英语人>词典>汉英 : 免疫者 的英文翻译,例句
免疫者 的英文翻译、例句


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Regulatory T cells can suppress a wide range of immune cells, making them an ideal candidate for the treatment of autoimmunity.


Objective To study on the change of humoral and cellular immune of HBV carriers.

目的 探讨HBV携带者细胞免疫和体液免疫功能的变化。

METHODS Radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry as well as morphometry were used to determine the amount of LN in serum and tissues of patients with and without metastasis of HCC.


The study concluded:(1)three-dose IM revaccination could keep protective antibody and more importantly immunologic memory for a long time and play an important role for prevention from HBV infection in non-responders, though its efficacy could not reach the level of primary vaccination in responders;(2)although low-dose ID revaccination could induce a high proportion of non-responders to respond to vaccine, its long-term efficacy was significantly poor compared with IM revaccination with the same number of injections.


One-time revaccination with PPSV: Recommended after 5 years for persons with chronic renal failure or nephrotic syndrome, functional or anatomic asplenia, or immunocompromising conditions, or for persons aged 65 years and older if they were vaccinated 5 or more years previously at younger than 65 years.


By regularly testing for HBV serological markers, assessing HBsAg-specific T lymphocyte response in vitro by the end of follow-up, and giving a booster dose and estimating anti-HBs anamnestic response thereafter, the study, for the first time, gave a comprehensive evaluation for five-year efficacy of a three-dose revaccination in non-responders based on persistence of anti-HBs, preservation of immunologic memory, and prevention from HBV infection, and in additon compared low-dose ID revaccination with routine-dose IM revaccination.


Result: Among these 252 cases , there are 162 boys and 90 girls, boys are obviously more than girls, and their age are between 3 months and 14 years old, which indicates that infant and children have a high incidence of measles disease, the majority are 5 to 9 months old under 1-year-old;They are mostly rural population or floating population, accounting for 79.37%; There are only 34 children who have been inoculated against measles, accounting for15.08%; and 206 children who have no inoculation history, accounting for 81.75%; There are 212 children who have contacted with some measles patients, account for 84.13%, and there are 76 patients who have see a doctor in hospital time after time and have been diagnosed as a measles sufferer, accounting for 30.16%; Most inpatients presented typical clinical manifestations of measles , and complications are mostly rubeola pneumonia.


Our hypothesis is that (1) many strains of rats simply cannot mount a sufficiently vigorous destructive immune-response to outstrip the liver ' s relatively great capacity to protect itself from immune-response damage and that (2) the systemic unresponsiveness observed is due to concentration of the recipient ' s donor-specific lymphocytes at the site of the liver transplant.


Results Labeling signal of SERT was mainly found in PACC of the cingulate gyrus in healthy controls.


In recent years, there has been a shift from the perception of dendritic cells solely as inducers of immune reactiity to the iew that these cells are crucial regulators of immunity, which includes their ability to induce and maintain tolerance.


更多网络解释与免疫者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

allottee:被分予者, 接受分配物者

allotted amount of payment | 支出分配数 | allottee | 被分予者, 接受分配物者 | allotype | 同种抗免疫球蛋白


king) 剔骨者(Boner) 子宫颈 衣原体疾病 包皮环切术 淋病 阴蒂 性交(Coitus) 阴虱 精液(有明显的射出) 舔阴 膀胱炎 深入喉咙 人造男性生殖器 "小狗式" "双层包装" 灌注 射精 性感地带 色情作品 性幻想 吮吸阴茎 性迷恋 冷感者 前戏 包皮 系带 生殖器疣 金色沐浴 G点 手交 疱疹 HIV--人类免疫缺陷病毒 处


理念(Concept) 癌症不会发生于免疫健全者;人体免疫功能低下是导致癌症发生或复发的重要原因;癌症患者免疫功能的恢复以及免疫制剂的应用可使残存的癌细胞处于"休眠"状态,而患者得以长期生存; 癌症是全身性疾病.




Evans blue [免疫]伊文思蓝 | Extortioner 敲诈者,勒索者 | advocatory 拥护者的, 有关拥护者的

HIV carriers:艾滋病带原者

艾滋病病,免疫缺损病 human iunodeficiency virus | 艾滋病带原者 HIV carriers | 艾滋病携带者 HIV patients


方法 应用酶联免疫吸附试验定量测定38例浆细胞增生性疾病患者[浆细胞白血病(PCL)患者4例,多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者24例,Waldenstrom巨球蛋白血症(WM)患者4例,6例意义未明单克隆免疫球蛋白血症(MGUS)患者]和健康体检者20例血清NDPK-A含量.


诺卡菌病(nocardiosis)是由诺卡菌感染所致的急慢性化脓性疾病. 多见于各种原因所致的机体免疫抑制状态下发生. 我们曾遇1例肺诺卡菌病系无明显免疫机能抑制者. 现报道如下.


日本的立花(Tachibana)等报告,健康的HTLV-1携带者迟发型超敏反应显著减弱,提示即使健康携带者也存在亚临床免疫抑制. 因此,在HTLV-1长期感染期间,免疫抑制的进展可能使胃部形成不适合幽门螺杆菌定殖的微环境,并使其逐步从胃内清除.


免疫预防 immunoprophylaxis | 免疫受损者 immunocompromised | 环跗库蚊 Culex tarsalis Coquillett, 1896