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全体会员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
membership  ·  memberships

更多网络例句与全体会员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ulius Gardin, MD, chief of cardiology at St. John Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, who served as discussant for the paper during a late-breaking clinical trials plenary session, said the results were "remarkable, a landmark study."

ohn医院心脏科主任,同时也是这项试验於全体会员大会中担任讨论专家的Julius Gardin医师表示,这项研究结果是引人注目的,同时也是项指标性试验。

I commend your high sense of social responsibility and humanitarianism.


In the New Year membership will solidify, striving, level of job of chamber on a new step.


In the past many years, under the all member's effort, strongly support from social classes, under the help of the domestic and international friends, STA has done a good job for the members, the trademark protection etc. with all levels leadership that supports us, long-term cooperation with friends, I'd express the heartfelt with gratitude and esteems with member's friend of STA in the same storm-tossed boat.


Resubscribe Dear liufang1986120, This is to inform your Premium Membership on Chinese FriendFinder has expired.

再订购 亲爱的 liufang 1986120,这将告知,在中国 FriendFinder 上的你的高级全体会员已经期满。

T3 collects the curtain international the clothing companyis Famous international in the Asian and Pacific area main supplierand the producer, presently takes along international outstandingbrand T3 to march with all ones strength the Chinese market,companys management goal: Provides the high quality for the customerthe product, the first-class service, provides the security for allstaff member, comfortable working conditions, good salary welfare,management idea: Customer, quality, innovation, good faith, managementstrategy: Establishes has the modernized consciousness, firm willinnovates the management system, persisted creates the first-classbrand, develops the market for outside the core development goal, instresses the management the management strategy Has the leisure, thefashion, lofty, succinct, sprightly, the sex appeal also has the womantaste is the T3 brand style Honestly invites the professional whichfills with ideally, fills the fervor to ally altogether createsmagnificently!

如果你是个人会员,请登录后查看公司联系方式!如果你还不是个人会员,请注册个人会员!注册成功后登录即可查看公司联系方式!求职小提示:清晰简明的自我评价会俘虏招聘经理的心。T3汇幕国际服饰公司为Famous international在亚太地区的主要供应商和生产商,现携国际优秀品牌T3全力进军中国市场,公司的经营目标:为顾客提供高品质的产品,一流的服务,为全体职员提供安全,舒适的工作环境,良好的薪资福利,经营理念:顾客,品质,创新,诚信,经营策略:以建立具有现代化意识,锐意创新的管理体系,坚持创一流品牌,为核心的发展目标外拓市场,内抓管理的经营策略。具有休闲,时尚,高雅,简洁,明快,性感且具有女人味是T3的品牌风格。诚邀满怀理想、充满激情的专业人士加盟共创辉煌!

T3 collects the curtain international the clothing companyis Famous international in the Asian and Pacific area main supplierand the producer, presently takes along international outstandingbrand T3 to march with all ones strength the Chinese market,companys management goal: Provides the high quality for the customerthe product, the first-class service, provides the security for allstaff member, comfortable working conditions, good salary welfare,management idea: Customer, quality, innovation, good faith, managementstrategy: Establishes has the modernized consciousness, firm willinnovates the management system, persisted creates the first-classbrand, develops the market for outside the core development goal, instresses the management the management strategy Has the leisure, thefashion, lofty, succinct, sprightly, the sex appeal also has the womantaste is the T3 brand style Honestly invites the professional whichfills with ideally, fills the fervor to ally altogether createsmagnificently!

如果你是个人会员,请登录后查看公司联系方式!如果你还不是个人会员,请注册个人会员!注册成功后登录即可查看公司联系方式!求职小提示:接到面试通知,请核对公司信息,切勿求职心切,误中骗子的圈套。T3汇幕国际服饰公司为Famous international在亚太地区的主要供应商和生产商,现携国际优秀品牌T3全力进军中国市场,公司的经营目标:为顾客提供高品质的产品,一流的服务,为全体职员提供安全,舒适的工作环境,良好的薪资福利,经营理念:顾客,品质,创新,诚信,经营策略:以建立具有现代化意识,锐意创新的管理体系,坚持创一流品牌,为核心的发展目标外拓市场,内抓管理的经营策略。具有休闲,时尚,高雅,简洁,明快,性感且具有女人味是T3的品牌风格。诚邀满怀理想、充满激情的专业人士加盟共创辉煌!

T3 collects the curtain international the clothing companyis Famous international in the Asian and Pacific area main supplierand the producer, presently takes along international outstandingbrand T3 to march with all ones strength the Chinese market,companys management goal: Provides the high quality for the customerthe product, the first-class service, provides the security for allstaff member, comfortable working conditions, good salary welfare,management idea: Customer, quality, innovation, good faith, managementstrategy: Establishes has the modernized consciousness, firm willinnovates the management system, persisted creates the first-classbrand, develops the market for outside the core development goal, instresses the management the management strategy Has the leisure, thefashion, lofty, succinct, sprightly, the sex appeal also has the womantaste is the T3 brand style Honestly invites the professional whichfills with ideally, fills the fervor to ally altogether createsmagnificently!

