英语人>词典>汉英 : 偷看到 的英文翻译,例句
偷看到 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oversee  ·  overseeing  ·  oversees

更多网络例句与偷看到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When he passed the back of the street , he saw the thief stealing some money from the bank .

当他后街时,看到小偷正从银行偷钱。应注意的几个问题:应注意的几个问题: 1。

A bucketful of 1: Groundhog Day pie" you will see they are the elite of the elite, the king of thieves.


I caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.


The farmer got up early to catch the culprit "and to his disbelief found that it was his calf which came out from the cow shed and was eating the chickens alive," Debjyoti Chatterjee, a local resident who filmed the calf eating a chicken, said Thursday.

这名农夫早早地起来,想要抓住偷鸡的罪犯,结果令他难以置信的是:他看到他的牛犊从牛棚里出来,正在吃着一只活鸡。当地一位名叫Debjyoti Chatterjee的居民拍下了牛犊吃鸡的场景,并于星期三这样说道。

Current, can see in many forum the netizen is in ground of like a raging fire the problem stealing food of eristic and happy net.


But when he saw a kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.


But when he saw the kid trying to steal his new car, he really go haywire.


But when he saw this kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.


When he saw this kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.


I need you now i'll do anything you ask, just give me a chance help you with your homewk, even carry your school books i won't even call you a thief, even though its my heart that you took don't matter to me, what my friends say i just say took, maybe i don't know what true love is but i've never felt like this,"hi im rew chou" just gotta get past this let you know i exist, then you'll see, that god put you on this earth, just f me...


更多网络解释与偷看到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


船上有一把灭音枪及一只匕首,目的要到地图上黄点的另外一艘船(ship)上偷飞机,接近之后要下水游过去船的后门,这样才能避免被警卫看到,接著要偷一架军用喷射机(),要先去控制室(control room)关掉SAM sites,尽量不要惊动警卫(guards).

minimum quantity:最低数量

我宁愿浪费也不愿意看到有人民因为付不起水费而被逼去干些"偷水"的违背良心和违法的勾当. 一个政府,如果不提供完全免费的食水,也应该提供一个合理的最低数量(minimum quantity)水量给它的人民. 让人民真正的享有生存的最基本条件.

Having your purse stolen, random public urination:皮包被偷 不小心看到别人随地大小便

there are several unpleasant things one will inevita... | Having your purse stolen, random public urination...|皮包被偷 不小心看到别人随地大小便 | and seeing a gay friend's boyfriend in a Broadway revu...


她说她的"香味"(scent)被人偷了,让你找回来. [阵营]要报酬是邪恶的. 现在去下一间,找Nenny Nine-Eyes (x 300 y 950). 她看到你吓了一跳,但她好心的想帮你,让她触摸你的伤痕,可以为你治疗1 HP. 人如其名,Nenny简直就有九只眼睛.

petty theft:小偷小摸

针对偷报行为,阿罕布拉市警察局的警官司兰南更(Slanagan)指出,无论报纸的价值是多少,此类行为都属於小偷小摸(petty theft)的轻罪. 倘若受害人看到是谁偷报纸,报警并诉诸法律的话,一旦被定罪,将可导致远超过报纸本身价值的罚款.


罗秀慧曾是成龙旗下唯一的女制片,黄岳泰才刚到好莱坞为>(Ultraviolet)掌镜. 虽然两人都是幕后工作者,但因两人在电影圈的高知名度,引起震撼. 记者认为,黄岳泰看到这组偷拍照的第一反应,应该不是担心外遇曝光怎么办,

Why are you smirking:你偷笑什么

No dyspnea, no weight loss.|未见呼吸困难或体重减轻 | Why are you smirking?|你偷笑什么? | Never thought I'see the day you were taking orders from cameron.|想不到 我能活着看到 你给Cameron打工的一天


在这个所谓的"第四部"中我看到了曾被无数次搬上银屏的偷养孽种又为救它而奔波忙碌的"感人"场面,也让我联想起了诸如<<养鬼吃人>>(hellraiser)、<<异形>>(Alien)、<<乌鸦>>(The Crow)之类从第三集开始一部接一部地"堕落"下去的电影系列.