英语人>词典>汉英 : 停车的 的英文翻译,例句
停车的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与停车的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A lay-by is a space at the side of a main road,where drivers can pull up ifthey want a rest.


I forget to put money in the parking meter when I parked my car.


In what other language do people drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?


Part one analyses the background of the parking problem. From the general view of our country's parking to the situation in our campus, it mainly expatiates the facts of the parking problems in SCUT and also construes the vehicle's develop trend in the campus.


RACE PIT STOP \ 停车方便 Riders urinated during the 17th stage of the Tour of Spain race between Ciudad Real and Talavera de la Reina Wednesday.


The results of simulation show that three-winding single-phase capacitance motors with wye-connected drive ventilated machine load can proceed to AC braking to realize fast stopping. The capacitance number of changes can regulate system braking stopping time. When capacitance is certain, can establish the resistance to limit the electric current and electromagnetical torque in stator circuit during the braking process, regulating braking stopping time.


After, we realised that she had never put the hand brake on and that we had rolled down my drive, blocking my dad who was patiently waiting to pull in. FML


When you park at the metre, you must put a coin in the slot.


However, while a great number of penalties can , no doubt . plausibly be treated as retroactive license fees , this is hardly true of all of them . It is certainly not true . for example , of most demotions , firings , and flunkings , that they are'prices'paid for some already consumed benefit ; and even parking fines are sanctions for rules "meant to be taken seriously as ... standard of behavior ," [5][5]and thus are more than mere public parking fees .


Results:①The deadly traffic accidents were 280 cases (24.0%) in 1168 accidents;② The front five reasons of deadly traffic accident were foot passenger peccancy on the road , fatigue drive , overspeed run , other cars peccancy on the road , peccancy parking;③ The front four accident style of deadly traffic accident were bump f...

结果 :① 1168起交通事故中,致死性交通事故 2 80起( 2 4.0 %);②致死性交通事故前五位的原因为行人违章上路、疲劳驾驶、超速行驶、其他车辆违章上路、违章停车;③致死性交通事故前四位事故类型为追尾、撞停止车辆、撞行人、撞固定物;④路内停车的原因,以车辆的机械故障最为常见,占 75 。0 %;⑤高速公路内发生机械故障的车辆,有 62 。0 %的原因与超速、超载相关。

更多网络解释与停车的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

urban clearway:城市交通高峰时禁止停车的道路

城市高速铁路交通/rapid transit | 城市交通高峰时禁止停车的道路/urban clearway | 程序法/adjective law

Jot Log:这个程序允许你在PDA上随意的涂写/绘画

6.Lucky Draw - 这个程序可以根据分析生成一些随机的号码,有助中奖 | 7.Jot Log - 这个程序允许你在PDA上随意的涂写/绘画 | 8.Parking Lot - 这个程序可以帮助你记住停车的位置

Jot Log:这个程序答应你在PDA上随意的涂写/绘画

6.Lucky Draw - 这个程序可以根据分析生成一些随机的号码,有助中奖 | 7.Jot Log - 这个程序答应你在PDA上随意的涂写/绘画 | 8.Parking Lot - 这个程序可以帮助你记住停车的位置

lay by:路旁停车处

附属法例E)附表7第1段所指明的许可地区内供出租或载客之用的的士; (2001第86号法律公告)"路钉"(stud) 指在车路上的标记或设备,而不论是否突出于路面的;"路旁停车处"(lay by) 指在路旁拟供任何车辆停车之用的范围,

Parallel parking:平行停车

相较于女性,男性的平行停车(parallel parking)能力高出5%,在直接驶入车位与倒车方面的表现也较好. 研究指出,男性停车技术较女性高超,是因为他们的协调性与空间感知(spatial awareness)较好,因此大脑能更快地处理汽车位置与速度变化的信息.

parking space:停车的地方

block v.阻塞 | parking space停车的地方 | watch out for留意security n.安全

valet parking:代客停车

g)除了汽车旅馆,一般酒店提供代客停车(valet parking)或自助停车,代客停车的只要把钥匙交给服务生领取你的停车票,剩下的你就不用管了,出门时出示车票就会帮忙把车开出来给你(要付小费);自助停车进入停车场时拿到车票,check-in的时候交给前台,

valet parking:待客停车

拉斯维加斯各大酒店停车都免费,您要是怕麻烦也可以找酒店大堂前面的待客停车(Valet Parking),虽然也是免费的,但习惯上要给小弟2美元小费. 美国超市的水果相比中国的进口水果便宜不少,有的甚至比中国国内产的水果还便宜.


checkstand | 验货台 | checkstring | (要驾驶员停车的)号铃索 | checksummat | 求校验和

