英语人>词典>汉英 : 像鲨鱼的 的英文翻译,例句
像鲨鱼的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与像鲨鱼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If your equity is your life, amarket can snap it with a single shark bite, a disastrous loss that


If your equity is your life, a market can snap it with a single shark bite, a disastrous loss that effectively takes you out of the game.


They were shaped like a man's fingers when they are crisped like claws.


As those epicontinental seas drained, animals such as mosasaurs and giant sharks went extinct, and conditions on the marine shelves where life exhibited its greatest diversity in the form of things like clams and snails changed as well.


Three "jellyfish" hopped around, and one small sharkish fish circled the area.


This serpentine specimen may look like a large eel, but its six slitlike gills help mark it as a cousin of the great white, the hammerhead, and other sharks.


Here the fiends prowled, the tanar'ri bathed in the blood of theirvictims, and the yugolotjhs capered with gleeful intensity.


Its bucket opened, revealing all its teeth; now, more than a crab's claw, it resembled a shark's mouth.


Without such a cushion, the individual whose sole livelihood is trading lives a very precarious life, like a barracuda in shark-infested waters.


Or at least I did; when Edward was in the water, the porpoises disappeared as if a shark was near.


更多网络解释与像鲨鱼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


角鲨鱼是几种小鲨鱼的统称,它们像狗一样以群体方式猎捕,得英文"狗鱼(Dogfish)" 之称. 角鲨鱼在生活在沿岸的水域. 白斑角鲨(spiny dogfish)或者角鲨(grayfish)体内含有丰富的维生素肝油,它们也因此而被人类捕捞.

natural enemy:敌

天敌(Natural Enemy)→ 可能无 食性(Diet)→ 肉食 典型体长(Length)→ 长8-10米 推测体重(Mass)→ ... 简介(Brief Introduction) 邓氏鱼看起来像是凶暴的猛兽:强有力的体格加上包裹着甲板的头部. 它的体型呈流线型,有点像鲨鱼.

Shar Pei:沙皮犬

沙皮犬(Shar Pei)名称来自其强韧的被毛,"沙皮"中国语为鲨鱼皮或沙纸的意思. 是世界上最珍贵之犬种之一. 皮皱而下垂,性情愉快且温和,一点也不像"中国的斗犬". 与其它狗的决斗时,常常取得胜处,因为此犬有不容易被咬破的宽松皮肤.

this dolphin comes out of right field:一条海豚一跃而出

it's like in a glass case in a wall--|像是从墙上的玻璃柜里 | this dolphin comes out of right field|一条海豚一跃而出 | and T-bones this shark|开始从侧面攻击鲨鱼


多数水果也都含有叶酸. ☆含汞的鱼类:汞无论对男性和女性的生育功能均会造成伤害. 避免吃进含汞量最高的鱼类,像是箭鱼(swordfish),鲭鱼(king mackerel),方头鱼(又名马头鱼)(tilefish),金枪鱼排(又名鲔鱼排)(tuna steak)和鲨鱼.


随后软骨开始硬化 ,每段脊椎(vertebrae)也开始愈合,神经管被脊椎包裹,脊索被分开,形成脊索小球,像一串念珠,夹于脊椎中. 鲨鱼体内的脊椎就是这样,头部还残留有软骨和没封闭完全的骨,脊椎简单愈合. 1) 脊索小球刚好镶入两侧的脊椎中央,


静静的往下飘;海平面在加勒比海的暖风撩拨之下,卷起了层层的浪花,阳光由海面洒落,金光闪闪!此时远方一只鲸鲨(whale shark)张开嘴缓慢的往上方游来,就像一只会飞的大鲨鱼,吞下了空中漫天飞舞的樱花,然后慢慢的朝远方离去.

Like packs of sharks, they're on the prowl for sleeping cichlids:它们像是一群鲨鱼,一边游一边寻找熟睡中的慈鲷

After dark, predatory dolphin fish emerge from the... | Like packs of sharks, they're on the prowl for sleeping cichlids.|它们像是一群鲨鱼,一边游一边寻找熟睡中的慈鲷 | In the darkness, these electric f...