英语人>词典>汉英 : 先决条件 的英文翻译,例句
先决条件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
precondition  ·  prerequisite  ·  preconditioned  ·  preconditions

condition precedent · precedent condition
更多网络例句与先决条件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the 23rd of July 2010, will have as central theme the promotion and protection of human


I think in answering this above-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important.


In addition, we have passed the ISO9001:2000 international quality management system verification in 2005 as a precondition to access the international market.


Today the air-filled rubber tyre is one of the basic prerequisites for all road traffic.


So select a good place to install the proper use of air-pressure system is a prerequisite.


Having developed an understanding of basics, intellisuite is introduced in the context of mems cad with the aim of using it in the design and simulation of a simple mems device which will be subsequently fabricated using the clean room facility ie mask aligner, electron beam lithography, wet bench for chemical etching, sputtering etc.

制订了一项谅解的基础, intellisuite介绍了在微机电系统计算机辅助设计的目的是利用它在设计和模拟一个简单的mems器件将在随后采用清洁房间设施即遮罩同步,电子束光刻,湿法化学腐蚀板凳,溅射等先决条件:英国104 , 103太太,太太, 221 , 231太太,太太312 。

The estimation of rotation angle is the precondition for ISAR imaging.


In the process of osseo-integration, cellular attachment to the material is the premise for cellular vital activity, such as proliferation, differentiation and apposite et al.


Risk is traditionally defined by means of indeterminism: Some events that occur are not the only possible outcomes of their antecedent conditions.


I believe that Young China is capable of fulfilling these requisites, spurred on by patriotism; but it is important to realize that they are requisites, and that, without them, any system of State Socialism must fail.


更多网络解释与先决条件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage:和谐与否是婚姻成功的先决条件

work wonders创造奇迹 | Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.和谐与否是婚姻成功的先决条件 | The comeputer is in very good condition.这台电脑的情况良好.

Condition precedent:先决条件

因附条件行为的条件可以是生效或成立条件,也可以是失效或解除条件,亦即先决条件(condition precedent)或后决条件(condition subsequent). 这里必须指出,我们一再表明过,此后仍将继续表明:立法文字未能曲尽立法原意时,

precedent condition:先决条件

先进水平 advanced level | 先决条件 precedent condition | 先决条件,前提 precondition

precedent condition; prerequisite:先决条件

下文另有规定者除外 except as hereinafter provided | 先决条件 precedent condition; prerequisite | 现实主义法学 realism jurisprudence

Precondition Failed:先决条件失败

10.4.13 412 先决条件失败 (Precondition Failed) 在一个或多个请求头域里指定的先决条件当在服务器上测试为 false 时返回的响应. 此响应允许 客户端把先决条件放放到当前资源的元信息(头域数据)之上,这样能防止请求方法被应用于 一个非目的性的资源.


screen study course 屏幕研究课程 | pre-requisite 先决条件 | course coordinator 课程协调员

conditions precedent:先决条件

及责任 第一项主办银行在国际辛迪加贷款程序中的角色 第二项法律责任 第二节代理银行之法律责任 第一项默示义务 第二项明示义务与责任: 第四章国际辛迪加贷款契约 第一节成立与生效 第一项先决条件(conditions precedent)及其法律性质 第二


DBC对类的要求类的方法声明为先决条件(precondition)和后续条件(postcondition). 为了让方法得以执行,先决条件必须为真. 完成后,方法保证后续条件为真. DBC对派生类的要求当重新定义派生类中的例行程序时,我们只能用更弱的先决条件和更强的后续条件替换之.


同时,Barcelona把"(为隐喻)提供理据"(motivate metaphor)理解为"作为(隐喻的)概念的先决条件(prerequisite)". 因此,在大多数语义延伸中,以转喻和提喻(synecdoche)为基础的延伸先于隐喻为基础的延伸.

attendance prerequisite:出席先决条件

Attendance Overview 出席概览 | attendance prerequisite 出席先决条件 | attendance prerequisites 出席先决条件