英语人>词典>汉英 : 克卡 的英文翻译,例句
克卡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
therm  ·  therms

gram calorie · gram-calorie
更多网络例句与克卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

U.S. former president of Chrysler Corporation has雅科卡on the management of the country than for the company's operations, the United States of America should consider as seriously as the company to plan.


Card gram calorie expresses, this kind of phenomenon often happens when parents or teacher are not attendant, come from the student of young force family or family of social ground floor, regular meeting lends machine ride roughshod over the classmate.


The Tlaxcalans' current leader, Maxixcatzin, gathers his armies together in preparation to fight back to secure more territory and liberate his people from the cruel overlordship of the Aztecs.


Short Stories reunites Suzie with long time band-mates Bazil Donovan on bass, Cam Giroux on drums, Bob Packwood on piano as well as the explosive talents of Luke Doucet, Justin Rutledge and Burke Carroll.


JERUSALEM - Rabbi David Kadouri, son of leading Kabbalah scholar Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri, offers his father's blessing for good health in their synagog on Wednesday.


JERUSALEM - Rabbi David Kadouri, son of leading Kabbalah scholar Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri, offers hisfathersblessing for good health in their synagog on Wednesday.


Although was beheads still in continues, dark arrival, but Iraqi card 布克 Ryan and the card raised the elegant between the love or to let us believe always had vanishes into thin air that one day, but this day-long arrival, surely also wanted this joint effort to the lover can realize, Iraqi card 布克 Ryan with own wisdom slowly in this field looked like in the incredible travel gradual untied hid behind the ancient story the family love and hate, simultaneously also used own love to let the tranquility which an out of control card raised elegantly changes, certainly finally or let the person dance with joy.


According to the article "The Re-birth of Kirk Cameron" in Christianity Today, Cameron admits he made some mistakes common to new believers — such as distancing themselves so far from the world that they do no good for anyone … In time, however, he realized his missteps.


In the meantime, eight people applied by telephone from Hakkari, Urfa, Kars, Izmir and Trabzon.


Photographer Wally Pacholka took an exotic picture of a "moonbow" at the edge of Haleakala Crater on the island of Maui in the Hawaii archipelago, the Guardian reported.


更多网络解释与克卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gram calorie:克卡

gram-centimeter 克厘米;克公分 | gram-calorie 克卡 | gram-atomic weight 克原子量

gram calorie:克卡, 小卡

gram 克 | gram calorie 克卡, 小卡 | gram weight 克重

Carson McCullers:卡尔森.麦克卡拉

托马斯.拉尼尔.威廉斯 Thomas Lanier Williams | 卡尔森.麦克卡拉Carson McCullers | 阿瑟.米勒 Arthur Miller

kirkcaldy stripe:克卡尔迪条子布

Kirkagatch cotton 柯卡加奇棉 | kirkcaldy stripe 克卡尔迪条子布 | Kirksite 卡克塞特锌合金

Koka Kola:克卡卡拉

12. Death or glory 死去或者光荣 | 13. Koka Kola 克卡卡拉 | 14. The card cheat 纸牌老千

Nick Cassavetes:[导 演]尼克.卡萨维茨

汤姆-克鲁斯与老婆凯蒂-赫尔姆斯(Katie Holmes)、导演柯蒂斯-汉森(Curtis Hanson)、导演尼克-卡萨维茨(Nick Cassavetes)现身观礼. 卡梅隆.迪亚兹 (Cameron Diaz) 从模特出身,一步步成为荧屏宠儿,作为现今好莱坞身价最高的女星,

Nick Cassavetes:尼克.卡萨维蒂

普莱斯 (Keith Samples)主 演:琼 丘萨克、格雷格 金内尔、唐纳德 莫法特、劳伦 霍利、吉尔 亨尼西、克里斯托弗 麦克唐纳、弗朗斯 努依安国 家:美国语 言:类...外文片名:She's So Lovely导 演:尼克 卡萨维蒂 (Nick Cassavetes)主 演:吉纳 罗兰


据毅联汇业(ICAPPLC)的一名经纪人介绍,8月24日当日交付的天然气价格下跌了13便士,或59%至每克卡(therm)9便士,即每百万英热单位1.49美元. 1克卡等于10万英热单位. 这是自2006年10月以来,英国天然气的最低价. 预计在未来几日内,

Derrick Caracter:德里克-卡莱卡特 路易斯维尔大学

Chase Budinger 蔡斯-巴丁格 亚利桑那大学 | Derrick Caracter 德里克-卡莱卡特 路易斯维尔大学 | DeMarre Carroll 德马尔-卡罗尔 密苏里大学

Frank Kafka:弗兰克.卡夫卡 著名捷克作家

Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫.康拉德 航海家、小说家 | Frank Kafka 弗兰克.卡夫卡 著名捷克作家 | Louis Armstrong 路易斯.阿姆斯特朗 爵士乐家