英语人>词典>汉英 : 偶然论 的英文翻译,例句
偶然论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Biological anthropology, of evolutionism--bionomics and the anthropology on zoology determined by either religion or human nature; another category is the anthropology on indeterminism, including the anthropology on fortuitism and statistics .they all come out with some part of the truth on human issue which they have seen, and at least they reveal some actually existent facts in human's birth, existence and development, so they all hold their own opinion and do not come to terms.


Therefore,his historical philosophy is reflected in the following:1/historical fortuity and agnosticism dominated by individual situation and unconsciousness;2/historical determinism decided by cultural structure and collective unconsciousness;and 3/hist...


The theory called occasionalism simply concedes that the "local" counterfactual dependence of the behavior of a physical system on a non-physical event requires a miracle.


Like occasionalism, it presupposes theism, and, unlike occasionalism, it entails either that free will does not exist or that free will is compatible with determinism. The theory called epiphenomenalism simply denies that the metal can affect the physical, and contents itself with an explanation of why the mental appears to affect the physical.


However, as an intelligent trend, positivism was seeded in seventieth century European thought and spread over in eightieth century as forming a seemingly conflict between rationalism and empiricism, under which concealed deeply agreements that distinguished between contingent knowledge of the world and necessary knowledge of the eternal.


The oddness of epiphenomenalism is exacerbated by the fact that the relationship between consciousness and reports about consciousness seems to be something of a lucky coincidence, on the epiphenomenalist view.


Like occasionalism, it presupposes theism, and, unlike occasionalism, it entails either that free will does not exist or that free will is compatible with determinism. The theory called epiphenomenalism simply denies that the metal can affect the physical, and contents itself with an explanation of why the mental appears to affect the physical.


In the point of view of Chinese aesthetics, contingency is defined as a way of thinking in which the subjects in artistic creation have theaesthetic image suddenly and not intendedly, which is led by the changes of outside world and arouses emotion and creative impulse of the subjects.


I think a lot of the most crazed conspiracy theorists still think we are going to stumble across Jupiter 2.0 in the Kuiper belt.

绝对,我认为某些疯狂的阴谋论理论家认为我们将在kuiper belt中偶然发现一颗木星2.0

更多网络解释与偶然论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Adventism 耶稣复临论 | Adventist 耶稣复临论者 | adventitious 偶然的


由此观之,两岸关系发展由於演变分支(Bifurcation)的增加而愈趋复杂. 最新的浑沌论(Chaos)告知,如果一个问题的变化分支(即变化的可能性)由一而二,由二而四等等,最终将失去对变化的预言能力,说得通俗一点,叫做未来受偶然因素强烈支配,

creations contingentes:偶然创造论

"couplages"配对,配合51 | creations contingentes 偶然创造论52 | - circuit 控制论回路44


fortress 堡垒 | fortuitism 偶然论 | fortuitist 偶然论


华琛教授认为,通过食物这个"透镜"(lens),几乎可以观照社会和文化特征及其变迁的所有方面. 以食物和饮食文化作为社会科学研究对象的专著也有不少;而且多年来这一研究领域中的文化唯物论(culturalmaterialism)与历史偶然论(accidentsofhistory,

acclamation of the scriptural teaching:显扬圣教

accidentalism 偶然论 | acclamation of the scriptural teaching 显扬圣教 | accompanied 俱行


accidental variation 偶然变异 | accidentalism 偶然论 | acclimation to heat and cold 身体对冷热的适应

accidentalism:偶然, 无意

accidental whorl | 杂形斗 | accidentalism | 偶然, 无意 | accidentalist | 偶然论偶然论

accidentalist:偶然论者 偶然论的

accidentalism | 偶然, 无意 | accidentalist | 偶然论偶然论的 | accidentally | 偶然地, 意外地


fortuitism 偶然论 | fortuitist 偶然论者 | fortuitous 偶然的