英语人>词典>汉英 : 光亮度 的英文翻译,例句
光亮度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For a particular region, in conformity with it's function, the period of time, it's indoor brightness and it's purpose of use, the intelligent lighting control system can automatize the lighting system with the integrated technologies of computer, communication and digital light regulation.


In TFT- LCD liquid crystal display , the backlight is main a light source , and its lightness distribution and size are mainly light guide plate to control .


The brightness is adjustable on five levels with six diodes: 25% and 100% brightness, a 1Wattdiode with 50% and 100% brightness, and six LED blinkers.


The brightness is adjustable on five levels with six diodes: 25% and 100% brightness, a 1Watt diode with 50% and 100% brightness, and six LED blinkers.


Has the scientist to do the experiment: When noise intensity when 90 decibels, in retina's rod cell difference radiance's sensitivity starts to drop, distinguishes the time which the weak light responded also to lengthen; When noise when 95 decibels, some 2/5 person mydriasis; When the noise amounts to 115 decibels, the eye reduces 20% to the radiance compatibility.


A procedure is in TFT-LCD liquid crystal display, cardinal lighting source ubiety for Backlight module, and its lightness to zonation with size.


When the viewpoint is changing quickly, the rendering algorithm ignores some details of the diffuse component, otherwise the scene is rendered more precisely. The Specula highlight is dependent of the viewpoint, it must be processed in real time. We present an algorithm to get rid of the area that does not contain specula highlight quickly and calculate only the area that contains the specula highlight. In order to calculate the specula reflection and refraction component, we presented a new raytracing algorithm based on the environment map transformation. The environment maps are constructed at the sample points of the scene in the preprocessing phase. We add depth information in the environment maps and generate the exact reflection and refraction intensity with the transformation of a few pixels.


In addition, in both rind and flesh of Ponkan madarin, red pigmenting was in accordance with yellow pigmenting, whereas in Newhall, they were contradicted.


In this text, we introduce our research of using silver nanostructures to enhance the detection of fluorescent molecules. Different shapes of nano structures were studied by the dark-field optical microscopy. Comparing with the triangular and rectangular structures, the rod-like structure has the best efficiency in the fluorescence enhancement.


Luminance 亮度 A measure of the brightness or luminous intensity of light, usually expressed in units of Candelas per square meter (cd/m2) or foot Lamberts.

有点亮度或者发光的强度在光中,通常在坎德拉每平方的单位表示米(cd/m 2)或者脚蓝伯特。

更多网络解释与光亮度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Blocq'seczema 脚癣 | Blondel 光亮度单位布朗德尔 | Blondel-Reylaw 布朗德耳-雷定律


"明亮度"(brightness)适用于加色法产生的色彩. "光亮度"(lightness)适用于减色法产生的色彩. 对色值的客观衡量叫亮度(Luminance). 一种色彩的色度(Chrominance)是指在不考虑明亮度的情况,色调和色饱和度这两种特性的结合.

point brilliance:光点亮度,光点耀度

point and click (用)指点 | point brilliance 光点亮度,光点耀度 | point charge 点电荷

dimmer control:减光控制,减光控制器,亮度调节

dimmer 调光器,光暗掣,光暗器,遮光器=>調光器 | dimmer control 减光控制,减光控制器,亮度调节 | dimmer glass 减光玻璃

disability glare:减能眩光

23 直接眩光(direct glare)视野内由于极高亮度或因光源遮蔽不足、或因高亮度反射所引起之眩光24 方向性照明(directional lighting)指于工作面或目标物上主要来自单一方向之照明25 减能眩光(disability glare)指减低视功能...

discomfort glare:不舒适眩光

眩光是一种视觉状态,它是由于视野内光照的亮度分布不恰当或亮度过强而引起的不舒适或视觉功能降低的现象,为不舒适眩光(discomfort glare)和失能眩光(disability glare).


13、眩 光 (glare) 视野内有亮度极高的物体过强烈的亮度对比,则可以造成视觉不舒适,称为眩光. 眩光非为失能性眩光和不舒适性眩光,眩光是影响质量的重要因素. 答:发光强度(光度,I)定义为:点光源在某一方向上的发光强度,

lightness constancy:亮度恆常性,在不同亮度的光線下,我們會把同樣的無色相色認為是一樣的顏色

Lightness:亮度. (略) | Lightness Constancy:亮度恆常性,在不同亮度的光線下,我們會把同樣的無色相色認為是一樣的顏色. | Reflectance:反射比,物體反射光線到我們眼睛的比例.

spectral radiance:[光]谱辐射亮度;[光]谱辐射率;辐射率谱

"光谱高温计","spectral pyrometer" | "[光]谱辐射亮度;[光]谱辐射率;辐射率谱","spectral radiance" | "[光]谱辐射亮度;[光]谱辐射率;辐射率谱","spectral radiance"

luminous exitance:光出射度

发光强度luminous intensity | 光出射度luminous exitance | 光亮度luminance of light