英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏僻地区 的英文翻译,例句
偏僻地区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
backland  ·  boondocks  ·  hinterland

remote region · tall timber
更多网络例句与偏僻地区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper provides an advanced technology of remote data acquisition. It uses intimate wireless data transmission technology and GPRS data transmission technology in automation control system. In this way, the agility of system is improved. And it solves the problem of using automation technology in ocean, dynamic object, backland etc. This paper introduces the design for the system.


Moving to the boondocks isn't a practical solution for most graduates, however.


I have friends who are moving from the center of Portland to the boondocks of Portland so they can afford for one of them to take be a stay-at-home parent.


I am particularly thinking of those of your boys in the far-flung, out-of-the-way stations and areas where life is attended by dreary drabness—this because their duty is not one of spectacular performance and they are not buoyed up by excitement of battle.


Or will the petty officer at the pharmacy humiliate them about their inability to pay for the medicines to take home for follow-up treatment?


The Columbia Encyclopedia claims that in isolated areas of Phrygia, where it continued to the 7th cent.

"哥伦比亚百科全书声称,"在偏僻地区的phrygia ,在那里继续第七届一分钱。

It also had an air conditioning system installed, as production designer J. Michael Riva had learnt that remote caves are actually very cold.


The Japanese government has been always attaching due importance to the educational development in remote areas and consider the vitalization of education in these areas as an important state policy.


Mr da Silva's own life story—the seventh child of a dirt-poor family from the north-eastern backlands who rose to become a trade-union leader—entitled him to assume the moral leadership of a new, democratic Latin American left, one that seemed to have freed itself from the past attachment to an all-powerful state.


The Family that controlled upper New York State, that arranged smuggling of Italian immigrants from Canada, all upstate gambling and exercised veto power on state licensing of racing tracks, was headed by Ottilio Cuneo.


更多网络解释与偏僻地区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back street:偏僻街道

偏僻地区/tall timber | 偏僻街道/back street | 偏题/trick question


backup 备份的 | backveld 乡村地区 | backvelder 偏僻乡村


Backus normal form | 巴科斯范式 | backveld | (南非)偏僻闭塞的乡村地区 | backvelder | (南非)偏僻闭塞的乡村地区

backwoods:未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

backwood | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoods | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoodsman | 住在边远地区的人


boomtown 新兴都市 | boondocks 偏僻地区 | boondocks 森林地带

boondocks:森林地带, 偏僻地区,荒野

boondockers | 野战军靴野地用的短靴 | boondocks | 森林地带, 偏僻地区,荒野 | boondoggle | 做细小而无用的事 细小而无用的事, 手工品


boomtown /新兴都市/ | boondocks /森林地带/偏僻地区/ | boondoggle /做细小而无用的事/细小而无用的事/手工品/

downstate:州的偏僻地区的 (形)

downstairs 在楼下; 往楼下 (副) | downstate 州的偏僻地区的 (形) | downstream 下游地 (副)


backveld 乡村地区 | backvelder 偏僻乡村 | backward compatibility 向后兼容


backveld | (南非)偏僻闭塞的乡村地区 | backvelder | (南非)偏僻闭塞的乡村地区 | backwall photovoltaic effect | 后膜光电效应