如果你是个人会员,请登录后查看公司联系方式!如果你还不是个人会员,请注册个人会员!注册成功后登录即可查看公司联系方式!求职小提示:若通过了简历投递,公司可能会发邮件或打电话通知,敬请留意!T3汇幕国际服饰公司为Famous international在亚太地区的主要供应商和生产商,现携国际优秀品牌T3全力进军中国市场,公司的经营目标:为顾客提供高品质的产品,一流的服务,为全体职员提供安全,舒适的工作环境,良好的薪资福利,经营理念:顾客,品质,创新,诚信,经营策略:以建立具有现代化意识,锐意创新的管理体系,坚持创一流品牌,为核心的发展目标外拓市场,内抓管理的经营策略。具有休闲,时尚,高雅,简洁,明快,性感且具有女人味是T3的品牌风格。诚邀满怀理想、充满激情的专业人士加盟共创辉煌!

T3 collects the curtain international the clothing companyis Famous international in the Asian and Pacific area main supplierand the producer, presently takes along international outstandingbrand T3 to march with all ones strength the Chinese market,companys management goal: Provides the high quality for the customerthe product, the first-class service, provides the security for allstaff member, comfortable working conditions, good salary welfare,management idea: Customer, quality, innovation, good faith, managementstrategy: Establishes has the modernized consciousness, firm willinnovates the management system, persisted creates the first-classbrand, develops the market for outside the core development goal, instresses the management the management strategy Has the leisure, thefashion, lofty, succinct, sprightly, the sex appeal also has the womantaste is the T3 brand style Honestly invites the professional whichfills with ideally, fills the fervor to ally altogether createsmagnificently!

如果你是个人会员,请登录后查看公司联系方式!如果你还不是个人会员,请注册个人会员!注册成功后登录即可查看公司联系方式!求职小提示:及时更新联系方式,好机会才不会错过。T3汇幕国际服饰公司为Famous international在亚太地区的主要供应商和生产商,现携国际优秀品牌T3全力进军中国市场,公司的经营目标:为顾客提供高品质的产品,一流的服务,为全体职员提供安全,舒适的工作环境,良好的薪资福利,经营理念:顾客,品质,创新,诚信,经营策略:以建立具有现代化意识,锐意创新的管理体系,坚持创一流品牌,为核心的发展目标外拓市场,内抓管理的经营策略。具有休闲,时尚,高雅,简洁,明快,性感且具有女人味是T3的品牌风格。诚邀满怀理想、充满激情的专业人士加盟共创辉煌!

To establish our own Website of BARDE is always a dream of our previous terms of Chairman and Committee, we do believe it can make us more easy to communicate and exchange the information, and we do believe that BARDE can achieve more things through this Website


更多网络解释与全体会员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1988年 大卫.科波菲尔(David Copperfield) 颁发全台湾少儿魔术比赛冠军 (12岁)2003年 财团法人日本职业魔术协会全体会员票选为"年度最佳外国魔术师"(Magician of the Year)日本魔术协会世界魔术大赛FISM选考会优秀赏 世界魔术研讨会 "Wo

General meeting:会员大会

全体会员大会 (General Meeting) 乃本会之最高权力机构﹐由各会员学会代表组成﹐负责维护及修改会章﹐制定政策﹐推选主任委员及执行委员会委员﹐委任本会法律及核数顾问﹐审阅年报﹐以及监察会内一切主要活动.

Then came the Second World War:然后第二次世界大战来了

It is requested that all members be present at the party.^全体会员都被要求... | Then came the Second World War.^然后第二次世界大战来了. | Then along comes a rapidly moving cold front.^然后来了一股迅速...


行政委员会设主席 (President)、副主席 (Vice-President)、秘书 (Secretary)和 财政 (Treasurer)各一名,其他行政干事若干,其中主席和副主席必须从循由全体会员选举途径产生的委员中,再经行政委员会成员选举产生.


> (Yearbook)列出了全体会员名单以及对组织委员会的描述,与学会基本章程和规章制度共同构成了学会各组织人员必备的工作手册. 同时,年鉴也包含了对专职人员行为准则的陈述. >(Actuarial Review)是一本季度出版物,


如未能选出代表会主席或副主席时,干事会主席可委任会议召集人(Convenor)一人. #理事会设主席 (President)、副主席 (Vice-President)、秘书 (Secretary)和财政 (Treasurer)各一名,其他理事若干名,其中主席和副主席必须从由全体会员选举途径产生的名中,