality; Observe the survived patients' duration of the recovery of CHE activity, the time interval to achieve atropinization from admission, the cumulative dosages of atropine to achieve atropinization, the cumulative dosages of atropine in the hospital and the incidence of intermediate syndrome.


Elaborate retrofits have been made for these devices/systems and by now they can run in full automation, and consequently with satisfied adaptability when load varying from 0 to 500MW.


Bangkok airport shops in the whole country before security, it can not be easily shopping rush to buy some dried fruit went to security, everything goes smoothly, 8:30 check-in, 9:00 off the whole time, immediately after take-off watches will be allocated to move forward 1 hour, 14:00 Beijing time is not arrived at Shanghai Pudong Airport, the plane would quickly carry put on warm clothing, has returned to the winter, has returned to sweet home.

曼谷机场商店在全国安全之前,它不能轻易购物抢购一些干果到安全,一切顺利, 8:30登机, 9:00起飞的全部时间,立即起飞后手表将分配给前进1小时, 14:00 ,北京的时间并不抵达上海浦东国际机场,这架飞机将迅速进行穿上御寒衣物,又回到了冬天,又回到甜蜜的家。

There were altogether 15990 cases of reported infectious disease.The time from diagnose to report,from report to verify and from diagnose to verify are 40.4 hours,1.4 hours and 44.9 hours respectively.The time from diagnose to report takes up 89.98% of the whole time.There was no zero or failing report area and the re-report percentage was 0.01%.The incidence of infectious disease was 29.40% higher than the annual average rate of the previous 5 years.


A typical research or professional doctoral program would be expected to require the equivalent of three to four years of full-time work.


If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.


更多网络解释与全部时间的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Take my love all through the night:今晚你将拥有我全部的爱

And you know that I can't change my love 你知道我的爱永恒不变 | Take my love all through the night 今晚你将拥有我全部的爱 | As the hours pass away 时间一分一秒地流逝


all-the-year 一年到头的 | all-time 全部时间的 | all-timeunheard-of 前所未闻的

anterograde amnesia:顺行性遗忘

遗忘的发展总是由近事记忆逐渐发展到远事记忆.指部分或全部地不能回忆以往的经验.一段时间的全部经历的丧失称作完全性遗忘,仅仅是对部分经历或事件不能回忆称作部分性遗忘.顺行性遗忘(anterograde amnesia)即紧接着疾病发生以后一段时间的经历不能回忆,


直到近 代、现代,才有齐克果(Kierkegaard)、巴特(Barth)之「信心飞跃」(Leap of faith). . ...Is This the Whole Truth?... 的. 但科学家常常毫无顾忌地运用外推法,将现在局部的知识,无限外推( 向后或向前),认为在全部时间与全部事实中,

manufacturing cycle time:制造周期时间

只有将原料加工转变成产品所需的加工时间才是附加价值的时间,它也被称为制造周期时间(Manufacturing Cycle Time)或生产速率(Velocity). 交货周期时间与制造周期时间之间的关系,如图2.4-4所示. 作业的转移同时伴随着价值的转移,最终产品是全部作业的集合,


同质性、均一性(Homogeneity)就一种或多种特定性质而论,某一制品或物质的组成和结构相同. 最小致死量(MLD)在一定时间内使一定体重的试验动物全部死亡的最小毒素或毒菌 剂量. 嵌合抗体:指用人的恒定区取代小鼠的恒定区,保留鼠单抗的可变区序列,

To explain in due time:在适当的时间内解释

Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme 我把它记于脑海并设计了这节奏 | To explain in due time 在适当的时间内解释 | All I know 我所知道的全部

shooting match:全部的人

全部车辆/rolling stock | 全部的人/shooting match | 全部规定时间/full time


TUFF Pro型号:提供高级编程功能和下载功能,适用于大多数要求苛刻的职业和工业卫生应用.除提供Plus型号的全部功能外,还具有:时间加权平均(TWA)采样模式,2个 由用户定义的可定时器程序(9组开/关启停时间),以及内置数据记录功能,


fullthrottle 全油门 | fulltime 全部时间;专任的 | fulltime-migration 全时间偏移