英语人>词典>汉英 : 免除的 的英文翻译,例句
免除的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exempt  ·  immune  ·  exonerative  ·  exempted  ·  exempting  ·  exempts

更多网络例句与免除的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then, if they have joined themselves in full union with the said other cardinals, they shall immediately stand reintegrated, restored, rehabilitated and re-established in their former state, honours and dignities, even of the cardinalate, and in the churches and benefices which they had charge of or held, and shall stand absolved from the stain of simony and from any ecclesiastical censures and penalties.


We will dispense with that, and instead concentrate on the Points pattern that I came up with.


A lot of the provincial Chinese governments are active in Africa and they basically just want to grab the minerals and go, says Richard Dowden, director of the Royal Africa Society.


No one is exempt for these and there are no exceptions.


It's just hard to really get a handle on how much damage you are preventing.


America's tyre-makers, who have more or less given up making low-end tyres at home in favour of importing them (often from joint-ventures in guess where) declined to support the application for import "relief".


The issue was whether Kovacs' obligation under the injunction was a " debt " subject to discharge .


As for exalted and lettered persons, however, who should be honoured with greater benefices, it is possible for them to be dispensed by the apostolic see, when reason demands it.


Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise; politicians will philander; you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.


Meid Iran is now obviating the results of western sanctions by shifting its trade from 'west to east'.


更多网络解释与免除的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

exempt from:免除的,沒有義務的

with 與......合併 | exempt from 免除的,沒有義務的 | treatment 對待,處置,處理

immune to:免除的;可防止的

immorally 不道德的 | immune to 免除的;可防止的 | impacts 冲击;影响


9.general hospital 综合医院 | 10.immune 免除的;豁免的;免疫的 | 11.infection 感染


tranquilizer 镇静药 | immune 免疫的,免除的 | rehabilitation 复原,康复


lavish#浪费成性的 | relieved#免除的 | adverse#不利的


exoneration 释罪 | exonerative 免除的 | exonerative 免罪的


exoneration /释罪/免罪/免除/ | exonerative /释罪的/免罪的/免除的/ | exoparasite /外寄生物/

releasable:能释放的; 能转让的; 能免除的 (形)

relearn 再学习 (动) | releasable 能释放的; 能转让的; 能免除的 (形) | release on bail 保释 (动)


unabroken 完整的 | unabsolvable 不能免除的 | unabsorbable 不能被吸收的

Biggest bounty pardoned:免除的最大一笔赏金数额

Biggest bribe paid 贿赂的最大金额 | Biggest bounty pardoned 免除的最大一笔赏金数额 | Posses sent after you 派来追捕你的民防团的数量